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Who flies on a triangular shaped UFO. Who flies the “black triangles”? Why did the electronics turn off?

Over the territory of Belgium, starting from November 29, 1989, unidentified flying objects of a triangular shape were repeatedly observed. The black triangles (up to 30-40 meters across) were equipped with three spotlights emitting white light and a flashing orange-red headlight in the center. People called them Belgian triangles.

The peak of events occurred on the night of March 30-31, 1990, when unknown objects were tracked on radar and pursued by two Belgian Air Force F-16s. The triangles were observed, photographed and filmed by approximately 13,500 people, about 2,600 of whom later submitted written statements detailing what they had seen. On June 22, 1990, the Belgian Air Force agreed to partially release an account of the events of that night.

At around 23:00 on March 30, the head of the Center in Glon, which controls civil and military air traffic throughout Belgium (CRC), received a message that three lights were seen moving towards Turemba Geblo, which is located southeast of Brussels. The lights were reportedly brighter than stars, varied in color between red, green and yellow, and appeared to be located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. The Glonsky Center sent a request to the Verviers gendarmerie to send a patrol to verify the authenticity of the reports.

About 10 minutes later, a second group of lights was seen moving in the direction of the first triangle. By 23:30, the Verviers gendarmerie confirmed the initial observations, and the Glon Center was able to observe the phenomenon on radar. At this time, the second group of lights, after a series of chaotic movements, also turned into a small triangle. After tracking the targets and receiving confirmation from a second radar from the Traffic Control Center in Semmersack, shortly before midnight, the Glon Center gave the order to scramble two F-16 combat aircraft from the base in Beauvesen. Throughout this time, the phenomenon was clearly visible from the ground: witnesses described the formation of lights that slowly moved across the sky and maintained a position relative to each other. Witnesses also reported two darkened lights in the Egese municipality moving erratically.

Over the next hour, the fighters attempted to reach the target nine times. In three cases, it was possible to obtain coordinates from the radar for a few seconds, but each time the speed and position of the target changed so quickly that the guidance was reset. When the target was first captured by the radar, the triangle accelerated from 240 km/h to over 1,770 km/h as the altitude changed from 2,700 m to 1,500 m, then to 3,350 m, and then descended almost to ground level - the first descent from over 900 m carried out in less than two seconds. Similar maneuvers were observed during both subsequent radar homings. In none of the cases did the F-16 pilots have visual contact with the target and at no point, despite the enormous speed, was there any indication of the sonic boom that would inevitably occur when breaking the sound barrier. According to narrator Robert Stack in an episode of Unsolved Mysteries, the g-forces generated by such sudden acceleration and deceleration would have been fatal to one or more of the pilots flying the object.

At this time, numerous witnesses on the ground confirmed the information received from the radar. They reported that the smaller triangle completely disappeared from view at one point, while the larger triangle moved upward very quickly as the F-16 flew past. After 00:30, radar contact became more sporadic, and the last confirmed target acquisition occurred at 00:40. This final target acquisition was again reset by the object's acceleration from about 160 km/h to 1,120 km/h, after which the fighter radars and ground radars located in Glon and Semmersack completely lost contact. After several further unconfirmed contacts, the F-16s returned to base shortly after 01:00.

The last people to observe the triangles were members of the Verviers gendarmerie. They described four lights arranged in a square making short jerky movements before gradually losing brightness and disappearing in four separate directions by 01:30.

On March 31, 1990, at one o'clock in the morning, engineer Marcel Alferlan used an amateur video camera to film an object from the roof of his house in the center of Brussels, near the South Station.

The famous photograph of the Belgian triangle taken over the city of Verviers on April 4, 1990. For 20 years, the ufology organization SOBEPS has maintained that the photograph is genuine, and maintains this to this day.

Over the years, triangular UFOs have appeared not only in Belgium, but also in France, England, the USA and Panama. According to data obtained by the ufological organization MUFON, they were observed especially often in 1998.

