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Nameless slave. Vitaly Zykov

The world of Thorn, bathed in sunshine and enchantment, sways in the hands of the universe. His children, created to live in love and help each other, elves and gnomes, begin to fight for supremacy, not wanting to remain within their domains. People and magicians fight without lowering their weapons. There are too many shaky alliances and betrayals for one small dimension, saturated with magic and glowing with secrets.

On the site you can download for free "Nameless slave» in fb2, epub, pdf, txt, doc and rtf –Vitaly Zykova

Vitaly Zykov creates in his work “The Nameless Slave” a picture of an ideal and bewitching world, which, upon closer examination, turns out to be a hive of bloody battles and clashes. He opens the doors for us and hospitably pushes us in the back, not allowing us to escape, because the peaceful atmosphere of the dimension, where there is no place for technology and the progress we are accustomed to, is close up covered in the shadow of darkness and hostility. Blood and metal, fire and magic, dragons and elves - this is exactly the world the main characters will find themselves in.

But the day began quite normally. There were no signs of trouble, maybe the weather could have been better, but this is hardly in the power of mere mortals. Five friends got into a minibus, the most ordinary and unremarkable one, and drove along a broken asphalt road. Before they even had time to look out the window, something grabbed the bus and dragged it away from our world towards the unknown. What can you do when you find yourself in an unfamiliar place? At first, the guys stayed together, but very soon their paths would diverge, because each had their own destiny.

Valentin Zykov did not create selected and special characters, whose one appearance would change the entire world order. He only gave them a chance to use the abilities and lucky chances that came their way. This makes his main characters - Oleg and Yaroslav - no less earthlings than before, because it is not so easy to change the essence of a person. One of them is destined to become a True Magician and will learn power in the best educational institution; from now on, it is written on his destiny to do important things and revel in power. Another will become a slave, deprived of will and name, forever doomed to the attraction of such an existence.

"The Nameless Slave" is full of dynamics and movement. This work does not make you bored, because during the journey the main characters will have to face many obstacles and learn to fight for their lives. Until the very end you still don’t know who exactly will become a slave and what awaits him? Will he be able to free himself and at what cost? The author leaves the most interesting things for the continuation of the “The Road Home” series, which this book begins.

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If you love stories about misfits and magical worlds, elves, gnomes and dragons, then this book will definitely suit you! Don't miss Vitaly Zykov's exciting work “The Nameless Slave”!

DOWNLOAD THE BOOK “The Nameless Slave” for FREE

Added 05/12/2017

Genre: Action fantasy

Year of publication: 2010

Series: The Road Home

Rating: 0.0

Reviews in Pilot: no reviews


The world of Thorn is old, very old! Under the merciless wind of time, civilizations disappeared, great races fell into the abyss... New peoples established their order with magic and sword. Balance has been established.
During this period, several earthlings end up on Thorn against their will. And the scales began to shake, followers of forgotten cults stirred, those dissatisfied with the authorities rose up, the words of ancient prophecies began to sound, and the special services started a new game... Above all this are puppeteers, indifferent to the fate of a handful of people expelled from their world, and now it depends only on the earthlings themselves, how life will be here. So one of them chooses the path of a magician, and the second awaits the path of a slave, which, in spite of everything, leads to freedom!

