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“Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation and Family Karma. Edgar Cayce on reincarnation Edgar Cayce on reincarnation and family

The space of the Universe consists of many dimensions. We are multidimensional beings and simultaneously exist in different dimensions of the Universe. Once upon a time, our bodies evolved from primates. Even earlier our souls.

But before the universe was created, our souls have always existed as part of the Divine in even higher dimensions.

On a conscious (physical) level, our bodies are like a miniature copy of the solar system. Our hearts perform the function of the Sun - the center of our physiological system. Other organs of our body also have their own planetary correspondences.

The planets exert astrological vibrations on our body, thereby influencing our personality and the typology of our soul. At the level of the subconscious (soul), the solar system is our cosmic body.

We are connected with planets, stars, subtle planes and entities. On a superconscious (spiritual) level we are one with the Absolute. Everything that is on the superconscious level has a Divine nature.

We perceive the Universe in three dimensions: time, space and speed. We also perceive space in terms of height, length and width. We think of time as past, present and future.

We speak of ourselves as beings living on the physical, mental and spiritual levels.
Our world can be considered as inhabited by minerals, plants and animals. The Bible speaks of the triune God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

According to Cayce, the three dimensions of human essence are consciousness, subconscious and superconscious.

Spheres of life after death

Cayce discovered that our life experience includes more than just the Earth. It includes our entire solar system.

According to the canons of astrology, every the solar system in the universe is like a “university”- a place where souls receive higher education.

Our Solar System is made up of nine planets, and each planet represents the physical space of a specific area of ​​the afterlife or otherworldly dimension.

Our universe is just one realm of many realms of life after death. Our world, the world of planet Earth, is the third sphere in the hierarchy of spheres of other life and is a three-dimensional model of life.

Cayce correlated each planet with a physical three-dimensional blueprint of a specific otherworldly area, using the corresponding names of the planets.

For example, when Cayce uses the name “Venus,” he is referring to the realm of life after death, which is astrologically associated with the planet named Venus.

When Cayce mentions that souls inhabit Venus, he does not mean that souls live on the surface of the planet Venus. What he means is that souls inhabit an afterlife realm called Venus, which is astrologically associated with the planet Venus.

For example, planet Earth is physical three-dimensional embodiment of the third area of ​​the afterlife, that is, our world.

The planet Mercury is a physical three-dimensional embodiment associated with the second realm of the afterlife, also called Mercury, in the hierarchy of afterlife realms.

The afterlife realms are dimensions that the soul can enter, when she is not present in her physical body on Earth.

These states of no-Soul include death, deep sleep, or other altered states of consciousness that free the subconscious mind from its normal physical limitations.

Planets have an astrological influence on us. These astrological planetary influences come from the afterlife realms where our souls temporarily resided prior to our current earthly incarnation, as well as in between our earthly lives.

The purpose of these astrological influences - teach us certain life lessons, which we must go through, and for which we were placed on Earth.

Cayce described how our mind, body and soul are connected to various realms of the afterlife and to astrological objects such as the Moon, Sun, planets and stars.

In fact, Cayce argued that they all function together as a whole. Our Solar System is our cosmic body, and our physical bodies function as miniature Solar Systems.

While on Earth, we are highly dependent on the desires that come from our bodies. These desires affect not only our bodies, but also our souls, and how we deal with these influences determines the level of our spiritual development.

Through meditation and prayer, you can open doors to many dimensions, to numerous temples of the Kingdom of God. But first the door must be unlocked on Earth.

Jesus taught that the Kingdom of Heaven is within us. We seek God and His Kingdom by looking within ourselves.

Our physical bodies are temples for the Spirit of God as a place where we can meet Him, and as an awareness tool through which we can tune in to interact with the Divine.

According to Cayce and Eastern religions, there are seven areas in our physical body that act as spiritual energy centers, called “chakras.” It is through these spiritual centers that our Soul finds its self-expression.

Chakras- internal elements of our physical body that collectively function as a miniature astrological solar system, where our hearts perform the function of the Sun - the center of this system.

The connection between the physical body and other worlds

Cayce mentioned that the seven spiritual energy centers in our body are the seven endocrine glands. These glands are known to science as the emotional and motivational centers of our physical body.

They are especially active when we connect to them through our power of mental imagination.

They are channels of perception, through which we can be aware of other spheres of other life by analogy with our well-known five senses, which are the channels of perception of our experience on Earth.

Endocrine glands This:

  • pituitary,
  • pineal gland,
  • thyroid,
  • thymus,
  • adrenal glands,
  • Leydig's gland and
  • gonads (testes or ovaries).

As tools for tuning into interaction with the Divine, the endocrine glands serve as connecting elements between the Spirit and the physical body.

These energy centers are the converters of spiritual energy into physical energy of the mind. Operation of these centers, in turn, depends primarily on the strength of the motivation or ideal formed by our mental imagination.

The work of our endocrine glands can be examined using the example of a situation when something made us angry. Every time we experience the emotion of anger, our adrenal glands begin to produce hormones.

The activity of our sex glands is directly related to the sexual desire that arises in our mind.

Science knows that The pituitary gland is the main endocrine gland of the physical body. The hormones it secretes have a direct coordinating effect on all other glands.

Cayce stated that all endocrine centers are influenced by some area of ​​the afterlife due to the existing connection between the endocrine centers and the astrological influences of the planets.

The lowest endocrine gland in our body - the gonads - corresponds to the lowest level of life after death in the hierarchy of spiritual spheres.

