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The state and ways of improving the education system in Russia. Modern ways and means of improving the management of the quality of education of students in a modern school. What are the goals of improving the education system?

Market competition that has arisen in our country allows the development not only of state and municipal educational structures, but also creates the opportunity for the development of non-state education, which is an integral part of education as a whole and has become an objective reality that cannot be ignored when implementing targeted social policy of the Russian state. At the same time, as domestic practice and foreign experience show, non-state education is not accidental or transitional, but a natural structural element of the entire education system. In many ways, non-state secondary education also needs regulation.

When exploring the problem of education management in general and a particular region in particular, it is necessary to proceed from the nature, essence of education and the expected image of a person in the new century. The approach to managing any social systems is quite fully presented in the works of P.K. Anokhina . The ordering and system-forming factor of any system, according to P.K. Anokhin, is a useful result, the content and parameters of which are formed by the original system and are given to it from the outside in the form of a specific model. Transitions of a system from one state to another become expedient only when they are correlated with goals and results.

The cyclical nature of management is closely related to the cybernetic approach. The latter interprets management as a process of regulation and transformation of information in systems, and considers information itself as the main factor of management.

Considering management as a decision-making process does not contradict this approach. In this case, management comes down to organizing joint actions in all structural elements of the system. It is this approach that reflects one of the characteristics of a self-organizing system.

You can find the definition of the management process as ensuring optimal communications and communication channels in a functioning system. It is also noted that the management process is reduced to performing functions of monitoring the state of the system. It is clear that under current conditions this approach is hardly acceptable.

In the works of V.S. Lazareva, M.M. Potashnik are being considered five stages of management structure: target, descriptive, prescriptive, implementation, retrospective. Each of these stages, taken separately, represents a relatively separate part of management, in the sphere of which certain procedures, actions, and operations are carried out.

Target stage begins with clarification of the problem and awareness of the need to solve it and ends with the formation of a goal.

At the second stage, information is collected and processed for the purpose being realized.

At the third stage, descriptive information is transformed into prescriptive or command information. The main thing at this stage is the development and adoption of a decision as a project of action.

Implementation stage responsible for the implementation of the decision made in real conditions. The retrospective stage completes the cycle. Its main content comes down to the analysis and generalized assessment of the actual result achieved and its comparison with the given one. Evaluation of the actual result provides the basis for a new management cycle.

In the management cycle in science, it is customary to distinguish the following main components : motive, goal, planning, information processing, operational image, conceptual model, decision making, action, checking results and correcting actions. There is an approach where three stages are distinguished in management: diagnostic, creative and organizational. To a certain extent, they integrate the stages we discussed above in a more generalized form. The diagnostic stage is associated with the formation of an information model, or image, of the management situation, as well as the management object itself, which serves as the information basis for the second, creative stage. The creative stage determines the process of finding solutions, which is implemented at the organizational stage, which determines the implementation of the decision made.

The regional education system is a relatively isolated set of interconnected educational, support, innovation and management processes implemented by educational and other institutions on the territory of one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In general, the boundaries of the education system do not necessarily coincide with the boundaries of the administrative-territorial division, but in any case, its isolation presupposes the presence of common goals that integrate the efforts of all people and institutions included in it into a single whole.

The main management modes in the education system are the operating mode and the development mode. During the functioning of the educational system, the capabilities available in it are used: financial, personnel, programmatic, methodological, material and technical, etc., and with development, these capabilities are increased and the efficiency of their use increases. From a management point of view, the processes of functioning and development are to some extent contradictory to each other, and finding a balance between these two states is an important part of the tasks associated with management. In addition, these modes, each being an object of control in itself, have their own specifics and require different functions and control mechanisms.

Such management is generally necessary because all processes carried out within the regional educational system must be coordinated with each other in terms of inputs and outputs, and internal balance and sustainability of each process must be ensured. It is necessary to promptly and coordinatedly solve problems that impede this and open up new opportunities for development, put forward both general goals that integrate the education system into a single whole, and private goals of individual subsystems and institutions that contribute to the achievement of common goals. These functions in any organizational system are performed by management, which plays the role of the main system-forming factor. Management involves the collection, processing and redistribution of information and is implemented through the special activities of managers and specialists, structured within various authorities (management institutions). Management has a hierarchical structure and is carried out at the regional level, municipal level and the level of educational institutions.

Management can be presented as an interconnected set of cyclically repeating processes for the development and implementation of decisions aimed at the stable functioning and effective development of the education system and its main parts. Management as a process includes planning, organization, leadership and control, determines the functioning and development of basic educational and support processes, as well as continuous self-development .

