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Research and discoveries of the laboratory of Heinrich Silanov. Heinrich Silanov download - the whole world of the unknown - download e-books for free download magazines horoscope dream book fortune telling tests “Hide the truth from humanity - a crime!”

A retro photography studio has been opened on the Khoper River

When the girl was folding up the camping tent, Genrikh Mikhailovich focused the lens. But he didn’t have time to release the shutter: she stood up and walked up to him. Already touching her shoulder, he pressed the button by inertia - the shutter clicked.

When the film was developed, there was a girl in the frame, bending over the tent, in exactly the same position in which she had crouched a few seconds before the shooting.

This could mean one thing: Genrikh Mikhailovich Silanov photographed not the girl herself, but the information trail she left in space. It sounds unscientific - an experienced geologist, a specialist in geophysical instruments, is fully aware of this. And I wouldn’t believe anyone if I heard that the camera recorded the situation of the moment that had elapsed before the shooting. I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t taken such photographs with my own hands dozens of times.

And for the first time, such a photograph was accidentally taken in the Hermitage by Leonid Semenovich Pritsker. He photographed the throne of the Russian tsars displayed in one of the halls, and when developing the film... the face of Peter I, who actually once sat on this throne, surfaced.

In principle, this incident could have been ignored and considered a mechanical superposition of two frames or even a deliberate photomontage. But the authority of L. Pritzker, a famous Alma-Ata scientist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, whose impeccable scientific integrity did not allow us to assume trickery, was too great.

So the Voronezh researcher Silanov quite consciously experimented with photographing the past. And after many failures, he began to succeed.

Here Genrikh Mikhailovich shows me a thermos taken on the grass, the image of which is overlapped by the slightly blurred outline of a flask, in which milk was transported for many years. Probably a flask older than the thermos once stood in this place. Its image is invisible to the eye, but somehow present at a given point in space and captured on the negative.

In another photo, a powerful old tree, broken off by a storm, leaned over a bend in the river. But above the breakage site, the upper part of the trunk rises like a pale shadow.

How to make a photo time machine

Here is the time to say what kind of technology allows you to photograph the past. Of course, she is not entirely ordinary. The lenses of mass-produced lenses are coated for clearing with a thin film of magnesium fluoride, which blocks the ultraviolet part of the spectrum. But it is at these frequencies, according to Silanov’s assumption, that the film records the “field memory.”

Genrikh Mikhailovich uses this term for lack of a more precise one. He himself does not know exactly what field he is talking about. It only assumes that images of the past emerge due to special excited states of electromagnetic, gravitational, microwave or other fields, when certain frequencies are in resonance with the exciting frequency. Space, the scientist believes, is a large hologram that stores information about everything that has ever crossed it or been placed in it. Under certain conditions, any point in space is capable of “switching on” memory, which materializes in quanta of light, resurrecting the image of the past.

The hypothesis would seem too fantastic if it were not confirmed by many photographs. All of them were made by Silanov in the ultraviolet range using a special lens, filter and film.

The head of the spectrographic laboratory of the Voronezhgeology association, he has been manufacturing special photographic equipment for many years. This experience was useful in his new hobby.

Conventional optics do not transmit ultraviolet light. For a lens capable of “transmitting” time, Silanov looks for grains of natural quartz sand that transmit UV rays, subjecting them to analysis on a spectrometer. Then he melts these grains of sand in a crucible that has the curvature required for the lens, after which he manually polishes the resulting lens for a long time, using the method described by Isaac Newton.

The film Genrikh Mikhailovich uses is also unusual: it is devoid of a gelatin layer that does not transmit ultraviolet radiation.

Finally, wanting to choose a suitable light filter, the researcher took a long time to take paired photographs on a Sputnik stereo camera: he shot simultaneously with two lenses, one of which was covered with a K-12 light filter, expanding the range of penetrating rays towards short waves. For a long time, regular photographs were published, but from a certain point the frames became unpaired...

Czechs and Mongols - neighbors of dinosaurs

It so happened that most of the photographs were taken in the summer months, during the annual expeditions to the Khoper anomalous zone. Genrikh Mikhailovich, the permanent leader of the public research expedition “Khoper”, leads a team of enthusiastic researchers every summer. Much has been written about the frequent appearances of UFOs over the Khopra riverbed. But the memory of the past is no less interesting and mysterious phenomenon than luminous objects in the sky.

Well, for example, here is this photo of a bush from which the profiles of soldiers’ faces in helmets “sprout.” When they later began to analyze the attributes of the photograph, it turned out that such helmets were worn by the soldiers of the Czechoslovak regiment under the command of Ludwig Svoboda, which was formed in this very area. What happens? The quartz lens captured soldiers who were probably actually on the banks of the Khoper in 1943.

And in another Khoper landscape, the face of a man in ancient clothes emerges - presumably a Scythian, an ancient inhabitant of these places.

Soldiers in pointed helmets immediately bring to mind the Golden Horde warriors. Next to them you can see ropes thrown across the river - this is probably what the crossing of the Khoper was like. And in another photograph of the same southern Russian natural zone, we can vaguely discern a dinosaur, which probably once trampled the emerald mosses of the Black Earth region with its three-toed paws.

Just try to figure out, by pressing the shutter release button, what era the whimsical fields of the anomalous zone will throw you into... Genrikh Mikhailovich himself does not yet know how to control his time machine - he does not yet have a “time switch” in his hands. We tried to film the same place with five cameras at the same time. Instead of five identical frames, various layers were obtained - from the previous minute illuminated by the same sun to the dense twilight of past geological eras.

And this happened in my house

Silanov believes that soon the possibilities of transtemporal photography will expand due to the involvement of the infrared part of the spectrum - he has already begun to manufacture the corresponding equipment. But the usual photographic technology of the new generation - digital - can, he believes, also give the wonders of paradoxical photography.

For this to happen, two conditions must be met. “Memory of the past” is more likely to emerge when using a telephoto lens, which “presses” the space, collecting together the images smeared in it. And you can more likely expect the appearance of “otherworldly” images if you shoot at dawn or before sunset, when the share of ultraviolet rays in the spectrum is especially high.

Moreover, talking with many professional photographers who, by the way, carried out an examination of Silanov’s unusual photographs, certifying the absence of editing and technical defects, he learned that many of them also more than once received something strange on the negatives.

Personally, I am ready to testify: this is so. While visiting a Shaivite ashram in the village of Okunevo, Omsk Region (another characteristically anomalous zone), I leafed through albums with photographs and saw hundreds of photographs in which another, transparent, usually sacred content, was superimposed on top of the visible image. The Shaivaites swore: they did not set up any deliberate tricks during manifestation and printing.

My son recently returned from Stockholm, where he shot a lot with a digital camera. The city landscape captures the water mirror of one of the many straits; an orange buoy is clearly visible in the center. For some reason, Daniil took two pictures in a row from the same place. But on the second - what a devilry! - this buoy is not visible. Maybe after a moment he plunged into the water? But this is not the sea with its waves, and there are no passing motor boats nearby.

Why refer to others! Last spring, I personally took several photographs in Egypt inside and next to large pyramids, in which there are transparent spheres - a kind of large soap bubbles. Their origin is completely unclear. According to the professional photographer to whom I showed the photographs and negatives, this is hardly a technical defect...

Photo hunting for ghosts

The most striking - for me personally - of Silanov's strange photographs are those in which the faces of strangers appear.

This phenomenon has its own history.

Soon after the invention of photography, the American William Mummler, while shooting a self-portrait on a glass photographic plate from a tripod, discovered next to his own image... the translucent face of his cousin Sarah, who died in the same house twelve years ago. The girl in white clothes stood with a detached face, pressing her cheek to William and leaning her transparent right hand on his shoulder. Overwhelmed by mystical fear, Mummler turned to the police, where they conducted an examination and established the authenticity of the photo.