The pituitary gland is associated with the highest level of life after death in the hierarchy of otherworldly spheres. The realm of the afterlife, where we go after death, depends on the activity of the most active endocrine gland located in our physical body.

Activation of the highest spiritual center, the pituitary gland, leads to spiritual awakening and enlightenment, and, as a result, to the realization of our unity with God.

Christians call this spiritual experience redemption. Casey gave it the name “merging into one.”

We can achieve spiritual enlightenment through meditation or any other experience that can unite our consciousness with the consciousness of God. Such experiences may include.

Cayce discovered that each area of ​​the afterlife has its own specific astrological characteristic, which affects us physically through the vibrations of the corresponding planet.

The purpose of planetary vibrations is to stimulate the growth of the Soul.

Cayce described planet Earth as a Test area. He stated that the Earth is a realm that has a Cause-and-Effect dimension.

This means that if the Soul has a spiritual ideal and wishes to embody this ideal on the physical level for the purpose of learning, then it can come to Earth to express and experience yourself.

In fact, through its experience on Earth, the Soul can become aware of what it considers true (or not true) for itself.

The area of ​​planet Earth is perfect for self-realization on the path of overcoming your own weaknesses in order to see that these weaknesses are truly surmountable.

Here on Earth, as a result of our journey, we can definitely understand whether we have really changed. After all, it’s one thing to have an idea, and quite another thing to turn that idea into reality. This is why we as souls come to planet Earth.

Cayce also discovered that The earth is a kind of laboratory for other other worlds associated with our solar system.

This is explained by the fact that only on Earth there is the principle of Free Will, and only on Earth does three-dimensional life exist within our Solar System.

In other areas of the afterlife, souls are under some control in order to make sure that they are learning the lessons that are appropriate for them.

If the Soul has evolved sufficiently, then control is usually exercised directly by the Soul itself. At the moment of death, when the Soul leaves the body, the consciousness of the Soul is absorbed into its subconscious, and the division between consciousness and subconscious disappears.

The table below shows spiritual relationships between the endocrine glands, planets and otherworldly realms.

For example, the pituitary gland (the third eye in Eastern religions) is the astrological and spiritual point of contact with the planet Jupiter in our solar system.

Planet Jupiter is the 5th planet from the Sun. And the planet Jupiter is the astrological and spiritual point of contact with the seventh sphere in the hierarchy of the afterlife.

By analyzing the color-coded table below, we can notice the presence of a spiritual connection between the endocrine gland and the corresponding sound and color vibrations that affect this gland.

It should be noted here that the process of spiritual influence is two-way: The endocrine gland also produces color and sound vibrations that influence the corresponding sphere of the other life.

This is how our spiritual connection with the planets and spheres of other life is realized.

This connection allows us to contact other endocrine glands through one or another planetary and spherical interaction. This is possible due to the fact that everything is spiritually connected.

Taking a look at the table below, we see that the pituitary gland is connected to the power of the Spirit through the spiritual vibration of the sound “A” and the violet color spectrum. This spiritual vibration astrologically connects the pituitary gland with the planet Jupiter.

It also connects Jupiter with its corresponding area of ​​the afterlife, namely the 7th sphere (see table above).

Bringing all the information together shows how we are connected to all physical and spiritual dimensions.


The energy of the gonads, used only on a sexual level and without reasonable control, can lead us down the path of sexual perversion and unbridled sensuality.

If this chakra center is the highest spiritual active center of a person, then after death his Soul may end up in the area of ​​the other life associated with the planet Saturn.

According to Cayce, this sphere of the afterlife can be attributed to Sphere of earthly Troubles. It is similar to the place that Catholics call Purgatory - a place of purification and return to the beginning.

According to Cayce, Saturn's afterlife realm is not a pleasant place. Casey said that in the other world of Saturn, all inadequate biomaterial is sent for reworking.

The soul can banish itself to the world of Saturn to begin its journey anew. This place is also known as the Great Switch, or the great power that is given to start over again.

Sometimes, during his readings, Cayce determined what the last world of the Soul's habitation was like before it came to Earth. He did not limit himself to reading only the earthly incarnations of people, but also considered their planetary incarnations.

One day during a reading, Cayce said to a man whom he identified as having previously experienced incarnation on the world of Saturn: “God loves those who want to start over.”

Leydig gland

The endocrine Leydig gland, located above the gonads, is the starting point on the Soul's journey to higher levels of spiritual consciousness.

This endocrine gland functions in our body, serving as a a door through which the Soul can pass on to higher regions of life after death.

If the endocrine Leydig gland was the highest active gland in man, then after death this Soul can dwell in the sphere of other life of the planet Neptune.

Spiritual Sphere of Mysticism, where souls have the opportunity to have direct experience of the Creator. Neptune's vibrations make us look for unusual, mystical, invisible forces.

People who come to Earth from this planetary sphere appear strange to others and, as a result, their behavior is often misinterpreted.

The love of secrets can indeed be spiritual, but sometimes it can be veiled under the instinct of a “snoop”.

Adrenal glands

The adrenal glands are located above the kidneys. We are most aware of the activation of this center during times of stress, when adrenaline is injected into our blood to help us fight or flee.

The adrenal glands are also the repository of our emotional karma., according to Casey. From these glands comes the destructive energy of anger and hatred.

If this endocrine gland was the highest active gland of a person, then after death his Soul can go to the region of the afterlife associated with the planet Mars.