Earlier this month, residents of St. Petersburg observed a UFO flying in the skies above the city. At least one eyewitness managed to film the unidentified object on his mobile phone camera.
The UFO seen by St. Petersburg residents had the shape of an equilateral triangle with bright bluish lights at each corner. The flying object seemed to appear out of nowhere; flying over the city, it disappeared into the night sky. Two witnesses interviewed in the video believe the object was of extraterrestrial origin.

News of the incident broke on the air a few days after a rather interesting statement was made by Professor Alexander Potrnov, one of the country's leading geologists. The scientist suggested that people could have come to Earth from Mars about 10,000 years ago after a global natural disaster, as a result of which the planet became uninhabitable.

Professor Portnov bases his assumptions partly on images taken by NASA's Spirit research module sent to the Red Planet. During the study of the surface of Mars, indirect evidence was obtained of the existence of living organisms on the plane, as well as the presence of remains of man-made structures on its surface.


ang cool

30:11:09 14:10:14

anonymous I saw the same thing in the Prosveshcheniya metro area on Poetichesky Boulevard...I was impressed! flew low and silent...

08:08:10 16:28:46

levitfn888 I saw exactly the same triangle in the Ukrainian city of Dnipropetrovsk. In 1991.

08:10:10 21:39:42

Vasya I myself am interested in astronomy and do not trust the capital’s professors who became professors through connections. Smart people live on the outskirts. And the professorial elite loves to use the works of others. I have my own point of development of the Earth. I won’t write anything further. Otherwise, the professor’s sons might take advantage of my thoughts. Tsiolkovsky is a good guy for not getting involved with this mob and living in Kaluga.

18:10:10 02:44:10

vgesr3 I saw exactly the same one (and was shown on local TV) in Tashkent in 1991.

10:05:11 20:41:13

UFO It was still flashing its lights and flying really low, over the Buddha Temple

19:07:11 02:36:52

Livesey this night the same one was seen in St. Petersburg between the Bolsheviks and Dybenko

09:05:12 07:05:59

Misha I have seen it several times, in Moscow and the Moscow region. It flies silently, the colors are constant, like a constellation in the form of an equilateral triangle. Once I flew very fast, but saw only a couple of seconds, because... flew behind a tall building.

30:06:12 13:56:57

Andrey I saw a UFO at the end of January 1993 on the dam near the checkpoint in Kronstadt. All passengers on the bus observed it while they were checking passports and passes. Then they wrote about it in the newspaper “Worker Kronstadt”. I also saw a bright green ball in April 1992 over the arsenal in Kronstadt.

13:03:13 22:05:50

26:12:13 15:48:27

Aktrctq Here is your UFO close up plus.google.com/+AlexeiGrunin/posts/DGVH3ojXnZn

26:12:13 15:49:30

Rules: It is forbidden to use the phrase "http" in comments due to the large amount of spam! These messages will not be added

In just a few days, we managed to photograph three rapidly flying objects in different parts of the world.

The strange triangle was first noticed in the United States. Flew at high speed through the skies of Texas. Then a similar object appeared over Kansas.

Experts argue. Some suspect that observers spotted the latest secret drone, the RQ-180. Or a prototype of the next generation long-range strike bomber LSRB. Others point to a new model of the SR-72 spy plane. Its predecessor, the famous SR-71, flew from London to New York in less than 2 hours back in 1976. The current one is rumored to be even faster.

There is an assumption that the B-2 bomber looks like a triangle in the sky.

The triangle in the sky over Texas appeared a little earlier than in Kansas

Ufologists believe that the current triangles are one of those UFOs that flew en masse over Europe in 1989-1990, frightening local residents. Most often they appeared over Belgium, from which they received the name “Belgian triangles”.

And as if to confirm the ufological version, the triangle - already glowing - was photographed in the Australian night sky. Before he appeared, two lights flashed above, which soon turned into a bright triangle. He moved rapidly until he disappeared. It is unlikely that the latest American bombers or reconnaissance aircraft would glow like that.