No one would probably remember almost a century after the death of the unknown Greek writer Dimitrokopoulou if he had not published new, previously unknown novels by Victor Hugo. Moreover, in French, which - for a more dashing plot twist - the Greek did not have the chance to speak. Then where do the texts come from? From Hugo himself, Dimitrokopoulo assured. He personally did not compose them, but only wrote them down while in a state of trance. They tried to expose the roguish Greek for a long time, especially his ignorance of French. But at first, the “Hugovologists” fell into confusion: the plotting techniques, literary style, even linguistic nuances - everything is genuine. The skeptics finally fell silent when, during one of the mediumistic sessions, the Greek in a trance was photographed. On the print, next to the writing Dimitrokopoulo, the translucent figure of Victor Hugo was clearly visible.

It is not so rare for the dead to “get” into the frame, as if in this way trying not only to remind of themselves, but to assure living relatives: we have not disappeared, we exist in parallel with you, we are watching over you, we love and protect you.

Genrikh Silanov, a practical scientist, himself a skeptic and a man of little faith by nature, is well aware of the vulnerability of his information. No one is obliged to take his word for it. Especially in such a flexible art form as photography, where any man-made illusions are possible. Official science, with its inherent fanaticism, fundamentally does not want to notice Silanov’s paradoxes. But he doesn’t want to cross her high threshold just to prove that he’s not a camel.

When a phenomenon is ignored by scientific generals, any attempts to prove anything to them will be rejected by all means. This is memorable from the history of genetics in our country or closer examples related to parapsychology. Therefore, there is no need to break into a closed door, says Genrikh Mikhailovich. It is only necessary to verify individual facts en masse. Everyone has cameras now. If there are not 80 photographs with images that have wandered to us from the past, as in Silanov’s collection, but an order of magnitude more, physicists will have nowhere to go and will simply have to study the memory of the field.

Discovery of the "Memory Field" phenomenon

As is known, the human eye perceives a very limited portion of the optical spectrum. All the richness of the colors of the World around us fits into a tiny segment of the wave and corpuscular structure of light, which is approximately 300 nm and limited to a range from 400 to 700 nm. On both sides of the area we perceive there are huge areas that can only be penetrated using special equipment.

Having come to the conclusion about the advantage of using cameras with lenses consisting of a small number of lenses for photographing UFOs and other anomalous phenomena, I made a camera that could take photographs in a wide spectral range. We took the first test shot with the new camera near the laboratory, where the passenger car of one of the employees of our geological exploration expedition was parked, and immediately developed it. Next to the car that had just been filmed, in the shadow of the trees growing near the laboratory, the outlines of another car clearly appeared.

At the beginning we assumed that some kind of overlap had occurred, but shooting from a tripod and taking just one frame, we realized that this could not happen. During one of our lunch breaks we decided to take another test shot...

Having photographed part of the expedition territory and the place where our employees had just stood, we developed the film... The figures of two standing people were clearly visible in the picture. Now we no longer had any doubts - we managed to get photographs of a previously unknown phenomenon! This means you can photograph the Past! Now, having a camera capable of photographing in a wide spectral range, we expected to look into the invisible World that surrounds us, to look where another Life is in full swing with a different Mind and philosophy, to look where we might move after completing our earthly journey.

It is difficult to overestimate the opportunities that may open up for criminologists, historians, philosophers and many other areas of science when we learn to manage “Memory” and obtain pictures of the distant past, a specific period of time that interests us. Work to study the open phenomenon continues.

Unusually interesting photographs of the Past were obtained in the Novokhopyorsk tectonic fault zone. In one of the photographs, a broken tree showed its once lost crown.

In another photograph, taken on the same day, but a few minutes later, the heads of the soldiers sitting in the trench were clearly visible in negative form. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that during the Great Patriotic War one of the defense lines passed here. Here, near Novokhopersk, in 1941 - 1942, a Czechoslovak regiment was formed under the command of Ludwig Svoboda.

And while studying the phenomenon of “Memory of the Field,” we discovered that some stories of the Past manifest themselves better in negative than in positive forms. Russian and foreign scientists encountered a similar phenomenon when they studied the “Shroud of Turin,” in which, according to legend, Jesus Christ was wrapped after his crucifixion, and on which his image was imprinted in a negative form.

It can be argued that a plot recorded at a given point in space does not change its spatial coordinates over time and remains in them for an indefinitely long period. At the same time, we have never been able to reproduce a once photographed fragment from the Past in the same place, but we always received photographs that were different, both in the plot and in the time of the event. This is quite understandable, since in these and other places a huge mass of events took place, and all of them, overlapping each other, were remembered, and since then have been indefinitely stored in the “Memory” of the Space surrounding us, and therefore the probability of repeated reproduction of one and the same plot is incredibly small. During the entire period of studying the “Memory” phenomenon, we repeatedly managed to obtain photographs that captured the same scene of the Past, but this was due to the fact that we repeatedly photographed the area under study at ten-minute intervals. From this we can conclude that the conditions for excitation of “Memory” did not change during this period of time, and for this reason we received photographs of the same scene.

ABOUT Once, while photographing a section of terrain as part of the “Memory of the Field” study program, within three hours we received the same type of photographs - a soldier walking with a rifle. It should be noted that neither his pose nor his angle changed at all during this period of time.

It is also necessary to note the fact that in photographs that contain scenes from the Past, there is often a distortion in the scale of the objects that appear.

Often, in the resulting photographs, “Memory” appears in the form of dark or light spots, in which, upon careful examination, one can discern faint outlines of objects, faces of people and animals. Sometimes it appears more clearly, and there is a feeling that a double exposure has been made with a slight blurring of the image, causing the picture to become a little blurry.

In remenami, “Memory” is so pronounced that it is difficult to distinguish it from an ordinary photograph. Sometimes the image shows phases of movement, such as turning the head. In such cases, a series of discrete images are displayed on the photograph, creating the impression of a strobe effect.

We have noted cases when the image of a past event is imprinted directly on the ground. In this case, it had no volume and looked flat. The overwhelming majority of pictures of the past appear on a gray neutral background, which can be grass, bushes and tree leaves. During one of the expeditions to the Novokhopersk fault zone, we obtained a photograph with elements of “Memory” appearing on the water.

As for the time range of the images we have with elements of Memory, it is very large and ranges from several minutes to several centuries. Photographs from which it is possible to determine the exact date of the event include military subjects. But, unfortunately, the vast majority of “Memory” images received do not have a time reference, and for this reason it is impossible to determine the exact time of the event. The only criterion by which an approximate time can be assumed is clothing, household items, hairstyles, military paraphernalia and other similar characteristic features. In this regard, I would like to note that based on the characteristics described above, we have obtained photographs of deep antiquity that can be dated back to the 12th -13th centuries.

Thus, we can assume that once a plot is recorded, it is stored in the space around us indefinitely!

The Russian magazine "Technology - Youth" N4 for 1992 published a photograph of Vladimir Grigorievich Yashin, taken at the site of the Assumption Cathedral in Kostroma, which was blown up in 1937. A man's face was clearly visible against the background of tree branches. The author of the publication believes that the resulting image is a photograph of an alien or “spirit” invisible to us, hovering at the site of the destroyed Cathedral.

And the interesting thing about the article is the fact that the photograph was taken with an ordinary Zenit camera on color reversible film. If we take into account the spectral region recorded by this camera, which has coated glass optics and used photographic film, then it is comparable to the range of perception of our vision. In this regard, it can be argued that this “Memory” appeared within the range of 390-700 nm, and the mentioned face should be practically visible to our eyes.