According to Cayce, this area of ​​life after death is called Sphere of Wrath. Cayce said that this spiritual realm is a world where souls learn to control their warrior power and control the aggressive impulses and urges emanating from souls.

People who come to Earth from the other world of the planet Mars can bring with them anger, impulsiveness and intemperance. Their stubbornness will require them to learn lessons in patience and self-control.

Such people may have a very high opinion of themselves, but their self-esteem gives them masculinity.


The thymus gland (thymus) is located in the chest behind the heart in the solar plexus. Since the thymus gland is connected to the heart, it is associated with love. Love opens all doors.

The activity of this endocrine gland awakens love in us, bringing with it caring, selflessness, sincerity and honesty.

If the thymus was the highest active gland of a person, then after death his Soul can dwell in the corresponding sphere of the afterlife,

According to Cayce, this space after death can be called Sphere of Love. Compassion, a comfortable lifestyle, the search for love, physical beauty and a passion for art are the characteristic features of people who came from this planetary otherworld.

The desire for beauty, natural or artificial, will be the main motivation of these people: for example, the desire to decorate their home or the desire to be sexually attractive to the opposite sex.


The thyroid gland, located in the throat area, is associated with willpower. Abuse of a person's will in pursuit of selfish and domineering goals can lead to a disease known as hyperthyroidism.

When does a person have weak willpower, this can cause an imbalance or the opposite condition known as hypothyroidism.

It should be noted that in some cases, when a person has an enlarged thyroid gland, he develops one or another degree of clairvoyance and telepathy.

The energy released by the thyroid gland opens the door to the psychic realms of consciousness. If the endocrine gland was the highest active gland of a person, then after death his Soul can live in the area of ​​​​the afterlife associated with the planet Uranus.

According to Cayce, this area of ​​life after death is referred to as Sphere of Psyche. Cayce used the term “psyche” in the sense in which it was used by the ancient Greeks, namely “soul.”

Cayce said that it is natural for every soul to have a sixth sense. The Uranian afterlife is the area where the Soul develops its psychic abilities. The sphere of Uranus is also world of extremes.

This gives people who come from there an interest in exploring occult and psychic phenomena. In addition, these people experience frequent mood swings - from periods of complete peace of mind to periods of ecstasy and depression.

Pineal gland

The pineal gland is located just above the pituitary gland and is called the “Mind of Christ.” When this endocrine energy center is awakened, a person can experience a state of spiritual communion with the Divine.

It is through this gland that the Soul consciousness meets the Holy Spirit. If you meditate daily, then The pineal gland can open a person's gift of prophecy.

If this gland was the highest active gland of a person, then after death his Soul can dwell in the area of ​​the otherworldly life of the planet Mercury.

According to Cayce, this area of ​​life after death is called Sphere of Mind. Mercury is associated with high mental abilities.

People who come to Earth from the world of the planet Mercury are gifted souls who must keep their desire for greatness under control, otherwise their abilities will only be “stumbling blocks” on their path in life.

Mercury gives understanding, in particular understanding of other areas of the afterlife.


The pituitary gland is the main endocrine gland of the physical body. It is located behind the eye sockets in the brain, acting as the third eye given to us by ancient mystical practices.

It is through the pituitary gland, the highest endocrine gland, that we the final spiritual awakening is coming. Thanks to the energy of the pituitary gland, a person can feel the direct presence of God through meditation and prayer.

If this gland was the highest active endocrine gland of a person, then after death his Soul can go to the region of the afterlife of the planet Jupiter.

According to Cayce, this area of ​​life after death is referred to as Sphere of Sublime Views and Large Groups. People who come to Earth from this world can bring with them universality and nobility.

These souls are most likely to be involved in group-wide and national projects.

People of the planetary world of Jupiter can have large-scale thoughts and possess wealth, which may include the wealth of friends, open-mindedness and the ability to consider the interests of other people.

These people also often come up with great ideas and concepts.

Sphere of Consciousness

The planet Pluto - the seventh planet from Earth - is associated with the region of other life, life, which is called Sphere of Consciousness. This realm represents a world where the Soul can develop to full self-awareness.

The planet Pluto was discussed by Cayce several years before it was discovered! He called her Vulcan and also Septimus. When scientists discovered Pluto, Cayce confirmed that Vulcan (Septimus) and Pluto were the same planet.

The sphere of otherworldly life of the planet Pluto gives regeneration and increased awareness, but it can also give a tendency towards egocentrism.

Pluto is the otherworldly realm of spiritual growth and development of the Soul, and its influence on the destiny of humanity is only now beginning to emerge.

After all areas of life after death associated with our solar system have been fully mastered, all lessons have been fully practiced and the proper level of spiritual growth has been achieved, The soul can move on to other areas of life after death and even to other solar systems, where another group of souls are going through the same stages of accumulation of planetary experience of the afterlife.

The connection of planets with human spiritual characteristics

Star constellations represent, rather, models of the Soul, rather than accumulated experience. The twelve signs of the Zodiac are twelve options for a set of characteristics, from which the Soul chooses one for incarnation on Earth.

These variants are like human races that differ in temperament, personality traits, etc. Zodiac signs have a more subtle influence on people, making them similar to Taurus, Leo and rewarding them with an “airy” and introspective temperament.

The planetary worlds of other life, corresponding to the physical planets, are the ancient habitat of souls. Planets begin to influence the Earth when they reach their culmination point in the sky.

This impact effect is similar to the déjà vu effect that occurs when we look at a person, photograph or newspaper article that has a connection with the place where we once lived.