By the way, in 1986, the crew of the Columbia shuttle during expedition STS61C photographed a triangular UFO through the window. NASA, however, reported that it was space debris.

Triangular UFO photographed from space shuttle Columbia

Observing, tracking and analyzing the movements of UFOs in Belarus or those objects that are identified with UFOs, we came to interesting conclusions. Today we will introduce them to the Belarusian public for the first time.

Among the variety of forms of incomprehensible moving objects in the sky, in recent years we have increasingly come across such a geometric figure as a triangle. It is easier to separate them from other configurations described by eyewitnesses; moreover, to date, triangular aircraft have not been officially declared in our republic.

However, having traced observations of triangular objects over the past 26 years, we come to the conclusion that most of the flights are grouped relative to a certain line that runs from Brest through Minsk and Vitebsk, most likely continuing on the territory of neighboring states.

Let's turn to the observations.

1) Brest. December 31, 1980. Brest, Yuzhny microdistrict. At about 23.00, Anatoly B., who came out of his house onto the street, saw a dark triangular silhouette with bright green and blue lights in the corners silently flying over him from west to east. A bright beam shone from the center of the object onto the ground. The eyewitness compared the dimensions of the UFO with a large house, determined the speed to be approximately 30 km/h, and the flight altitude to be about one kilometer. Despite the upcoming New Year's Eve, Anatoly B. assured that that evening and night he did not drink alcohol at all due to his upcoming work duties in the morning. (Information provided by Dmitry Borodachenkov).

August 2001. On the 18th or 19th a triangular UFO was observed in Brest. Let's give the floor to the eyewitness himself, Andrei Ivanov: “I was returning home at about 23.45 and looked at the sky in search of familiar constellations... When there were 100 meters left from the house (I live in a high-rise building), I noticed some movement in the sky above the house. It was a very dark object of a triangular (as it seemed to me) shape. It was very dim, barely visible, with several lights shining on it: one on the bow and 4-5 in the rear. If this object did not move, it would not be visible in the night sky (there was no moon then).

The object moved to the southwest (in Brest the direction to the west is easy to determine - towards the border) at high speed (in 3-4 seconds the object flew a long distance), absolutely silently and disappeared behind the trees to my left. I quickly came out from behind the trees to trace the further route of the object, but did not see it where it should have been (according to my calculations). I stood for a few more minutes, peering into the sky, but saw nothing more and headed home. At home, I told my mother and brother about what I had seen.” (“Analytical newspaper “Secret Research”. – 2001. – No. 14).

2) Lyakhovichi. 1985. On the night of September 5-6, an unusual object was observed over the village of Konyukhi, Lyakhovichi district. It was a “constellation” of multi-colored dots collected in the shape of a triangle. During its movement, the UFO either disappeared from view or reappeared. (Data from D. Novikov).

A message came to the forum of our website from a former serviceman who served in the radio engineering troops near the city of Lyakhovichi in 1988-1990. He writes: “The entire army observed a UFO near the village of Lyakhovichi in the Brest region. In the summer, at approximately 22:00, three triangles appeared high in the sky, also arranged like a triangle, each triangle consisted of three luminous multi-colored dots. The objects hung motionless in the sky and, as dawn approached, one of the triangles moved beyond the horizon beyond the forest and disappeared, the other two remained hanging until lunchtime.

After this incident, the next day in this place a helicopter was hanging high in the sky [for a long time], and a few hours later it was replaced by another. I would like to note that our unit was radio engineering and produced radio waves on which the air defense operated.”

4) Minsk. On June 19, 2001, a triangular UFO was observed by Mikhail Goldenkov together with student Olga Korotkina (in the area of ​​Zakharova Street near the Lithuanian Embassy).