The input of the management process (i.e., the conditions and resources necessary for its operation) can be called regulatory and regulatory and organizational documentation, material and technical base, organizational and computer equipment, and personnel.

The output of the management process is strategic, tactical and operational management decisions, regulatory and organizational decisions that ensure the functioning and development of the education system. Since management processes within the regional educational system are carried out at several levels, one of the main conditions for effective management of education in the region is the rational distribution and clear delineation of areas of responsibility and control, and, consequently, areas of the total objects of management of the functioning and development of education between regional, municipal and self-government educational institutions.

On the other hand, management can be looked at as an organization, since management processes are implemented through the joint activities and interaction of people (managers, specialists, teachers, public representatives, etc.) organized in various temporary or permanent management institutions at all levels . From this point of view, education management in the region appears as a complex hierarchical organizational and structural unity, within which, as relatively separate, the following are distinguished: the organizational structure of regional education management, the corresponding municipal organizational management structures, as well as the organizational management structures of educational institutions themselves.

Based on systems theory, the pedagogical system itself should be considered a complex, open, purposeful and multifunctional system. Municipal, as well as regional territorial systems, are essentially supersystems, and the federal level is a highly complex, multi-level hierarchical metasystem .

Another view of management is possible: as a system.

Management processes, information about their objects, conditions and results, together with the institutionalized authorities and people implementing them, form the corresponding management subsystems at each of the indicated levels: regional, municipal and management subsystems within educational institutions. An interconnected set of multi-level management subsystems forms a general management system within the regional (municipal) educational system. To describe a management system means to consistently characterize, first of all: management tasks; management objects; management functions; organizational structure of the management system; organizational structures of its constituent management institutions; organizational management mechanisms.

The main place in the objects of municipal management of functioning is occupied by support processes. These are the exploitation and use of resources, restoration, maintenance and disposal of resources. Among such processes there are those that are not fully carried out by the municipal educational system: for example, the training of teaching staff or the publication of educational and methodological literature and the production of school equipment can be considered as objects of indirect control.

In the case when we are dealing with another state of the educational system, namely its development, i.e. state when changes occur in all its parts due to the creation and application of new conditions, resources and ways of working, we have the right to highlight the innovative processes themselves as objects of development management. More specifically, these are the processes of development, dissemination, assimilation and application of innovations within the educational system.

Control function- this is a periodically repeated, relatively isolated basic or partial management action, allocated in the system of activities for the development and control over the implementation of decisions that correct the state of a certain management object and make the necessary changes to it .

The basic actions when managing any object are planning, organization, leadership and control, forming a complete management cycle.

A comprehensive analysis of the educational system as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon made it possible to highlight its integrative properties - continuity of education and its inertia, predictability, adaptability, flexibility, dynamism, multi-criteria, as well as such criteria for the effectiveness of functioning as humanization, differentiation, individualization, democratization, integration. At the same time, it should be noted that they reflect to a greater extent a view of the pedagogical system precisely from the standpoint of structure, but not its functions. This is due to the fact that the problem of the functioning of the pedagogical system in this case is considered without analyzing the final goals (through which the functional aspects are clearly analyzed).

Development of the Russian educational system is largely determined by the extent to which the adopted legislative acts and management decisions are socially and economically developed and implemented locally, directly in regions and municipalities. Analyzing the emerging socio-economic situation from the perspective of the development of the educational system as a whole, it can be stated that each region needs to develop the education system taking into account a unified state policy. When choosing an educational strategy and tactics, it is necessary to act in accordance with your socio-economic, geographical, natural resource, national, cultural and other characteristics. This is the most important factor in the development of society as a whole, its education system, and, in particular, any educational institution.

We can identify seven main directions of formation of the educational system and “reference points” of development in each direction .

First direction - organizational and managerial. Specific organizational and managerial measures (distributed according to implementation periods and implementing entities) are implemented at two main levels: the level of the city’s educational structure and the level of individual educational units.

“Reference points” of the first direction:

  • · creation and coordination of the activities of a system of institutions and city structures necessary for the development of the municipal education system;
  • · transition to a program-targeted model of education management;
  • · introduction of adequate forms of management;
  • · development of a “formula for interaction” between the head of the Center and the heads of incoming structures;
  • · development of a system of “relations of responsible dependence” in the city’s educational system according to the principle of delegation of powers “top-down”, “bottom-up” and “horizontally”;
  • · establishing relations between the Center and teaching, educational and management teams for joint design and research work, and the implementation of transformative actions;
  • · creation (or reorganization) of municipal education services (certification and diagnostic, information, etc.).

The second direction is the “market of educational services”. This direction involves the formation of a flexible infrastructure of educational institutions, a socio-educational environment capable of creating a situation of a wide choice of paths, forms and content of education, taking into account the needs of the individual in the general context of the characteristics of the socio-economic development of the region.