The author of this article managed to encounter a similar manifestation of “Memory,” or, more simply, a ghost, during experiments on the artificial “excitation of Memory” on an expedition in 1997. Then, focusing the camera on an area of ​​the terrain where there were no foreign objects, and which was irradiated at that moment by a microwave generator, I saw on the frosted glass of the camera a clear image of a red Moskvich-type passenger car. The entire observation lasted no more than 6 seconds, after which the car suddenly disappeared. After about 10-12 minutes, this phenomenon repeated, but instead of the car, four car headlights appeared, located in pairs, one above the other.

This circumstance confirms our assumption and the idea expressed earlier that, depending on the degree of excitation of the field in which “Memory” is recorded, it is possible to obtain visible images in their dynamic sequence. By finding ways to "stimulate" recorded information, we will provide criminologists, historians, archaeologists and many other professions with a wonderful tool to peer into the Past. Having studied the discovered phenomenon, we will remove the veil of mystery from some phenomena, such as ghosts and ghosts. In our opinion, this physical phenomenon has a common root with “Field Memory”.

The manifestation of “Field Memory” in the visible spectral range also includes a rarely observed phenomenon, when against the background of clouds or simply in the air people observe animated pictures of the Past. In this case, the surrounding atmosphere serves as a giant lens. At a certain angle of solar illumination, information excited by natural processes and recorded in the past is projected onto a cloud or dusty atmosphere, which in this case plays the role of a screen on which Nature shows her documentary film from the Past.

Over the period since the discovery of the described phenomenon, the Voronezh Committee has accumulated a large amount of material concerning this topic, on the basis of which the first conclusions can be drawn:

    Almost all obtained images with elements of the “Field Memory” coincide with variations of the electromagnetic field, the amplitude of oscillations of which (the general vector DT) is very extensive and ranges from 100 to 20,000 nT.

    The manifestation of “Memory” does not depend on the time of day or sunlight.

    The phenomenon of “Field Memory” manifests itself not only in tectonic zones. The first photographs with elements of “Memory” were taken in urban conditions, in a “quiet” area, from a tectonic point of view.

    Mostly “Memory” is recorded by cameras with wide-range optics.

    Sometimes the elements of “Memory” are best shown in a negative image, but the overwhelming majority of them are viewed in a positive way. Rare cases have been noted when “Memory” manifests itself in the same way, both in negative and positive forms.

    Distortions in the scale of the “Memory” image are often observed, both downward and upward.

    An emerging fragment from the past can exist for quite a long time. We noted a case where the camera recorded the same scene for three hours.

    An event that occurred in a given place and recorded in the “Field Memory” does not change its spatial coordinates in time and is stored indefinitely.

    We once managed to artificially excite “Memory” using a microwave generator. As a result, we obtained images of many faces in the immediate vicinity of the emitter. A repeated experiment, observing all the previous “stimulating” parameters, did not repeat the previously obtained result.

    Experiments involving the excitation of “Memory” by electromagnetic alternating and direct currents of different polarities and different strengths have also not yet yielded positive results.

    The absence of a positive result on the artificial excitation of “Field Memory” does not mean its fundamental impossibility. Work to study the open phenomenon continues. We are confident that over time we will learn ways to excite “Memory” and the mechanisms for controlling it. In this case, Mankind will have the opportunity to look into its distant PAST, and then photographing scenes of long-past days and a specific period of time will become a simple reality.

AND While exploring UFO landing sites, we encountered an interesting phenomenon. Its essence lies in the fact that while carrying out work on magnetic measurements of traces of their presence on Earth, we often witnessed unexpected failures in the operation of magnetometers. At the beginning, we assumed that equipment failures were caused by high daytime temperatures. But, another question involuntarily arose: how did the same magnetometer, being in the base camp and recording variations of the magnetic field with virtually no interruptions, fail in its operation? We could not answer this question for a long time, until they brought us another completely new magnetometer to replace the device that unexpectedly failed. But the new device at the site of the UFO hovering regularly malfunctioned, showing unusually high readings on its digital display. Such “magnetic storms” sometimes even led to a change in the sign of the magnetic field, which in itself was incredible. Once, during such a “storm” and forced downtime, we took photographs of working moments at the site of a hovering spherical UFO. Having developed the photographic film, we found on it frames in which plasma objects were recorded that were near us, and sometimes copied our poses. Subsequently, during similar magnetometer failures, while photographing the work area, we constantly received images of plasma clots of bizarre shapes with numerous “tentacles.” Of particular interest to us was the case when, instead of the subject being photographed, an image of the likeness of cords was imprinted onto the film, naturally against our will. They were photographed using a Sputnik stereoscopic camera. The photo showed three intersecting “cords” that looked like a chromosome or a stylized Russian letter “Zh”. Under the stereoscope, their volumetric structure and spatial arrangement were clearly visible.

The subsequent photographs taken with this camera were completely different from each other.
friend, and became more complex from frame to frame. After shooting several films with such images, the camera broke down. At first we assumed that these “cords” were nothing more than the trajectories of the movements of some small formations, but the more we studied the photographs, the more we came to the conclusion that this was an unknown form of something invisible to us the world existing nearby.

With him, the stories consisted of complete riddles. First of all, the question arose: how was the image “imprinted” onto the film when a subject was photographed that appeared only on one of the two frames of the stereo pair, while on the second an intricate pattern of a new cord-like formation appeared? During work on magnetic measurements of the clearing over which the UFO hovered, photographs of working moments were taken.

After returning to the camp, we developed the exposed photographic films and saw on it a very interesting frame, in which the subject we were photographing was completely absent, and in its place a completely different image was “imprinted”. The subject was bordered on three sides by “tentacle-like” shapes, and in the upper left corner of the photo a scattering of small white spots reminiscent of a starry sky was visible. Many questions arise that require serious research, both from physics and philosophy, and from a moral and ethical position.

...The camera “discovered” a tropical jungle and a forest of slender palm trees near an ordinary Russian river. When were the tropics here? Fifty million years ago, a hundred?..
... On the empty royal throne in one of the palaces of St. Petersburg, the camera captured the ghost of a sitting man. Kaftan of the 18th century, a familiar lanky figure... Emperor Peter the Great!
What is this? Excerpts from a fantasy story? Nothing happened.

People have long dreamed of “looking” into the past. And Genrikh Mikhailovich Silanov, a geologist and laboratory research specialist from the city of Voronezh, did it.
He invented equipment that can photograph PAST EVENTS! Silanov believes that he has discovered a hitherto unknown physical effect, which he calls the “field memory phenomenon.”
But the discoverer speaks sparingly about the nature of the effect and, for obvious reasons, does not yet reveal the technology of “retro filming”...
According to Genrikh Mikhailovich, any material structure at any moment of its existence leaves its imprint on the power lines of energy fields. It is the reflection (excitation) of such prints that is recorded by special photographic equipment.

How to make a photo time machine
Here is the time to say what kind of technology allows you to photograph the past. Of course, she is not entirely ordinary. The lenses of mass-produced lenses are coated for clearing with a thin film of magnesium fluoride, which blocks the ultraviolet part of the spectrum. But it is at these frequencies, according to Silanov’s assumption, that the film records the “field memory.” Genrikh Mikhailovich uses this term for lack of a more precise one. He himself does not know exactly what field he is talking about. It only assumes that images of the past emerge due to special excited states of electromagnetic, gravitational, microwave or other fields, when certain frequencies are in resonance with the exciting frequency. Space, the scientist believes, is a large hologram that stores information about everything that has ever crossed it or been placed in it. Under certain conditions, any point in space is capable of “switching on” memory, which materializes in quanta of light, resurrecting the image of the past.