As an illustration of the above, you can take the Moon. Its influence on our lives is evident in phenomena such as the ebb and flow of tides, as well as the female menstrual cycle.

These influences are felt by us because the Moon is located close to the Earth. The word “lunatic” has the morphological root “luna”, meaning Moon.

Law enforcement and emergency services very often report the influence of the full moon on the increase in crime rates.

The planets are further from the Earth than the Moon, and the stars are even further away. But the radiation coming from them reaches the Earth, and thus affects our heart, our brain, and ultimately, our emotional state.

The influence of planetary vibrations on human life

So, Cayce argued that souls reincarnate not only on Earth, but can also incarnate in other worlds, living there in between their earthly incarnations.

If the Soul comes to Earth from one of these spheres of other life, then the incarnated person will have characteristic mental traits that planetary region from which his Soul recently came.

The character traits of this person will be astrologically linked to the spiritual realm of the afterlife of the respective planet.

As examples of the Soul's habitation in different planetary worlds afterlife Cayce described the recent locations of his Soul in outer space.

Casey's soul lived in the otherworldly world of Uranus, in the Sphere of the Psyche, and immediately before its incarnation in the physical world of Earth it had a short experience in the area of ​​the otherworldly life of the planet Venus.

Casey's soul came to Earth, storing in its reincarnation memory its previous experience of the planetary life of Uranus and Venus. This combination of planetary influences motivates a person to work with psychic vibrations to help other people.

As another example, Casey spoke about the planetary reincarnations of his sister Lila. Her Soul, before incarnating on Earth, spent some time in the world of otherworldly life on the planet Jupiter.

Immediately before its earthly incarnation, Lila's Soul also gained experience in the area of ​​​​the otherworldly life of the planet Mercury, which strengthened her mental abilities.

The influence of the vibrations of the world of Jupiter, the Sphere of Exalted Views and Large Groups was one of the reasons why she later became the leader of the International Red Cross.

Idealists and leaders of large groups often come to Earth after their incarnations in the world of Jupiter, according to Casey.

Traces of the influence of planetary vibrations, according to Cayce, are encrypted in the body of the Soul due to the planetary experience it received, and not just because at the time of birth the stars in the sky were located in a certain position.

Soul actually had experience in these areas. These are the energies that the Soul can rely on during its stay on Earth.

According to Casey, when we sleep, we again find ourselves in these planetary worlds of other life. We are truly citizens of the Cosmos, even as we walk on Earth.

Excerpt from the book by Todeshi K. “Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation and Family Karma”

Sometimes people who have just heard about the law of karma and the concept of reincarnation try to argue that all this is completely contrary to the sacred gift of human free will, but in fact the opposite is true. Without karma and reincarnation, the Creator, and He alone, would be responsible for all the seeming injustices of our lives. And then it would turn out that our free will is given to us only in order to try to deal with all those problems and misfortunes that the Lord condemns us to for some completely unknown reason and inaccessible to our understanding. In the end, such a primitive understanding would come down to the fact that human free will is not as free as a result, and a fair and all-loving Creator is not as fair and not as all-loving as we would like.
According to the famous researcher of world religions Huston Smith, karma in no way contradicts or violates free will, but affirms the strict and demanding nature of free will in all its moral completeness and with a person’s absolute personal responsibility for his choices and his actions:
Each person is personally responsible for his condition at each specific moment and with his own hands creates for himself the future in which he will live. Most people simply refuse to admit it. As psychologists say, they much prefer to engage in projection, moving the source of their problems as far away from themselves as possible. People simply love to find various excuses for themselves, they simply need someone on whom they can place all the blame for their mistakes and failures and thereby free themselves from responsibility... However, everyone gets exactly what they deserve...

Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), the great Austrian philosopher, teacher and founder of the Anthroposophical Society, similarly connected a person’s personal experience of the action of the laws of karma on his destiny and absolute freedom of choice:
So, upon closer examination, it is we, and only we, who create our own karma with our entire being. And every time we begin to complain about our fate on this earth and complain that we are terribly unlucky, we are rebelling against our own choice, and not the choice of some capricious and oppressive god or goddess who simply decided to do something nasty to us. Consequently, no one who knows about the existence of the law of karma can no longer allow himself to fall into the trap of envy - be it envy of another person's living conditions and situation, or envy of his talents, his luck or his friends. For we receive what we ourselves choose and deserve—what, as a result, should benefit us. And this is where our earthly freedom begins. We can, as it is so rightly said, “make the best” of our circumstances; we can wholeheartedly accept the knowledge that these circumstances are exactly what we need at this moment for our spiritual growth. We built our own house and now our task is to live in it.

And yet, despite the internal understanding of the laws of life, even people familiar with the word “karma” often misunderstand its true meaning. Karma is not a duty or a punishment, not a fate from which there is no escape, not something that exists in “relationships” between people, and, of course, not “virtues” or “vices” in the nature of people. Karma is simply interactive energy. This is the force that is activated by our intention, desires, thoughts, actions and words - and as a result determines the outcome and consequences of everything we do in this life. This is a constant force that is applicable to everything, never-ending in its development, and does not cease its action, affecting absolutely all aspects of a person’s life.

Understanding all this, the 20th century Christian mystic Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) suggested that the concept of karma could be much better understood by speaking of it as memory. Rather than explaining karma as a debt between people or an obligation to a person's predetermined destiny, Cayce said that karma is more like a reservoir of unconscious memory of each individual, influencing his decisions, actions and choices every minute. To be more precise, this karmic memory may influence our experiences and our relationships, but nevertheless, a person's free will remains the most important factor in determining how he lives his own life.