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The plot of The Nameless Slave takes a running start to the new world, and that’s a good thing. Why waste time describing the reality from which the glorious people were kidnapped, if once they find themselves in a new one, they won’t even remember about their former home. A couple of times, of course, a crazy thought about Earth will pop into your head, but, frightened by your own impudence, you quickly retreat. Yes, Oleg, one of the forced migrants to another world, will one day use the combat skills acquired in his “past life”, when he works as a watchman while studying magic externally. But Yaroslav, or simply Yarik, will start completely from scratch. Although a fragment of his life before “getting where he should” will be forcibly inserted into the plot. And it is completely unjustified. There will be complaints about the family that left for America and ranting about the betrayal of the homeland. There will be a minibus ride with an unscheduled stop, after which the five survivors will find themselves in the world of Thorne. And everything that happened before the meeting with the dragon will be forgotten easily and naturally. There is a variety of people who get a new body in the new world - with knowledge of the language, information about the world and the necessary skills. And in this book there is some particularly tricky case. It feels like someone local has taken over Yarik’s body. Because there are no signs of a technical university teacher in Tornovo Yaroslav. Moreover, it moves in more than once. Because Yarik, rapidly pumping up the powers he suddenly acquired, wandering through the forests, studying with Hissing, kidnapping goblin shamans and warriors, is one person. Powerful, lucky and rapidly progressing. Yarik, who completely foolishly fell into slavery, regularly and dutifully fulfills his duties and only shrugs his shoulders when he is pushed around by his master, is a different person. A slightly cocky, but obedient boy. And Yarik, who escaped like Kolobok from the magicians and from elven captivity, is generally something incomprehensible and completely new. Moreover, the transition is abrupt and rather unexpected each time. Because it is not justified by anything. But what am I talking about? What logic is there in a book in which the main thing is adventure. There are absolutely no complaints about the entertainment component of the novel, which is quite significant. The fight scenes are perhaps the best part of the book. Laconic, understandable and moderately exciting. Unless it's an epic battle shown in the square on a holiday. Here you can fall asleep. And small brawls perfectly fuel interest in the novel, without igniting a bright flame, but also without letting it completely fade away. The only time I even began to worry about a character in the novel was during the fight. When the owner of Yarik was attacked by the mercenaries of the gray priest of King Ferdinand. The fauna of Thorn periodically attracted attention. The buzz was especially successful. A cute animal, a loyal friend and the main bonus acquired by Yarik in the new world. It’s impossible to count how many hopeless situations Rual has rescued his master from. The fact that the Nameless Slave has a continuation and more than one is thanks to the buzz. Political intrigues also arouse some interest. Involving interesting secondary characters in the plot. The same gray priest, nomad Darg, magician Airung. Thorne's world is quite detailed. The book is a real gift for an illustrator - everything is described in such detail. Sometimes even too detailed. Only the design drawing can be more detailed. Continents, races, history - everything is there. The flora needs more specifics. And not enough attention has been paid to religion, although one cannot say that it has been completely forgotten. From time to time, characters wish for a certain Kali to be the mother-in-law of individuals who have annoyed them. Well, the best airtime is distributed unevenly between the participants. The main star of the season is Yarik. Oleg grabbed a small and non-event storyline for himself. While Yaroslav was leveling up his skills in Zaar’kh’dor, Oleg lay in a wicker hammock and lazily sipped beer. While Yarik, who had fallen into slavery, served his master, cut off from the source of his magical power, Oleg basked in the coolness of the garden and thought about how good it was to be a magician. While the obedient slave was leaving dotted traces on the world map, Oleg was taking exams - what a test! Why Oleg was needed in the first book of the series is not clear, there is so little important connected with him. Except that it served as a calendar. Even more incomprehensible is the role of the three girls who sank into oblivion immediately as soon as they were captured by magicians and brought to the island of Nold. Apparently, they were needed so that the minibus would not be driven empty. If we take separately the domestic fantasy about people who get caught, then The Nameless Slave is quite good. The author's imagination is good, and his style... This is the normal style of a techie. I didn’t worry about the construction of phrases, everything was clear. The descriptions could have been shortened, but this is the author’s muse – restless.

The minibus is kidnapped, don’t understand, into another world. It turns out that it is the dragon, not the demon, who is causing mischief. And now we have the brave five. But the girls didn’t turn us into heroes, where should they, they need to be married. There are two guys left - Oleg and Yaroslav. Oleg is cardboard, but he didn’t get much from the author. But Yaroslav endures horror, humiliation and pain throughout the book. Although both of them lost their magic. I couldn’t guess right away who would be the magician and who would be the slave. I read for a very long time, and very often I wanted to quit. I don’t particularly like stories about strangers, preferring the original world with its original inhabitants. But that’s not the reason. Perhaps the most compelling is the storytelling style. The author has stretched out everything that is possible and not possible, if only it were written in an exciting way, but no. Very tongue-tied, not exciting. There is a lot of unnecessary, rather than interesting details, such as the hero’s position on the move of relatives to America, and it’s unjustifiably overloaded. Further, the feeling of some kind of illogicality does not leave me. No, what a sensible connection, where magic is concerned, but still. But still, when the author adds a little more dynamics and clashes, interest begins to awaken. But oh gods, this is after the fire, and this is the middle of the book, cut, cut, cut. And you get to the end of the book with more joy, and then the realization comes that all this tedious 500 pages is, in fact, about nothing, it’s a backlog. And yet I caught myself thinking, I’m wondering what will happen next after all this, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it will be more dynamic. For comparison, let’s take Pekhov, where the world collapses at once with a ton of details, but it’s beautifully written, and you emerge from them, interested, but here everything is different, strange language. But my hand hesitated to give a bad rating, although a six would probably have been more accurate. Well, the beast is mi-mi-mi. But I felt sorry for the lynx to the point of tears.