The third direction is staffing the educational space (system of continuous pedagogical education). This direction is caused by the need to bring personnel policy in line with the needs of the development of the education sector, to create a multi-level system of teacher education in the city based on the concept of new content. Staffing requires multi-stage teacher education.

The fourth area is social support. This direction involves the creation of a system of social guarantees for subjects of the educational system: children, educational institutions and their employees.

The fifth direction is scientific and methodological support for the innovative process of education. This direction is associated with scientific and methodological support of innovative processes: the study and “certification” of samples of innovative pedagogical experience, the launch, support and analysis of project developments.

Sixth direction - logistics. This direction involves the creation of the material and technical base necessary for the formation and development of the educational space.

The seventh direction is informatization of the educational space. The direction is focused on creating a program for informatization of the educational system into a single computer information network with access to external sources of information.

The process of stabilization and development of education is characterized by a transition to a qualitatively new level in the implementation of federal, regional and municipal programs for the development of education, which is largely associated with the creation of centers for the development of education directly on the ground, allowing to take into account local characteristics when developing a strategy for the development of the socio-educational system of the subjects of the federation, municipalities.

Improving the management of the municipal education system requires the development of a development mechanism and a set of indicators that would be accepted by all members of the teaching community. These indicators should be not only ideal guidelines and goals for the development of the system, but also criteria for assessing its practical effectiveness. The functioning of educational systems and their quality management take place in specific existential circumstances offered by reality, which are not always favorable.

Thus, the goal of modern education management is to create a set of socio-educational conditions that make it possible to ensure:

  • a) continuity of development based on the unity of operational and long-term planning, based on scientific forecasts;
  • b) the overall methodological, material, technical, financial and economic basis for development;
  • c) rational organization of labor of participants in the pedagogical process, their training, retraining with the leading trend in training management personnel;
  • d) sustainable and dynamic functioning of the educational system.

The work of the State Department of Education of the Vladimir Region is aimed at implementing the Priority National Project “Education”, the national educational initiative “Our New School”, a set of measures to modernize the regional general education system, the main provisions of the National Doctrine of Education, the Russian Federation Law “On Education”, decrees and orders The Government of the Russian Federation, the Federal Program for the Development of Education of Russia, regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Regional Administration, the work plan of the State Education Administration, the regional target program “Development of the education system of the Vladimir region for 2013-2015”.

The main goals and objectives of the State Department of Education of the Vladimir Region:

  • -implementation of state policy in the field of education while maintaining a single educational space of the Russian Federation;
  • - providing the necessary conditions for the implementation of state guarantees of the rights of citizens to receive education;
  • -carrying out analysis, long-term planning and forecast for the development of the regional education system, identifying tasks and priorities for the development of the regional education system;
  • -creating conditions for the functioning and development of the regional education system, including the development of the material base, coordinating the construction, reconstruction and major repairs of educational institutions and monitoring the development of the material base;
  • -development of cooperation with other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, international relations in the field of education;
  • -organization and coordination of activities in the region for training, retraining and advanced training of personnel in the field of education.

The main goals of the Directorate’s activities are the implementation of state policy in the field of education while maintaining a single educational space of the Russian Federation, providing the necessary conditions for the implementation of state guarantees of the rights of citizens to receive an education.

Thus, in the Vladimir region, the development of a vocational school is aimed at optimizing the network, developing various models for integrating primary, secondary and higher vocational education, ensuring a real multi-level vocational education, and creating university complexes.

One of the priority tasks of the regional educational policy represented by the education department is to improve the social status of education and science workers. For this purpose, medium-term and long-term forecasts for the development of the personnel component of the region’s education system are being developed, and the educational level of teachers is increasing.

The system for improving their qualifications is being improved, a set of measures is being implemented to attract young specialists into the education system, and contract-targeted training of teaching staff is being carried out.


Education is a social subsystem that has its own structure. As its main elements, we can distinguish educational institutions as social organizations, social communities (teachers and students), the educational process as a type of sociocultural activity, as well as: the presence of an objective status of people in a certain field of activity, a set of roles performed by people associated in within the framework of a given social institution, the presence of a social norm that expresses the measure by which the standard of people’s behavior is determined, their activities are assessed and sanctions are determined. But social norms are also the conditions for choosing role behavior and the method of measuring it (encouragement and censure); they organize and regulate the activities of people and their relationships within a single social institution.
Education as an institution is determined by two aspects - social and cultural - the first reflects the structural side of a social institution, the second - the functional side, a certain way of its activity. Their interaction determines the development and self-preservation of the institution.
In modern society, the education system is a rather complex multi-stage, hierarchically structured structure. At all levels, educators, in addition to their direct tasks of training and education, also solve managerial tasks of managing teaching teams. Therefore, the professional training of a teacher who may one day become the leader of a teaching staff requires him to acquire knowledge in the field of psychological foundations of managing people, in particular the leadership of student and teaching staff.