Describing how the law of karma governs the destinies of people, Cayce once told a 24-year-old Christian student studying electrical mechanics that the operation of this law can be compared to the processes of natural assimilation in the human body. We can say that once a person has acquired karmic memory, it then begins to influence his destiny, because karmic memory is something that a person can only encounter within himself.
The action of karma, according to Cayce, can be represented by the scientific law of cause and effect:
It would be great if people understood karma and knew what to do about it. For there are many different opinions; they think that karma is some kind of philosophy, or religion, or even the “law of cause and effect,” as it is called in a scientific manner... - karma is all this and much more. Karma can be compared to the food a person eats. The elements absorbed from this food by our digestive organs are then transformed into the vital energy flowing in our body, which gives us, our body and our entire being the ability to move, feel and create. And so in everything, in the experiences of our soul and body, and in any experience that we receive on this earth. It is a person’s thoughts that feed his soul...
Then, having absorbed new experiences and new experiences [of one life], the soul penetrates into a [new] body and uses this experience in its other abode, in another form of incarnation - this is called in some religions the purpose of the soul. Or, in other words, what a person creates for himself is what he later deals with in one way or another. Or, to put it scientifically, certain causes lead to certain consequences.
So we see that karma is all this and much more. (440-53)3.

When a 27-year-old woman asked for clarification on what “karmic obligations” existed between her and the rest of her family, Casey suggested that she had generally misunderstood the concept of karma. In reality, karma is not an obligation or debt that exists between people, karma is a person’s obligations to himself. Let me explain: it is often believed that these are a person’s obligations to someone else, but a person’s individual karma (or memory) concerns only himself. This is how Casey responded to this woman:
...What is karmic debt? You're just making a horror story out of this! So you only confuse yourself... This is simply a meeting of a person with himself, with everything that he himself has created in this life - karmic obligations not to someone, but to himself, and a person fulfills these obligations, connecting the past with his souls with their present! And this is true for every living soul. (1436-3).

In a conversation with a 47-year-old housewife, Casey said that we should not see karma as some kind of heavy burden that makes us unhappy and endlessly darkens our lives, because how this woman relates to her karmic memory determines the experience of her life. It is not possible for karma to carve her destiny in stone once and for all. The most important thing that determines a person's destiny is not his karma, but how he uses his free will in relation to what his karmic memory requires of him. So for this woman, and for everyone else, it is attitude and will that are the only thing that determines how their life will unfold and what experiences await them in the future:
Everything can become either a step or an obstacle [on your path], and it depends on how you are configured in the present... But no one ever pushes you, no karmic force intervenes and directs the will of the essence - in none of its experience, not in any choice that she must make! For Life is continuous and endless! And the lag or progress of any soul as an entity depends on how well it understands or applies this knowledge (1554-2).