The hypothesis would seem too fantastic if it were not confirmed by many photographs. All of them were made by Silanov in the ultraviolet range using a special lens, filter and film. The head of the spectrographic laboratory of the Voronezhgeology association, he has been manufacturing special photographic equipment for many years. This experience was useful in his new hobby.

Conventional optics do not transmit ultraviolet light. For a lens capable of “transmitting” time, Silanov looks for grains of natural quartz sand that transmit UV rays, subjecting them to analysis on a spectrometer. Then he melts these grains of sand in a crucible that has the curvature required for the lens, after which he manually polishes the resulting lens for a long time, using the method described by Isaac Newton.

The film Genrikh Mikhailovich uses is also unusual: it is devoid of a gelatin layer that does not transmit ultraviolet radiation. Finally, wanting to choose a suitable light filter, the researcher took a long time to take paired photographs on a Sputnik stereo camera: he shot simultaneously with two lenses, one of which was covered with a K-12 light filter, expanding the range of penetrating rays towards short waves. For a long time, regular photographs were published, but from a certain point the frames became unpaired...

Czechs and Mongols - neighbors of dinosaurs

It so happened that most of the photographs were taken in the summer months, during the annual expeditions to the Khoper anomalous zone. Genrikh Mikhailovich, the permanent leader of the public research expedition “Khoper”, leads a team of enthusiastic researchers every summer. Much has been written about the frequent appearances of UFOs over the Khopra riverbed. But the memory of the past is no less interesting and mysterious phenomenon than luminous objects in the sky.

Well, for example, here is this photo of a bush from which the profiles of soldiers’ faces in helmets “sprout.” When they later began to analyze the attributes of the photograph, it turned out that such helmets were worn by the soldiers of the Czechoslovak regiment under the command of Ludwig Svoboda, which was formed in this very area. What happens? The quartz lens captured soldiers who were probably actually on the banks of the Khoper in 1943.

And in another Khoper landscape, the face of a man in ancient clothes emerges - presumably a Scythian, an ancient inhabitant of these places. Soldiers in pointed helmets immediately bring to mind the Golden Horde warriors. Next to them you can see ropes thrown across the river - this is probably what the crossing of the Khoper was like. And in another photograph of the same southern Russian natural zone, we can vaguely discern a dinosaur, which probably once trampled the emerald mosses of the Black Earth region with its three-toed paws.

Just try to figure out, by pressing the shutter release button, what era the whimsical fields of the anomalous zone will throw you into... Genrikh Mikhailovich himself does not yet know how to control his time machine - he does not yet have a “time switch” in his hands. We tried to film the same place with five cameras at the same time. Instead of five identical frames, various layers were obtained - from the previous minute illuminated by the same sun to the dense twilight of past geological eras.

And this happened in my house
Silanov believes that soon the possibilities of transtemporal photography will expand due to the involvement of the infrared part of the spectrum - he has already begun to manufacture the corresponding equipment. But the usual photographic technology of the new generation - digital - can, he believes, also give the wonders of paradoxical photography.

For this to happen, two conditions must be met. “Memory of the past” is more likely to emerge when using a telephoto lens, which “presses” the space, collecting together the images smeared in it. And you can more likely expect the appearance of “otherworldly” images if you shoot at dawn or before sunset, when the share of ultraviolet rays in the spectrum is especially high.

Moreover, talking with many professional photographers who, by the way, carried out an examination of Silanov’s unusual photographs, certifying the absence of editing and technical defects, he learned that many of them also more than once received something strange on the negatives. Personally, I am ready to testify: this is so. While visiting a Shaivite ashram in the village of Okunevo, Omsk Region (another characteristically anomalous zone), I leafed through albums with photographs and saw hundreds of photographs in which another, transparent, usually sacred content, was superimposed on top of the visible image. The Shaivaites swore: they did not set up any deliberate tricks during manifestation and printing.
Recently my son (author of the article - approx. semer777kin) returned from Stockholm, where I shot a lot with a digital camera. The city landscape captures the water mirror of one of the many straits; an orange buoy is clearly visible in the center. For some reason I took two pictures in a row from the same place. But on the second - what a devilry! - this buoy is not visible. Maybe after a moment he plunged into the water? But this is not the sea with its waves, and there are no passing motor boats nearby.

Why refer to others! Last spring, I personally took several photographs in Egypt inside and next to large pyramids, in which there are transparent spheres - a kind of large soap bubbles. Their origin is completely unclear. According to the professional photographer to whom I showed the photographs and negatives, this is hardly a technical defect...

Photo hunting for ghosts

The most striking of Silanov's strange photographs are those in which the faces of strangers appear. This phenomenon has its own history. Soon after the invention of photography, the American William Mummler, while shooting a self-portrait on a glass photographic plate from a tripod, discovered next to his own image... the translucent face of his cousin Sarah, who died in the same house twelve years ago. The girl in white clothes stood with a detached face, pressing her cheek to William and leaning her transparent right hand on his shoulder. Overwhelmed by mystical fear, Mummler turned to the police, where they conducted an examination and established the authenticity of the photo.

No one would probably remember almost a century after the death of the unknown Greek writer Dimitrokopoulou if he had not published new, previously unknown novels by Victor Hugo. Moreover, in French, which - for a more dashing plot twist - the Greek did not have the chance to speak. Then where do the texts come from? From Hugo himself, Dimitrokopoulo assured. He personally did not compose them, but only wrote them down while in a state of trance. They tried to expose the roguish Greek for a long time, especially his ignorance of French. But at first, the “Hugovologists” fell into confusion: the plotting techniques, literary style, even linguistic nuances - everything is genuine. The skeptics finally fell silent when, during one of the mediumistic sessions, the Greek in a trance was photographed. On the print, next to the writing Dimitrokopoulo, the translucent figure of Victor Hugo was clearly visible.

It is not so rare for the dead to “get” into the frame, as if in this way trying not only to remind of themselves, but to assure living relatives: we have not disappeared, we exist in parallel with you, we are watching over you, we love and protect you. Genrikh Silanov, a practical scientist, himself a skeptic and a man of little faith by nature, is well aware of the vulnerability of his information. No one is obliged to take his word for it. Especially in such a flexible art form as photography, where any man-made illusions are possible. Official science, with its inherent fanaticism, fundamentally does not want to notice Silanov’s paradoxes. But he doesn’t want to cross her high threshold just to prove that he’s not a camel.

When a phenomenon is ignored by scientific generals, any attempts to prove anything to them will be rejected by all means. This is memorable from the history of genetics in our country or closer examples related to parapsychology. Therefore, there is no need to break into a closed door, says Genrikh Mikhailovich. It is only necessary to verify individual facts en masse. Everyone has cameras now. If there are not 80 photographs with images that have wandered to us from the past, as in Silanov’s collection, but an order of magnitude more, physicists will have nowhere to go and will simply have to study the memory of the field.

The well-known Kirlian effect is similar to the “field memory phenomenon”. Remember? A piece of green leaf is placed in a high-frequency electric field, photographed... and in the picture we see a glowing diagram of the whole leaf!

The field “completes” the former, lost form of the organism...
Miracle effect

Head of the international research expedition to study anomalous phenomena “Khoper-96” G. M. Silanov

On the left is a real image of the car, on the right is a phantom one

An image of a soldier captured on the banks of the Khoper River. The photo was taken half a century later!
Silanov discovered the miracle effect by accident, in 1992, when he was trying to improve his equipment for photographing UFOs.

After all, Genrikh Mikhailovich has been heading the Voronezh group of researchers of unidentified flying objects for many years...

It was then that he saw how in some photographs it was as if the ghosts of non-existent objects were superimposed on things visible to the naked eye. It looked like a photo montage, but it wasn’t...