Somewhere I came across a recommendation in the style: “Oh! How I liked it!” I tried to find out what exactly I liked. In response I heard: “Read it, maybe you’ll like it too...” Hm-yes... the recommendation is at the 5th grade level... But I looked here on LivLibe - some people criticize, some people praise... And even Zykov received some kind of prestigious award. Well, that means you need to form your own unbiased opinion. From the very beginning it was incredibly difficult. Because of the strained-twisted-sophisticated-pompous-primitive style. Such reading must be written in a stupid, primitive style. Then this “highest” meaning can still be somehow perceived and swallowed. But to describe the eyes of a “panther” in thirty words is too much. Moreover, the style is sophisticated, but there is no meaning - other than the plot and the rise of “levels” - at all. Like a script for a computer toy in the style of "might and sorcery". A bunch of fictional creatures:
“Everything happened in the spirit of the proverb: “The further into the forest, the thicker the partisans.” Whoever got in the way: four- and two-winged toothy creatures, flying jellyfish throwing lightning to the right and left, two-headed turtles suppressing the will and trying to suck out the mind ".
Well, excuse me, what? The depiction of the world is no good!
So, for example, in one “people” the names are combined: Ptolemy, Cassandra, Ferdinand, Avras Chismar, Darg, Airung... Well, you have to be at least a little consistent. Or Cassandra and the Ptolemies. Or Ferdinand. Or the Chismars with the Avras, Airungs and Dargs... I can’t ignore the blunders: “giant statues: no less than fifty fathoms in height.”
"Being no taller than two arshins."

Do all modern Russian speakers remember what fifty fathoms or two arshins are? Ass? “Some unfamiliar sensation made my heart beat anxiously. The feeling of danger was silent.”
- no comments! “Finally the bushes ended, and the road swirled ahead, like a harlot’s soft spot.”
Have you imagined this road? :))))"This bulky structure was harnessed by four lizards, very similar (if, of course, you forget about the appearance) to earthly horses, but differing in size, strength and endurance."
Mmm... Question: so how then were these lizards similar to horses? O_o This, of course, is not all blunders. Only the most expressive ones. For the sake of truth, it should be noted that later the text became a little closer to more standard adventure reading. Nevertheless, many of the descriptions clearly wanted to be reduced by at least five times." Throwing a cat's glance down, Yarik saw a huge frog with bone growths on its back. At that moment, the creature stopped fussing and raised its head. The gazes of the man and the amphibian met. Yaroslav "The hair on his head began to move. In the eyes of the monster, a monstrous, unimaginably perverted mind shone. An alien will tried to subjugate the human mind."

Plagiarism?? Something like this happened almost verbatim. Either Bradbury, or Simak... True, without the “cat-like glance down.” :))) And finally!” He, in a rich drawling voice, read out a rather pretentious text, full of colorful phrases and rich epithets. The essence was that Darg was now obliged to follow the warrior’s regulations, not to discredit the honor of the owner of the sword and strive to increase the glory of everyone military class, and your own."

Here! This is the quintessence of the entire novel. And I finished reading it a couple of hours ago. But for the life of me, I don’t remember who this Darg is. :)))The purpose of the story and the adventures of the heroes? - But no! Anyway. Well, just adventures. In general, I finally won the first book of the series. And she sighed with incredible relief. Read the series further? - Excuse me - this is beyond my strength! I have already fulfilled my duty: the first book of Zykov Asil’s series. With difficulty. I must admit that sometimes I read pure entertainment - for relaxation, for switching. Well, now - after “One Hundred Years of Solitude” I wanted to switch to something lighter. Y. I wish I hadn't done this. :)) Moreover, usually such entertainment can be consumed in 1-2 days. No, no... This won’t work with Zykov. General conclusion: the most readable reading. Read to kill time and brain cells. Not suitable for anything else. You can read 10-15-20 percent. If you liked it, then read on. And tell me whether Oleg defeated Yarik or Yarik Oleg, or they found some other Enemy and together hit him together.