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In 1901, at the age of 24, Edgar Cayce gave one of his first readings relating to health conditions and diagnosis. But until 1923 (when the first printed work on this topic was published in Ohio), the issue of reincarnation was not covered by Edgar Cayce in print. It is interesting to note that this concept was once mentioned in one of the previous readings - in 1911. However, none of Case's employees had been familiar with this idea for two decades. The subject was later covered in great detail in a 2000 reading called the Life Readings. These questions became the main theme of the sleeping Case's research.
What is reincarnation? This is the belief that each of us goes through a series of lives of spiritual development and growth. Edgar Cayce's approach excludes the concept of transmigration - that is, the idea that a person can be reborn as an animal. According to Edgar Cayce's materials, human souls can only occupy human bodies for all time.
Essentially, Cayce's approach to reincarnation is based on practical ways of dealing with real life. It professes the ideas of development and service to other beings. It didn't matter much to him who a person once was (or even what he did in past lives) - the main thing for Edgar Cayce was how this person deals with difficult situations and seizes opportunities here and now.
In the perspective of case readings, the past simply provided man with possibilities and probabilities. Decisions, actions and free will in the present determine his present experience. This is not a fatalistic approach to life - it contains limitless possibilities.
However, Edgar Cayce was also familiar with the less positive aspects of this philosophy. He agreed that such concepts could lead to misinterpretations of the purposes behind reincarnation. In fact, an approach to reincarnation that does not take into account free will creates what Edgar Cayce called a “karmic bug.” Such a delusion did not allow free will to express itself in its entirety. In his understanding, individuals were in many ways active participants in their life journeys, rather than bystanders.
However, to this day, the theory of reincarnation has been misinterpreted as a kind of fatalistic journey through experiences that become ours due to the will of “karma.” In light of these views, all the decisions we have made in the past remain as if carved in stone in our future. Thus life becomes simply a mechanical movement. Of course, this is not a Case approach to karma.
The word karma in Sanskrit means “action”, “work”, “deed”. The term can also be interpreted as "cause and effect". Case's readings, consistent with this concept, made an invaluable contribution to philosophy: the definition of karma as memory was given. There are no “debts” from past lives that must be paid according to the Universal Accounts; good and evil deeds of the distant past do not necessarily create the conditions of life in the present. Karma is memory. A huge amount of information from the past passes into the present thanks to the work of the subconscious. There are positive elements here along with those that appear to be negative. For example, a feeling of kinship that suddenly arises towards a stranger is just as “karmic” as unconscious hostility towards someone else. Make no mistake, subconscious memory determines how we react, what decisions we make, and even how we look at the world! However, the component of free will is always with us.
According to Edgar Cayce, after an individual dies, the next reincarnation does not occur instantly and his soul is given the opportunity to rethink everything that it has learned. This way, she can decide what lessons she should take to become a more complete being. Usually the soul decides to incarnate again among people familiar to it from past lives. The soul also has to decide in which body - male or female - it will enter the next life, or “reincarnation,” as Edgar Cayce called it. The choice is made taking into account which lessons are most valuable to the soul at this stage. The soul chooses the environment (parents, relatives, place and time of birth) that will provide it with maximum opportunities to learn the necessary lessons and achieve its goals. The soul's primary purpose on the earthly plane is to express love in every challenge life offers it. However, our experiences depend on the choices made by free will.
Thanks to free will, we can turn the difficulties that life sends us into steps along which our soul will rise upward, but we can also see in them only obstacles and stumbling blocks. Either way, we reap what we sow. We are constantly faced with the consequences of previous actions and decisions.
One of the interesting aspects of reincarnation is the fact that talents and skills are never lost. A person who has learned something in his life will be able to use his skill in his next incarnation. For example, many prodigies - say, young musical talents - are born with conscious memories of their abilities developed in past lives. If a person becomes an excellent linguist teacher in this life, perhaps in a past life he was a playwright, even earlier - a historian and, probably, a scribe in the distant past. A person's abilities are directed in the direction where he can best fulfill his life's purpose.
Another important philosophical contribution of Case's readings is the idea that there is no karma "between" two people - karma is strictly individual. The trick, however, is that we best come to understand our karmic memory or “meet ourselves” through our interactions with other people. It is through this dramatic process of "meeting oneself" through getting to know other people that one often begins to see "them" as a threat and a cause for concern, instead of feeling one's own responsibility.
And yet, despite the fact that karma belongs to him alone, a person experiences a constant craving for certain individuals and groups that allow him to meet himself under special circumstances. These same individuals and groups, in turn, are drawn to certain people in order to come to terms with their own karmic memory. It is curious how an individual makes the decision to “meet himself”, which determines the course of his entire life.
These karmic groups are often organized into families, between which connections arise, sometimes even on a national scale. Case argued that we never meet anyone “by chance” in our lives. We never form emotional connections with other people (either “positive” or “negative”) when we first meet. Relationships are a continuous learning process.
The main idea of ​​soul training is that the soul, wanting to “meet itself,” constantly experiences the consequences of its previously made decisions. This concept in biblical terminology is “What goes around comes around” and is known among students of reincarnation as “Like attracts like.”
Essentially, this means that each individual must experience what others have experienced as a result of the decisions he once made. There is no predetermination in this - a person continues to control his life (and awareness of it) due to the way he chooses to react to the situations in which he involves himself. Ultimately, all experiences are necessary for the development of personality, and all experiences are created by us.
In practical terms, we cannot always understand why we attracted a certain situation to ourselves, but this “why” does not play a decisive role in how WE react to it. What is important here is how we behave in a given situation. For example, two people may be faced with the same life situation—say, losing a job—and yet each may behave differently than the other. One of them can spend a lot of strength and energy cursing life and getting angry with people, while the other will see in everything that happened a great opportunity to “start all over again” and do what he always dreamed of doing. And although the situations are very similar, each person reacts differently. The nature of the reaction to the current situation determines the next experience.
The concept of reincarnation is present not only in Eastern philosophy, but also in all the world's greatest religions. This idea allows us to feel more compassion towards each other. Thanks to her, we can see the purpose of life in all its facets. However, we should not care whether others believe in the idea. Some people find reincarnation confusing, while others find the idea comforting. Belief in reincarnation should not serve us to dwell on the past or boast about how famous we were once. The sages know that in previous incarnations each of us experienced both higher and lower moments. This is how Case himself expressed this idea in one of his readings:
“When you study, know where you are going... to discover that you only lived, died and were buried under a cherry tree in your grandmother's garden, which does not make you one iota a better neighbor, citizen, mother or father!
But knowing that you spoke unkindly and suffered because of it, and now you can improve by becoming virtuous - that’s worth something!” (5753-2)

The idea of ​​the transmigration of souls contradicts the canons of world religions. Sometimes researchers manage to lift the veil of secrecy that the clergy tried to hide.

Birth and death are part of life. They are believed to be unrelated. But a lot of evidence suggests the opposite - they are closed in a cycle. Books about this can change life and fill it with meaning, which is sometimes beyond the power of religion.

In this article

Edgar Cayce on reincarnation and family karma

The American medium became famous for creating, in which:

  • prophesied the future;
  • diagnosed patients;
  • talked about ancient civilizations.

The trance that Edgar Cayce entered was reminiscent of a dream, for which he was nicknamed the Sleeping Prophet

Death did not stop the healer. After his death, he dictated texts “from the other world” to his students. The book “Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation and Family Karma” was written by journalist Kevin Todeshi thanks to his connection with the deceased teacher. The work received the greatest fame among them.

The famous prophet and healer Edgar Cayce was the first to coin the term “” in Western society. He outlined its influence on the path of life, family relationships and domestic well-being.

The book teaches you to perceive problems as life lessons with a secret meaning. Edgar Cayce believed that karma does not affect a person's will, but the consequences of choice will affect it. We create life ourselves.

The book teaches that the law of karma is the highest of the laws governing human life

You will like this book if you are interested in karmic relationships in the family. It will also help you rethink your approach to troubles and treat them not as God’s punishment, but as an opportunity to rethink your own future.