However, if you think carefully, then there is nothing particularly surprising here. Oddly enough, we are not given the opportunity to see the present! If we look at the stars at night, we see a picture of the sky that was thousands and millions of years ago, because the light from many stars takes a very long time to reach us...

Moreover. No matter what object we look at, we still see it with a delay, because light needs at least an insignificant amount of time to reach our eyes from the object.
In his story “The End of the World,” the famous Soviet science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev describes the consequences of the speed of light slowing down to approximately one meter per minute.

From the little that Silanov told me and others about his retro filming, the following can be understood. Photographic film is “more sharp” than the human eye in the ultraviolet and infrared ranges of the spectrum.

A lot of information that is inaccessible to us can be found in a narrow band of the ultraviolet part of the spectrum, near the lower limit of the visible range...

The most important parts of a retro camera are a special lens and a plate, or film, with virtually no gelatin layer that blocks the passage of ultraviolet waves.

This is why the question about the lens arose. Everyone knows that window glass does not transmit ultraviolet radiation, so it is impossible to sunbathe in an apartment with ordinary glass in the windows. To get a tan at home you need quartz glass.

An ordinary camera lens plays the role of a banal window glass; in the first, random “pictures of the past,” only a small fraction of ultraviolet light penetrated into the camera... Realizing this, Silanov began unusually painstaking work.

I selected tiny quartz crystals from coarse sand, then melted them and cast them into the shape of a very thin lens; finally, for a long time and carefully, according to Newton’s method, he polished it by hand. As a result of this truly ascetic work, a year later the “lens of time” was ready.

Genrikh Mikhailovich inserted it into the camera and took test photographs from the threshold of his laboratory. It was then that a stunning shot appeared with a long-gone car...

Having brought his equipment to the required “condition,” Silanov gathered enthusiasts and went with an expedition to the Khoper River, where he continued his experiments. One of the most successful photographs of that time can be called a photo where the head of a soldier in a helmet from the period of the Great Patriotic War appears against the background of a bush.

It was later established that the soldier’s helmet was Czech. Further investigations showed: it was in these places that the Czechoslovak division of Ludwig Svoboda was formed... more than fifty years ago!..

But what is half a century! Where the Khoper flows, jungles similar to Indian or African once grew. This was also proven by Silanov’s apparatus... It is interesting that, following a slightly different path, similar results were achieved by the Kazakh scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences L. S. Pritsker, as well as a researcher from the town of Zhukovsky near Moscow A. V. Karavaikin.

It was Pritzker who was the first to make a historical portrait “from life.” He photographed the phantom Emperor Peter in St. Petersburg... And the scientist has many similar photographs. By the way, the Republican Prosecutor's Office of Kazakhstan, conducting a targeted examination of his photographs, made an official conclusion about their authenticity. Some photos were also taken using a regular Kyiv-30 camera.

One might say that Karavaikin approached the “field memory phenomenon” from a completely different angle. Using the equipment he created, not only photographic, he successfully studied the so-called “UFO traces” at their landing sites, sometimes associated with very interesting anomalies.

The scientist managed to prove that time, as a physical category, has different densities in different areas of space... and, under certain conditions, is capable of storing information! Was it not the images stored in the memory of the Universe that were captured by the cameras of Silanov and Pritzker?

When will retro cinema appear?!!

Conclusion of the Prosecutor's Office of Kazakhstan on the authenticity of the photographs of L.S. Pritzker
It is difficult to even imagine what consequences the development of the retro photography method could lead to.

The scope of application is enormous - from the use of “photographs of time” by criminologists to solve crimes to the restoration of the distant past of peoples, civilizations, those early periods of the Earth’s existence that are inaccessible to paleontologists...
What if after retro photography comes a living, moving, or even sound retro movie?!
There will be no “blank spots” in the past.

There will be a scientific revolution that will change both the life and thinking of all mankind. And, given the current pace of progress, the wait for this may not be long at all.
It becomes completely clear to the heroes of the story that they see only the past; a world inhabited by the ghosts of people and objects, perhaps already in other places and states.

This assumption completely coincides with the teachings of the esotericists of the West and East about the presence of certain chronicler spirits that record any event, or a subtle environment where everything that happens is forever imprinted (in Rudolf Steiner - “Akasha chronicle”).
There is a huge amount of documented evidence of mysterious visions that sometimes appear in mirrors. These messages are truly global in nature: they belong to the most different eras and cultures, coming from many different continents. These messages come not only from ordinary people, but also from famous and authoritative people: prominent political and public figures, scientists... At the same time, visions in mirrors often tell about things that are completely real, confirmable, and reliable.

Our ancestors also drew attention to the fact that mirrors made of different materials have different effects on health. In front of some, a person gained strength, while others, on the contrary, acted depressingly, people in front of them felt bad. Hence the numerous folk signs and customs associated with mirrors.

Moreover, from time immemorial, mirrors of various origins and designs have been used for such exotic purposes as clairvoyance, fortune telling, time travel, introvision (vision of human internal organs), thanks to which shamans and healers made fairly accurate medical diagnoses and determined treatment methods... “Nature is full of countless foundations that have never been experienced. And although nature begins with causes and ends with experience, we need to take the opposite path, that is, begin with experience and with it seek out the cause.”

Leonardo da Vinci

Since ancient times, highly reflective surfaces of natural origin have been used as mirrors: water, oil, shiny resin, mercury, coal, volcanic glass (obsidian), polished stones and other natural “mirrors”. Later, mirrors of artificial origin were used: polished metal surfaces of various shapes and sizes, glass with amalgam. Special designs were also made from several mirrors, giving multiple reflections.

In addition to flat mirrors, concave surfaces were especially popular, allowing reflections to be focused. They can also be of natural or artificial origin: stones and rocks of a certain shape, polished metal vessels (bowls, ladles, etc. - especially filled with water), mirrored rooms, rotating mirrors, etc. The fact that concave mirrors are capable of not only saturate the space in front of you with additional energy, but also “compress” or “stretch” time, they guessed for a long time. Modern experiments indicate the same. It is believed that such mirrors, more than others, have the ability to change the space-time continuum around them and introduce a person’s consciousness into a special state.

Chronicles, memoirs of contemporaries and excavations by archaeologists tell about the so-called “psychomanteums” of the Greek oracles, where people went to consult with the spirits of the dead.

Modern researchers believe that these devices, which were large bronze cauldrons polished from the inside, could be an effective means of obtaining information from the subtle world.

A drawing of the octagonal “mirror room” by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) has survived.

We can only guess about the purpose of this mirror structure. What material the mirrors were made of is also unknown.

Most likely, these were polished metal surfaces, since flat glass mirrors of this size were not yet able to be made in Leonardo’s time.

De Vince Mirror

No less interesting is the so-called “Egg”.

Michel Nostradamus.

While inside this apparatus, the great seer made his amazing travels through time and dictated his impressions of what he saw to his secretary.

They said that the clairvoyant received the secret of this design from several layers of different polished metals from the descendants of the secret order of the Templars...

David Wilcock - The Vatican has a time machine.

If we combine these inventions with the invention of the Italian Luigi Ighina, and synchronize with the Schumann frequency, using not a quartz lens, but an obscura, we will get a ready-made chronovisor - a time machine.
If you use this principle in radio astronomy when observing celestial bodies, then you can get a lot of discoveries.

Head of the spectral laboratory of the State Unitary Geological Enterprise "Voronezhgeology", Head of the public research expedition "KHOPER". He invented equipment that is capable of photographing past events.