June 18, 2002. In the evening at 22.20-22.30; Frunzensky district, Minsk, Belarus. Journalist Vadim Deruzhinsky reported that an unidentified star-shaped object was observed in the sky in the southeast over Minsk, which changed color approximately in the following sequence: white-red-green. The sky at that moment was clear and starless. At 60x magnification, an observer using an optical instrument saw 3 lights (the right one was blue or greenish, the left one was red, the bottom one was white). The lights were not on the tops of the object, but on its edges, the contours of a gray triangular body with three lights were blurred. Soon the object stopped and flew to the left, then the object instantly went out. All this time, the object was observed significantly south of the Minsk airport, moreover, it was motionless for several minutes, which means that it was not an airplane (V. Chernobrov, “Chronicles of UFO Visits”).

At the same time, according to the reports of the AG “Secret Research” (for the summer-autumn 2002), other eyewitnesses also reported sightings of a triangular UFO...

5) Senno. Tatyana Verbitskaya reports in her letter about a triangular UFO; she saw it on August 21, 2001 at 22.10. The object's flight was silent, with red lights burning at each corner of the triangle, and another bright light in the middle. When the lights flashed, the outline of a triangle was displayed (the letter was sent to the AG “Secret Research”).

6) Vitebsk. On July 19, 2001, S. Grigoriev from Vitebsk reported the observation of a similar object. On the evening of July 19, S. Grigoriev was in the village of Ulyanovichi, Vitebsk region, on the occasion of an archaeological internship. At 00.35, a triangular-shaped object appeared in the sky in a south-westerly direction, with yellow and white lights on the sides and one red light in the middle, and the red light was constantly flashing.

7) Near the village of Tishkovo (northeast of Vitebsk). During a survey of eyewitnesses conducted by Ufocom, data were obtained on the observation of triangular objects of burgundy color.

In other areas of Belarus, triangular objects were also observed, but the “UFO route” cannot be compared with them in terms of their number. About 90% of all triangular UFOs were seen precisely within this “route”.

Moreover, it can be assumed that an increased number of reports of triangular objects can be received at the conditionally extended ends of this segment in Poland and Russia. Or this route is only Belarusian and can be used by our armed forces to test new weapons.

But if we are right and near us, invisible to locators, unknown equipment flies about its business, then it becomes very uncomfortable, and this fact should be taken into account and appropriate measures taken to identify these objects.