Video about the life of Edgar Cayce, in which he is compared to Nostradamus:

Trutz Hardo. "Children Who Lived Before: Reincarnation Today"

The book tells the story of a three-year-old child from Turkey. He remembered his past life. His parents named him Semih Tutusmus, but as soon as he learned to speak, he asked to be called Selim Fesli.

Selim's memory retains memories from his past life. He remembered:

  • former name;
  • past events;
  • names of people who knew him;
  • own.

The child showed the adults the place where his past incarnation was buried. After digging up the grave, witnesses discovered the remains of a man killed with an ax. The wound on the skull corresponded to a birthmark on the boy's head.

Later, the child named the killer's first and last name, and also pointed to the house where he lived. When confronted, the criminal confessed to his crime.

Even death did not stop the victim from finding the killer

This case of mysterious rebirth is not the only one. Trutz Hardo collected stories about children whose memories, for unknown reasons, were not erased after birth. His book is a study of the biographies of extraordinary personalities and an attempt to understand the reasons why they did not lose rare knowledge.

Boris Monosov. "Karma and Reincarnation"

The concepts of “karma” and “reincarnation” contradict the moral principles of a person raised on. It is believed that life is given once. Depending on how we live it, it depends whether the soul goes to heaven or hell. This is the reason that we forget past incarnations.

Boris Monosov’s book “Karma and Reincarnation” will teach you:

  1. Esoteric practices for understanding immortality.
  2. Principles of magic.
  3. Unification of consciousness.

Monosov's teaching is based on the knowledge of the Atlanteans

Reincarnation is one of the most important magical practices. The book contains simple diagrams that describe what happens to a person’s consciousness at the moment of death.

Ian Stevenson. "20 cases of reincarnation"

The book is his life's work. For more than forty years, the doctor of medical sciences traveled the world and collected stories about people who retained the memory of past rebirths. He paid special attention to children and victims of violent death who remembered the identities of their killers.

Over the years of practice, Ian Stevenson has discovered 2,500 children who have retained. Most of them lived in Asia and India. More than 1 thousand migrations of souls were documented.

In addition to reincarnation, his books are devoted to:

  1. People with psychic abilities.
  2. Documented cases of the appearance of stigmata.
  3. The influence of the mother on the formation of the fetus during pregnancy.

Until his death, Stevenson remained confident that children from countries with the teaching of reincarnation have an easier time remembering a past life than in countries where this is not accepted.

Even critics noted the care with which Ian Stevenson collected information

  • talents;
  • family secrets;
  • causes of death.

The video is part of a conference by Ian Stevenson, where he introduces the public to some cases of reincarnation:

Scientific literature

In addition to collecting information, scientists are trying to experimentally prove the existence of the afterlife and the transmigration of souls. The following works are devoted to this.

Michael Newton: “The Journey of the Soul”, “The Destination of the Soul”, “Life Between Lives. Past Lives and Journeys of the Soul", "Memories of Life After Life"

Michael Newton is a Ph.D., psychologist and hypnotherapist.

In his practice, Michael Newton uses regressive hypnosis. He discovered that hypnotized patients began to remember past physical incarnations.

His books will be interesting if you strive to understand the wonders of the multidimensional world. They contain recommendations for practicing hypnotherapists, as well as the methods and principles that guided the author.

Video about how Michael Newton moved from an academic worldview to the study of reincarnation:

Denise Lynn: “Past Lives, Present Dreams”, “Past Life Experiences. How to learn about your own mistakes and correct them"

Denise Lynn - Founder of the International Soul Training Institute

In her books, in addition to the fascinating stories of hundreds of patients, you will find:

  1. Ways to discover talents.
  2. Description of a technique for remembering past lives.
  3. Methods for getting rid of phobias.
  4. Rules for working with spiritual guides and animal forces.

Raymond Moody: "Life After Life"

The book contains testimonies of people who experienced clinical death. In his work, the author first used the term “near-death experiences.”

Raymond Moody - American scientist and doctor

For many patients, the details of death were similar. The book talks about:

  • following a dark tunnel;
  • the emergence of pictures from the past;
  • meeting with a luminous creature.

The book “Life after Life” became scandalous abroad. In many ways, ideas about death were formed under its influence.

In this video, Moody explains the main concepts of the study:

Hildegard Schaefer: “A bridge between worlds. Theory and practice of electronic communication with the Subtle World"

For more than 30 years, the parapsychologist has been collecting evidence of the existence. Research was carried out using special equipment around the world.

In the foreword to the book, physics professor Dr. Ernest Zenkovsky called this method of collecting information transcommunication. Thanks to technological progress, voices “from the other world” were recorded on film and given a visible form.

The book provides materials from the process of communicating with the other world

In addition to documented evidence of contact with deceased people, there is information about the success of transcommunication during the research. In addition, you will learn about methods of communication with beings from the subtle world and how technology has developed in this area.

Religious literature

Reincarnation is one of those topics that is touched upon in all world and national religions. contained in ancient Vedic texts and in the sermons of modern clergy. Some explain its essence, while others deny it.

Sacred texts of Hinduism: Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata, Ramayana, Upanishads

India leads in the number of people with memories. When raising children, it is considered shameful to suppress their attempts to remember their previous life. The reason for this lies in the thousand-year-old philosophy of Hinduism.

Sacred texts preserve the wisdom of civilization

They include mantras, descriptions of religious rituals and answers to many questions about human life and death.