Silanov believes that he discovered a hitherto unknown physical effect, which he called "field memory phenomenon". The well-known Kirlian effect is similar to the “field memory phenomenon”. Remember? A piece of green leaf is placed in a high-frequency electric field, photographed... and in the picture we see a glowing diagram of the whole leaf. Silanov discovered this effect by accident, in 1992, when he was trying to improve his equipment for photographing UFOs.

From the little that Silanov said about his retro filming, the following can be understood. Photographic film is “more sharp” than the human eye in the ultraviolet and infrared ranges of the spectrum.

A lot of information that is inaccessible to us can be found in a narrow band of the ultraviolet part of the spectrum, near the lower limit of the visible range...

The most important parts of a retro camera are a special lens and a plate, or film, where
There is practically no gelatin layer that delays the passage of ultraviolet waves.

Man in a boat (kayak). Memory manifested on water. Judging by the man's clothes and hairstyle,
the event happened in the recent past.

In the right corner of the photo, a tree with a broken crown is clearly visible; a faint shadow in the photo shows what was once its top.

Translucent figures of two people. The photograph was taken a minute after they left.

One of the most successful photographs of that time can be called a photo where the head of a soldier in a helmet from the period of the Great Patriotic War appears against the background of a bush.
It was later established that the soldier’s helmet was Czech. Further investigations showed: it was in these places that the Czechoslovak division of Ludwig Svoboda was formed... more than fifty years ago..

Komsomolskaya Pravda 2009

Today - Friday the thirteenth - Komsomolskaya Pravda decided to talk about the discoveries of Voronezh “ghost hunters”

Elena FEDYASHEVA - 13.03.2009

Time travel is a favorite plot of science fiction writers. But now, apparently, it has a chance to become a reality. In any case, this is what Voronezh ufologists think. They went to the Khoper River to explore the anomalous zone they discovered here.

The Khoper anomaly interfered with fighter flights

We discovered this place on the Khoper River more than 20 years ago, Genrikh Mikhailovich Silanov told us. - Then I headed a group for the study of anomalous phenomena at the Scientific and Technical Association of Electronics and Communications named after A. Popov. In 1985, pilots from the Borisoglebsk Flight School contacted us. They asked to observe the cadets' flights and simultaneously record electromagnetic variations.

The pilots, as Silanov says, reported that recently “flying saucers” had become a real problem at the school. The cadets allegedly encountered UFOs more than once during training flights.

Unknown objects unexpectedly “attached” to the fighters, imitated attacks, disabled devices... Silanov and his colleagues went to the indicated place in the Novokhopersky district and found a “real anomalous zone” here. UFOs of various shapes, plasmoid balls, luminous figures - all this, says Genrikh Mikhailovich, the members of the expedition saw with their own eyes. But the most interesting thing was captured on film.

In addition to the UFO, various entities appeared on it - from the image of the Madonna and the Creator to very unpleasant shaggy water creatures, a bearded Baba Yaga and a horned demon, Silanov continues.

Having studied the territory, the researchers came to the conclusion that the reason for the Khoper “miracles” lies in a powerful tectonic fault founded in the Archean period, that is, about four billion years ago. According to ufologists, “energy channels” discovered in this zone release energy onto the surface of the earth, which, in their opinion, attracts aliens.

It can be assumed, says Silanov, that they penetrate to us from parallel existing worlds through special portals. But we couldn’t see these “doors” before - the equipment was too imperfect.

“How does the exchange between worlds take place?”

For several years Silanov worked on creating the camera he needed, and the very first picture taken with this camera captured figures of people and objects that were not in the frame at the time of shooting.

This phenomenon is called Field Memory,” says Genrikh Mikhailovich. - It is interesting that both recent events and events centuries ago were recorded on film. For example, in one of the photographs we saw the Tatars crossing the Khoper in the 12th century, and in the other we saw the Paleogene sea that splashed in this place 50 million years ago! And I developed these photographs just the other day,” Silanov shows photographs from the last expedition to the anomalous zone. On top of the usual Khoper landscape, strange circles appear in the form of a tunnel. - Yes, these are the very portals through which, perhaps, entities from parallel worlds penetrate to us.

Not yet. So far we have more questions than answers. How does the exchange between worlds take place? Do portals open randomly or is this process controlled by someone? How to get there and - most importantly! - how to get back from there? But so far we have not yet fully understood even the mechanism of action of the new method, which made it possible to photograph the portals. Perhaps a higher mind communicates with us through them. But we are not yet morally and technically ready to meet him. That's why we are not given a solution. Who knows, maybe it is through these “doors” that missing people disappear, and then, after many years and even centuries, they return to our world again? After all, many disappearances simply cannot be explained by anything...

Baba Yaga over the Scythian burial mound

This year, Silanov’s group also worked in the village of Kamenka-Sadovka. Ten kilometers from their camp, ufologists studied ancient Scythian burial mounds. Incredibly, researchers say that mysterious portals allegedly “lit up” here too. It turned out that the ancient mounds stood exactly on them. Ufologists made this conclusion after developing the footage. Figures “appeared” on them, similar in outline to a man in a cocoon and some kind of bearded Baba Yaga on a broom. Needless to say, this spectacle is not for the faint of heart!

These are either the guardians of the mounds, or the ghosts of buried people, or simply random creatures using the portal to penetrate our world, Genrikh Mikhailovich suggests. - But something else is obvious - the ancient people possessed enormous knowledge and accurately determined the “correct” places for the burial of their ancestors. In what way - we don't know.

“Hiding the truth from humanity is a crime!”

Silanov is in no hurry to widely announce his discovery - much still needs to be double-checked and comprehended. Perhaps he will discover more than one discovery in the footage - after all, only part of the photographic plates has been developed and processed. Genrikh Mikhailovich “conjures” each of them for more than one day - develops, scans, studies under a microscope, enlarges interesting areas.

Hiding the truth about the diversity of the world and life forms is a crime against man, Silanov is convinced. - After all, over the years there have been hundreds of contacts around the world, and we are trying to pretend that nothing happened. The history of mankind is full of examples of people communicating with creatures from parallel worlds - these are ghosts and apparitions, the Flying Dutchmen and mysterious trains - and no one denies these facts today!

Skeptic's opinion

Associate Professor of the Department of Geophysics at VSU Ivan Prityko: “I don’t believe in portals!”

In my practice, I have never encountered such phenomena and, frankly speaking, I do not believe in the possibility of photographing portals. It is not obvious because it cannot be seen with the eyes. And what the “Ghostbusters” film captured is still a big question.

First hand

Oleg MESHKOV, graduate of the Borisoglebsk Flight School in 1987:

This happened in 1983-84 when I was a sophomore. One day I stood guard at an airplane parking lot. I knew this post inside and out. I calmly walk around “my domain” and suddenly... At first I didn’t even understand what alarmed me. The flapping of wings was heard in the distance. This seemed strange to me. Birds fly at night, of course, but not in early spring. And the bird had to be too large to make such noise. Single blows began to become more frequent and intensified and soon merged into one continuous and very loud sound that put pressure on my nerves... I took the safety off on the machine gun, took out a cartridge, but I was paralyzed by a feeling of horror. I even squatted down! At the same time, my thoughts worked sensibly, but my legs and body refused to serve. An inner voice kept saying: raise your head! But I couldn't do it. The sound reached its maximum, suddenly changed tone and disappeared abruptly, as if it had instantly moved somewhere... At the same moment, my strength returned. No one except me noticed anything unusual that night. But I didn’t ask unnecessary questions - I wanted to fly, and not communicate with KGB officers and doctors...

Ghost Photography

newspaper "Ufologist" May 2006

Voronezh scientist Genrikh Silanov believes that he managed to capture the shadows of the distant past. The river is photographed, at that time completely deserted - and in the picture you can see a dugout boat with a rower. A poplar tree with its top collapsed from age. On a special photographic plate made with quartz optics, a lush crown is clearly visible above the broken trunk. A forest clearing is photographed - and among the branches, grass, everything that is visible to the naked eye, male figures with weapons of ancient warriors appear in the photograph.