It was previously believed that such UFOs were top-secret US Air Force aircraft. But it turned out that they were seen in the sky half a century ago.
One of the main topics discussed by Russian ufologists at the latest Siegel readings was the old story about the “Belgian triangles,” which recently received a continuation.
Belgian "wave".
The story began on November 29, 1989 and caused so much noise that the information then even appeared in Soviet newspapers.
The police in the Belgian town of Eupen received a call about a UFO. Townspeople said that the “triangle with bright lights” flew so low that it almost cut off the antennas above the houses. Rays descended from its corners, and an orange fire burned in the middle of the bottom. A "quiet humming sound, like a transformer running," was heard. Then a second triangle appeared. It was many times larger, covering half the sky with black edges. Turning around over the highway, the monstrous body disappeared behind the nearby forest.
The next day, panic began in Belgium, reaching hysteria. Triangular UFOs have been seen everywhere. And when there was nothing to see, people mistook any lights in the sky for a UFO.
The newspapers laughed at the “saucer fever”, considering “secret US Air Force planes” to be the culprits of the panic, until the Chief of Operations Staff of the Belgian Air Force, Colonel Wilfried DeBrouwer, spoke on television:
“Phenomena of a very anomalous nature are being observed in the country’s airspace. It is technically beyond the human mind to create such objects. The possibility of a military aircraft is completely excluded here. For me personally, two hypotheses are probable: either it is a projection of laser beams, or a UFO.”
The first hypothesis disappeared after the objects were detected by radar. On the night of March 31, 1990, F-16 aircraft were sent to intercept the UFOs, which also saw them on on-board radars.
As soon as the pilots caught the object in their sights, it performed a fantastic maneuver: the UFO, which had previously been flying at a speed of 280 km/h, reached a speed of 1800 km/h in just a second, descending from a height of 3000 meters to a height of 1700 meters. This is a fantastic acceleration! If there had been a person on board, he would inevitably have died: the limit of overload tolerated by a fighter pilot is five times less. Then the UFO began to rapidly descend again. At an altitude of less than 200 meters, it proved elusive to both aircraft locators and ground-based radars.
All this was observed from the ground by thousands of eyewitnesses.
Mark on history.
By calling the objects “Belgian triangles,” humanity once again demonstrated its short memory. Having rummaged through the archives, our ufologists discovered that triangular UFOs were flying long before their triumphant visit to Europe.
Few people know that Soviet military pilots observed a similar object during a night flight back in August 1968.
The Tu-16 is a twin-engine strategic bomber of impressive size, but the “flying platform” that commander V. Sopov saw was even larger. The object was moving slightly to the left and above Tu, which was at an altitude of 11 thousand meters. Lights glowed in the corners of the triangle. After some time, having made a turn, the UFO went down steeply. The devices worked normally, there was no interference, but the crew commander experienced a pressing sensation: this is the feeling experienced by people caught under the radiation of a radar sight antenna.
This story became famous due to the fact that at that time the military was still transmitting similar reports to the USSR Academy of Sciences.
The mysterious “triangles” could well be called “Ukrainian.” Shortly before the sensational events in Belgium, they were seen over Poltava, Zhitomir, Odessa and other regions of Ukraine.
Are they Americans?
In August 1989, Chris Gibson, a former member of the Royal Survey Corps and author of an aircraft identification guide, was working on a gas production platform in the North Sea.
He saw in the sky a black aircraft in the form of a perfect isosceles triangle, which was refueling from the American “flying tanker” KS-135. The planes were accompanied by two F-111 fighters, and the “triangle” was noticeably larger than them.
People largely attributed this sighting to the legendary Aurora, a top-secret reconnaissance aircraft of the US Air Force. Of course, all information on this device is closed, but, according to rumors, its dimensions coincide with what Gibson saw.
Arguments against".
But what should secret planes do in the skies of other countries, where fighter jets are chasing them? There is a risk that their plane will be shot down or properly examined by those who are “not supposed to.” In addition, all aviation experts agree that
that until the 70s of the last century, before the advent of on-board computers - autopilots, their creation was impossible. And British ufologist Victor Keane discovered that the first credible sighting of a “triangle” in the UK dates back to 1960. An object with three white lights in the corners and a frontal light under the bottom was seen in three populated areas.
The sizes and speeds of some “triangles” are still beyond the capabilities of earthly technology. For example, on April 26, 1998, the British Ministry of Defense's early warning radar detected a UFO "the size of a battleship" over the North Sea. A huge triangular object flew along a bizarre zigzag trajectory at a speed of 27,000 kilometers per hour!
“Judging by his maneuvers, he was clearly under the control of someone,” a British Ministry of Defense spokesman said at the time.
“The simplest assumption is that we are talking about extraterrestrial objects, but it gives rise to new problems,” said Belgian professor Auguste Messen. “We are not in a hurry to draw conclusions, but continue to work...”
From the dossier.
The Siegel Readings are traditional conferences dedicated to the study of anomalous phenomena, taking place in Russia since 1990. The name is given in honor of Felix Siegel (1920 - 1988), a famous Soviet astronomer and founder of Russian ufology.
And at this time.
They were seen already this year.
Adelaide (Australia). On January 11, 12 and 14, residents repeatedly observed flights of a triangular UFO without any lights.
Joao Pessoa (Brazil). On January 18, an amateur astronomer saw a triangular UFO in the sky with 6 - 7 dim white lights around its perimeter.
Babolsar (Iran). On January 19, an Iranian student noticed a triangular object with dim lights in the corners. He flew at high speed almost at the zenith and soon disappeared from sight.