The video talks about the content of ancient texts, their authorship and relationship with each other:

Tenzin Gyatso: “Sleep, dreams and death. Study of the structure of consciousness"

The appearance of the book was preceded by a conference with the participation of the 14th Dalai Lama and Western scientists.

The title of Dalai Lama is transferred upon rebirth into a new body

The meeting was devoted to three issues:

  • of death.

The book is presented as a conversation in which participants share thoughts and complement each other. You will enjoy this book if you want to learn the similarities and differences between modern science and the wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism.

Books based on channelings

The sacred texts of world religions contain evidence of human contacts with higher powers: God, angels or demons. In the modern world there are those who have repeated the experience of the prophets.

This contact is called “channeling”. Divine messengers, through contactees, shared wisdom and warnings with humanity.

Lee Carroll: Kryon Books 1–10

Her messages are different, but they are all given by heavenly power with one purpose: to guide humanity to a new energy level. Lee Carroll conducted public sessions where Kryon communicated with everyone.

Lee Carroll - creator of the term "indigo children"

The medium claims that he is one of many with whom Kryon maintains contact. In his books you will find the following information:

  1. New energy that changes people's destinies.
  2. Immortality.
  3. Energy history of human development.
  4. The meaning of cosmic lessons.

In the video, Lee Carroll talks about Kryon:

Neil Donald Walsh: "Conversations with God"

All books are written using a unique method - automatic writing. At this point, the author allowed the subconscious or higher powers to write for him.

Revelations began to come to Walsh after a life crisis

  • material values;
  • policy;
  • communication;
  • purpose in life.

The works of N. D. Walsh are full of practical knowledge. People have encountered the wisdom of changing fate. Here you will find a description of the “correct” life and instructions on how to fill your heart with love and harmony.

Steve Rother: "Spiritual Psychology: Twelve Essential Life Lessons"

He draws his knowledge from a community of spiritual beings from another world. The group told Steve Rother that everyone's life is planned before birth. But when we were born, we forgot about it.

Remember the Life Lessons we have chosen and find your place in the world

The book “Spiritual Psychology” talks about the principles of healing and offers 12 lessons. You will learn what the author thinks about the responsibility of a healer and how to find true strength.

The book will be of interest to those who are on a spiritual quest and want to improve their quality of life. She will teach harmony and self-love. With its help you will become the Creator of your own life.


Excerpts from the book “Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation and Family Karma”

Sometimes people who have just heard about the law of karma and the concept of reincarnation try to argue that all this is completely contrary to the sacred gift of human free will, but in fact the opposite is true.

Without karma and reincarnation, the Creator, and He alone, would be responsible for all the seeming injustices of our lives. And then it would turn out that our free will is given to us only in order to try to deal with all those problems and misfortunes that the Lord condemns us to for some completely unknown reason and inaccessible to our understanding. In the end, such a primitive understanding would come down to the fact that human free will is not as free as a result, and a fair and all-loving Creator is not as fair and not as all-loving as we would like.

According to the famous researcher of world religions Huston Smith, karma in no way contradicts or violates free will, but affirms the strict and demanding nature of free will in all its moral completeness and with the absolute personal responsibility of a person for his choices and his actions: Each a person is personally responsible for his condition at each specific moment and with his own hands creates for himself the future in which he will live.

Most people simply refuse to admit it. As psychologists say, they much prefer to engage in projection, moving the source of their problems as far away from themselves as possible. People simply love to find various excuses for themselves; they simply need someone on whom they can place all the blame for their mistakes and failures and thereby free themselves from responsibility... However, everyone gets exactly what they deserve...

One day a married couple came to Edgar Cayce. They asked him to tell them about their past and present lives and give advice on how they could continue to live in marriage. Cayce responded that, whether positive or negative experiences are the content of past life experiences, karmic memory often brings people together. However, what the couple does with this experience in the present primarily depends on their will and their spiritual development: All entities in this world - including the two of you - meet for certain reasons... For good or for harm - nothing to it
unable to prevent. Whether such a meeting leads to development and improvement or to decline depends on what each of you strives for and what he considers his ideal.

From the point of view of the knowledge transmitted by Cayce, each person finds himself in such a life situation of relationships and receives such experiences and experiences that will help his soul grow and, as a result, achieve the ideal of spiritual perfection. Once a 38-year-old man asked Casey about the meaning of the law of rebirth and received the following answer: “The Creator conceived man as His companion... Where you are now, how many [lives] will it take you to become a worthy companion to Him and create together with the Creative Power?

In other words, the meaning of life is not only to be born into a family, go to school, find a job, collect material assets, start your own family, grow old quietly and eventually die, leaving behind descendants and family members who will repeat the same cycle. Whereas the meaning of life is for the soul to go through a series of life experiences that will ultimately allow it to reach a level of maximum awakening and ultimate spiritual awareness.

In one case, Cayce described spiritual awareness this way: “Awareness within every soul, imprinted in the patterns of the mind and waiting to be awakened by the will, the oneness of the soul with God.” Awakening to this level of consciousness is the destiny of every human soul. According to Cayce's cosmology, it is in the ongoing process of individual spiritual development that a person learns, grows and constantly encounters himself - with his own past experiences, experiences, relationships, inclinations, talents and mistakes, and this happens in his karmic memory. This is exactly what Casey was trying to explain when a 22-year-old young man asked him: “Which member of my family do I inherit more from?” Casey replied: “You inherit most from yourself, not from your family! Family is just a stream in which your soul moves!”