Picture No. 1.

This tree on the bank of the Khopr stands without a crown. A few years ago, a strong wind broke it. But in “Memory of the Field” the tree was preserved in full growth. Of course, the broken crown is not captured as sharply as the remaining trunk, but quite clearly. This is an example of the fact that “Memory of the Field” records not only ancient landscapes, but also fairly recent events.

Picture No. 2.

Left bank of the Khopr. The sun had already disappeared behind the horizon. The surface of the river is completely deserted. And yet, the photo showed an image of a man in a boat, the bow of which was a fragment of a kayak, and the stern part was from a rubber boat. The most striking thing is that the shadow from the rower is located in such a way that the sun has not yet set and is in the north, which never happens in our latitudes.

Negative shot No. 3.

In 1942, the Czechoslovak Ludwig Svoboda Brigade was formed in Novokhopersk. Military exercises were taking place at the location of Silanov’s camp at that time. And this is known for certain. The photo shows three heads wearing helmets. These were not worn by Red Army soldiers, but only by Czechoslovakian soldiers. Obviously, they are in the trench and are waiting for a command. Perhaps that photograph will convince even Doubting Thomas of the “Memory of the Field” phenomenon.

Picture No. 4.

It depicts the backs of two boyish figures. Of course, no one was at this place during filming. The teenager is especially clearly visible, one step behind the one in front... You might think that this photo reflects reality, if not for one circumstance: a tree branch “sprouted” through the teenager’s back. There was actually a superposition of two events on one frame: a once growing tree and teenagers who once passed here.

Picture No. 5.

A young girl was packing a sleeping bag. After she left the area, photographs were taken of the area. But in “Memory of the Field” it remained. All phases of her movements are even captured. That's why the back and head are so blurry: the girl bent over many times over the course of about ten minutes, and the camera clearly captured a relatively motionless part of the body.

The photographs taken during the expeditions of the Voronezh Committee for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena awaken the imagination and surprise. And at the same time, they raise a lot of questions. According to the head of the committee, Genrikh Silanov, a well-known ufologist in the country and in the world, the discovery, which he called “field memory,” was a by-product of many years of research into anomalous physical phenomena. To put it simply, Silanov and his colleagues are looking for and recording what modern science cannot reliably explain at this time. Their archive has accumulated a huge amount of photographic materials depicting flying luminous objects, flashes, and mysterious glows of the earth’s crust. “Unidentified flying objects,” according to ufologists, are most active in the Khoper anomalous zone, located in the east of the Voronezh region.

Why there? Silanov, a geophysicist by profession, head of the spectral analysis laboratory of the Voronezhgeology state enterprise, explains this by the special tectonic structure of these places. Due to the fault in the earth's crust running along the bed of the Khoper River, magnetic radiation is so strong that it becomes visible to the eye and especially photosensitive photographic equipment in a certain spectrum. Perhaps it is the force fields that attract UFOs here. Are they fueled by energy flowing from the bowels of the earth? Let's leave this as a hypothesis for now.

A couple of years ago, I myself happened to see in the “zone” in one of the clearings a trace from a visit to it in 1992 by a luminous ball, then captured on film. The trail is a regular circle of dark green grass (much darker than the surrounding vegetation) with a diameter of about seven meters. Magnetometers at this place still show a “storm”. I don’t dare to draw hasty conclusions - final conclusions, in my opinion, are a matter for specialists. Let’s accept this for now as a version: besides us, there is (or lives) someone else on Earth. These “someones” are not very keen on contacting us, but, willingly or unwillingly, they leave “traces” by which ufologists strive to recognize them.

It turns out - and this is where the phenomenon of “field memory” begins - we, people, and everything living on Earth leave traces invisible to the eye. We leave it for a long time, maybe even forever, in the electromagnetic “archive” of the planet. Silanov is confident that the photographs obtained from Khopr prove the ability of the earth’s surface to preserve, and under certain conditions, visibly reproduce once-existing objects that living beings passed over it. In many photographs taken with sensitive photographic equipment, silhouettes of people, animals, not always clearly defined buildings, objects that were not and could not be there during the shooting are really visible. A curious incident: in one of the photographs taken at the site of the camp, a familiar face appeared among the grass and branches... of the artist Vladimir Savostyanov. Two years before, he took part in an expedition and his tent stood in this very place.

I won’t lie: most of the images of the “past” are blurry and not very clear. Sometimes it is quite easy to make out the figure of a person, the silhouette of an animal, the outline of a wagon or car. Sometimes everything seems just a play of chiaroscuro, a fantasy of visionaries.

“I understand your doubts,” says Genrikh Silanov. “The quality of the images is affected not only by the imperfection of our equipment, but also by the degree of energy excitation of the field on which the memory is “recorded.”

All photographs were taken on the banks of the Khopr, in the so-called “zone”. But is this the only place that has such specific memory properties?

No, says Silanov. - It seems that this is a property of the entire earth’s atmosphere. But the zone of anomalous phenomena is characterized by unusually intense manifestations of magnetism; it produces impulses of such strength that even our imperfect apparatus can detect them.

Silanov hopes that someday he will be able to photograph even the Scythians who once lived here, or the distant ancestors of the Slavs, or Batu’s cavalry passing through the steppes - the main thing is to be able to set up the equipment for their time. The in-depth study of “field memory”, which began this summer, is precisely based on the artificial “excitation” of magnetic phenomena using special instruments.

Silanov is pleased with the experiments carried out and is preparing to patent them. Therefore, he is in no hurry to provide unnecessary technical details. But it is already clear that the discovery of a method for stimulating the memory of the Earth, its photography, and perhaps, over time, filming promises a grandiose breakthrough in archeology, criminology, and even in the ordinary consciousness of people. After all, the idea of ​​immortality will then receive new confirmation, the passport of reality will be acquired by stories about ghosts, apparitions, evidence of miraculous phenomena of the deity described by visionaries and chroniclers of many centuries and peoples.

From the archives of the Voronezh Committee for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena: During the battle with the Teutons on the ice of Lake Peipus in 1242, Novgorodians from the army of Prince Alexander Nevsky saw an “angel regiment” appear above them against the sky.

Retro studio on the Khoper River

Moskovsky Komsomolets, Savely KASHNITSKY 2004

When the girl was folding up the camping tent, Genrikh Mikhailovich focused the lens. But he didn’t have time to release the shutter: she stood up and walked up to him. Already touching her shoulder, he pressed the button by inertia - the shutter clicked. When the film was developed, the frame showed a girl bending over a tent, exactly in the same position in which she had crouched a few seconds before the shooting.
This could mean one thing: Genrikh Mikhailovich Silanov photographed not the girl herself, but the information trail she left in space. It sounds unscientific - an experienced geologist, a specialist in geophysical instruments, is fully aware of this. And I wouldn’t believe anyone if I heard that the camera recorded the situation of the moment that had elapsed before the shooting. I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t taken such photographs with my own hands dozens of times.
And for the first time, such a photograph was accidentally taken in the Hermitage by Leonid Semenovich Pritsker. He photographed the throne of the Russian tsars displayed in one of the halls, and when developing the film... the face of Peter I, who actually once sat on this throne, surfaced.
In principle, this incident could have been ignored and considered a mechanical superposition of two frames or even a deliberate photomontage. But the authority of L. Pritzker, a famous Almaty scientist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, whose impeccable scientific integrity did not allow us to assume trickery, was too great.
So the Voronezh researcher Silanov quite consciously experimented with photographing the past. And after many failures, he began to succeed.
Here Genrikh Mikhailovich shows me a thermos taken on the grass, the image of which is overlapped by the slightly blurred outline of a flask, in which milk was transported for many years. Probably a flask older than the thermos once stood in this place. Its image is invisible to the eye, but somehow present at a given point in space and captured on the negative.
In another photo, a powerful old tree, broken off by a storm, leaned over a bend in the river. But above the breakage site, the upper part of the trunk rises like a pale shadow.