Thorne is one of the oldest worlds in the Universe. He went through the collapse of civilizations, the disappearance of peoples and races. Those who came established their order using swords and magic. At the same time, Balance was established on the planet.
It was at this time, by pure chance, that several people from Earth end up on Thorn. This event shook the balance of balance. Followers of lost cults woke up, dissatisfied with the regime raised their heads, the words of ancient prophecies began to be heard everywhere, and representatives of the special services prepared for an insidious game...

Earthlings cannot count on understanding and help, and now their fate depends only on them. Someone will choose the path of a magician, and someone will choose the path of a slave. But how strange it is that it can become a means to freedom!

The main characters of Vitaly Zykov’s work are two misfits Oleg and Yaroslav (or simply Yarik). They were stolen from “our” world by something unknown and moved to Thorn. Initially there were five of them, but the girls have one path in the new world - marriage. But two guys received a portion of magical power each, and began their journey along Thorn. That it’s true that not everything worked out smoothly for friends. Yarik foolishly falls into slavery, and he has to literally chew out the opportunity to gain freedom, while Oleg continues to practice his profession. The guys are waiting for exciting adventures full of unexpected twists, which they will be able to overcome with magical skills, willpower and faith in a positive ending.

Vitaly Zykov in his novel “The Nameless Slave” presented a new fantasy universe to the reader. And many people liked it. The author did not take long to introduce the reader to the situation, but immediately brought the new world down on his head. And this move completely justified itself. Why the initial description of the place from which the guys were kidnapped if all further actions take place in a new world?

Nameless slave Vitaly Zykov

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Title: Nameless Slave

About the book “The Nameless Slave” Vitaly Zykov

« Nameless slave"is a fascinating creation by Vitaly Zykov, which immediately after its publication received the title of bestseller and hit of sales. The book is the first part of the series "The Road Home", starting the amazing adventures of the characters. "The Nameless Slave" is written in the genres of heroic fantasy, combat adventure and hit-and-run. In the work of Vitaly Zykov, readers will be able to get acquainted with magical worlds, with the struggle for power, with intrigue, with battles, with superpowers and with the internal development of the character. Epic fantasy will definitely interest all fans of this genre.

Are you eager to get acquainted with the work of Vitaly Zykov and immerse yourself in the epic story? Then you need to read the introductory fragment online to make sure that the book is worthy of your attention. And then you can download the writer’s creation from the site, but first you need to select one suitable for the specific device on which reading will take place, expansion from such as rtf, txt, fb2, epub.

The characters in the book are people from Earth. The main area where the events take place is Thorn. This world is one of the most ancient. The wind of time, not sparing anyone or anything, contributed to the destruction of entire states and the overthrow of individual powerful races into the abyss. Subsequently, new peoples formed their own order, establishing it with both sword and magic. And then that same Balance was established in the mysterious world.

It was then that the earthlings arrived on Thorn. This caused the balance to begin to wobble. The followers of the cults, which seemed to have long sunk into oblivion, suddenly stirred and perked up. Those who were dissatisfied with the authorities at the helm also appeared on the surface. And such people exist at all times. The intelligence services began to play new games, relying on numerous ancient prophecies, trying to interpret them correctly.

Who is at the head of all this chaos? Those same puppeteers. They do not care about people, each of whom, by the will of fate, was expelled from his own world. And now the victims are given a unique opportunity to build their lives correctly. Each of them can choose their own path in the mysterious Thorn. Some will want to become a magician, while others will only be destined for the fate of a slave. But don’t think that this is a road to nowhere. The road certainly leads to freedom, destroying all barriers, persistently moving towards the goal.

This series of the writer is one of the most beloved by readers, judging by the numerous reviews. I want to read and re-read each creation, again and again plunging into the amazing fantasy world.

The book by Vitaly Zykov will appeal to fans of the hit and miss genres. In his creation, the writer combined everything that is needed for an epic creation, so the work is sure to delight... And then you will be able to read the book in its entirety, spending a couple of evenings in the company of the characters of the creation. Enjoy reading!