How to make a photo time machine
Here is the time to say what kind of technology allows you to photograph the past. Of course, she is not entirely ordinary. The lenses of mass-produced lenses are coated for clearing with a thin film of magnesium fluoride, which blocks the ultraviolet part of the spectrum. But it is at these frequencies, according to Silanov’s assumption, that the film records the “field memory.”
Genrikh Mikhailovich uses this term for lack of a more precise one. He himself does not know exactly what field he is talking about. It only assumes that images of the past emerge due to special excited states of electromagnetic, gravitational, microwave or other fields, when certain frequencies are in resonance with the exciting frequency. Space, the scientist believes, is a large hologram that stores information about everything that has ever crossed it or been placed in it. Under certain conditions, any point in space is capable of “switching on” memory, which materializes in quanta of light, resurrecting the image of the past.
The hypothesis would seem too fantastic if it were not confirmed by many photographs. All of them were made by Silanov in the ultraviolet range using a special lens, filter and film.
The head of the spectrographic laboratory of the Voronezhgeology association, he has been manufacturing special photographic equipment for many years. This experience was useful in his new hobby.
Conventional optics do not transmit ultraviolet light. For a lens capable of “transmitting” time, Silanov looks for grains of natural quartz sand that transmit UV rays, subjecting them to analysis on a spectrometer. Then he melts these grains of sand in a crucible that has the curvature required for the lens, after which he manually polishes the resulting lens for a long time, using the method described by Isaac Newton.
The film Genrikh Mikhailovich uses is also unusual: it is devoid of a gelatin layer that does not transmit ultraviolet radiation.
Finally, wanting to choose a suitable light filter, the researcher took a long time to take paired photographs on a Sputnik stereo camera: he shot simultaneously with two lenses, one of which was covered with a K-12 light filter, expanding the range of penetrating rays towards short waves. For a long time, regular photographs were published, but from a certain point the frames became unpaired...

Czechs and Mongols - neighbors of dinosaurs
It so happened that most of the photographs were taken in the summer months, during the annual expeditions to the Khoper anomalous zone. Genrikh Mikhailovich, the permanent leader of the public research expedition “Khoper”, leads a team of enthusiastic researchers every summer. Much has been written about the frequent appearances of UFOs over the Khopra riverbed. But the memory of the past is no less interesting and mysterious phenomenon than luminous objects in the sky.
Well, for example, here is this photo of a bush from which the profiles of soldiers’ faces in helmets “sprout.” When they later began to analyze the attributes of the photograph, it turned out that such helmets were worn by the soldiers of the Czechoslovak regiment under the command of Ludwig Svoboda, which was formed in this very area. What happens? The quartz lens captured soldiers who were probably actually on the banks of the Khoper in 1943.
And in another Khoper landscape, the face of a man in ancient clothes emerges - presumably a Scythian, an ancient inhabitant of these places.
Soldiers in pointed helmets immediately bring to mind the Golden Horde warriors. Next to them you can see ropes thrown across the river - this is probably what the crossing of the Khoper was like. And in another photograph of the same southern Russian natural zone, we can vaguely discern a dinosaur, which probably once trampled the emerald mosses of the Black Earth region with its three-toed paws.
Just try to figure out, by pressing the shutter release button, what era the whimsical fields of the anomalous zone will throw you into... Genrikh Mikhailovich himself does not yet know how to control his time machine - he does not yet have a “time switch” in his hands. We tried to film the same place with five cameras at the same time. Instead of five identical frames, various layers were obtained - from the previous minute illuminated by the same sun to the dense twilight of past geological eras.

And this happened in my house
Silanov believes that soon the possibilities of transtemporal photography will expand due to the involvement of the infrared part of the spectrum - he has already begun to manufacture the corresponding equipment. But the usual photographic technology of the new generation - digital - can, he believes, also give the wonders of paradoxical photography.
For this to happen, two conditions must be met. “Memory of the past” is more likely to emerge when using a telephoto lens, which “presses” the space, collecting together the images smeared in it. And you can more likely expect the appearance of “otherworldly” images if you shoot at dawn or before sunset, when the share of ultraviolet rays in the spectrum is especially high.
Moreover, talking with many professional photographers who, by the way, carried out an examination of Silanov’s unusual photographs, certifying the absence of editing and technical defects, he learned that many of them also more than once received something strange on the negatives.
Personally, I am ready to testify: this is so. While visiting a Shaivite ashram in the village of Okunevo, Omsk Region (another characteristically anomalous zone), I leafed through albums with photographs and saw hundreds of photographs in which another, transparent, usually sacred content, was superimposed on top of the visible image. The Shaivaites swore: they did not set up any deliberate tricks during manifestation and printing.
My son recently returned from Stockholm, where he shot a lot with a digital camera. The city landscape captures the water mirror of one of the many straits; an orange buoy is clearly visible in the center.
For some reason, Daniil took two pictures in a row from the same place. But on the second - what a devilry! - this buoy is not visible. Maybe after a moment he plunged into the water? But this is not the sea with its waves, and there are no passing motor boats nearby.

Photo hunting for ghosts
Why refer to others! Last spring, I personally took several photographs in Egypt inside and next to large pyramids, in which there are transparent spheres - a kind of large soap bubbles. Their origin is completely unclear. According to the professional photographer to whom I showed the photographs and negatives, this is hardly a technical defect...
The most striking - for me personally - of Silanov's strange photographs are those in which the faces of strangers appear.
This phenomenon has its own history.
No one would probably remember almost a century after the death of the unknown Greek writer Dimitrokopoulou if he had not published new, previously unknown novels by Victor Hugo. Moreover, in French, which - for a more dashing plot twist - the Greek did not have the chance to speak. Then where do the texts come from? From Hugo himself, Dimitrokopoulo assured. He personally did not compose them, but only wrote them down while in a state of trance. They tried to expose the roguish Greek for a long time, especially his ignorance of French. But at first, the “Hugovologists” fell into confusion: the plotting techniques, literary style, even linguistic nuances - everything is genuine. The skeptics finally fell silent when, during one of the mediumistic sessions, the Greek in a trance was photographed. On the print, next to the writing Dimitrokopoulo, the translucent figure of Victor Hugo was clearly visible.
It is not so rare for the dead to “get” into the frame, as if in this way trying not only to remind of themselves, but to assure living relatives: we have not disappeared, we exist in parallel with you, we are watching over you, we love and protect you.
Genrikh Silanov, a practical scientist, himself a skeptic and a man of little faith by nature, is well aware of the vulnerability of his information. No one is obliged to take his word for it. Especially in such a flexible art form as photography, where any man-made illusions are possible. Official science, with its inherent fanaticism, fundamentally does not want to notice Silanov’s paradoxes. But he doesn’t want to cross her high threshold just to prove that he’s not a camel.
When a phenomenon is ignored by scientific generals, any attempts to prove anything to them will be rejected by all means. This is memorable from the history of genetics in our country or closer examples related to parapsychology. Therefore, there is no need to break into a closed door, says Genrikh Mikhailovich. It is only necessary to verify individual facts en masse. Everyone has cameras now. If there are not 80 photographs with images that have wandered to us from the past, as in Silanov’s collection, but an order of magnitude more, physicists will have nowhere to go and will simply have to study the memory of the field.