One of the main means of personality development and the formation of its basic culture is the content of education.
In traditional pedagogy, focused on the implementation of primarily educational functions of the school, the content of education is defined as “a set of systematized knowledge, skills, attitudes and beliefs, as well as a certain level of development of cognitive powers and practical training, achieved in the result of educational work. This is the so-called knowledge-oriented approach to determining the essence of the content of education.
With this approach, the focus is on knowledge as a reflection of the spiritual wealth of humanity accumulated in the process of searches and historical experience. The knowledge-oriented content of education contributes to the socialization of the individual and a person’s entry into society. From this point of view, such educational content is a life-supporting system.
However, with a knowledge-oriented approach to the content of education, knowledge is an absolute value and overshadows the person himself. This leads to the ideologization and regulation of the scientific core of knowledge, its academicism, the orientation of the content of education towards the average student and other negative consequences.
In the last decade, in the light of the idea of ​​humanization of education, a person-oriented approach to identifying the essence of the content of education has become increasingly established. The content of education is understood as a pedagogically adapted system of knowledge, skills and abilities, experience of creative activity and experience of emotional-volitional relationship, the assimilation of which is intended to ensure the formation of a comprehensively developed personality, prepared for the reproduction (preservation) and development of material resources. nal and spiritual culture of society.
So, with a person-oriented approach to determining the essence of the content of education, the absolute value is not knowledge alienated from the individual, but the person himself. This approach ensures freedom of choice of the content of education in order to satisfy the educational, spiritual, cultural and life needs of the individual, a humane attitude towards the developing personality, the formation of its individuality and the possibility of self-realization in the cultural and educational space.
Traditional pedagogy actually recognized only the social essence of man, from which it followed that the purpose of education was the formation of socially significant qualities, the development of man as a member of society.
The personality-oriented content of education is aimed at the development of the whole person: his natural characteristics (health, abilities to think, feel, act); its social properties (to be a citizen, a family man, a hard worker) and the properties of a cultural subject (freedom, humanity, spirituality, creativity). At the same time, the development of natural, social, and cultural principles is carried out in the context of the content of education, which has universal, national and regional value.
The content of education is historical in nature, since it is determined by the goals and objectives of education at a particular stage of development of society. This means that it changes under the influence of the requirements of life, production and the level of development of scientific knowledge.
Education is considered as a social institution, as one of the social substructures of society. The content of education reflects the state of society, the transition from one state to another. Currently, this is a transition from the industrial society of the 20th century. to the post-industrial or informational XXI century. The development and functioning of education is determined by all factors and conditions of society: economic, political, social, cultural and others.
In order for the education and upbringing of children to be carried out taking into account existing scientific and psychological knowledge, a psychological service is created and functions in the education system. Educational psychological service workers take part in resolving issues related to the fate of the child, his education and upbringing, from infancy to high school age. Throughout the child’s life, he should be under the attention of professional psychologists. During this entire time, which takes on average from 16 to 18 years, systematic monitoring of the child’s psychological development should be carried out. During it, regular psychodiagnostic examinations are carried out, the nature and pace of the child’s psychological development are assessed, recommendations for his education and upbringing are given, and their implementation is monitored.
The goal of modern education is the development of those personality traits that she and society need for inclusion in socially valuable activities. This goal of education affirms the attitude towards knowledge, skills and abilities as means ensuring the achievement of the full, harmonious development of the emotional, mental, value, volitional and physical aspects of the personality.
Knowledge, skills and abilities are necessary for applying the acquired culture in life. Studying the fundamentals of science and art in educational institutions is not an end in itself, but a means of mastering methods of searching and testing the truth, knowledge and development of beauty.

Today, the connection between modern, high-quality education and the prospect of building a civil society, an effective economy and a safe state is obvious. For a country that is focused on an innovative path of development, it is vitally important to give the education system an incentive to move forward - this is the primary task of all targeted comprehensive programs in the field of education, and in particular the priority national project “Education”.
To achieve this task, the project provides several complementary approaches. Firstly, identifying and supporting “growth points”. The state stimulates institutions and entire regions that implement innovative programs and projects, rewards the best teachers, pays bonuses to talented youth - that is, it relies on leaders and promotes the dissemination of their experience. The state encourages those who can and want to work - this applies to schoolchildren, university students, and teachers. The most effective and popular educational practices are supported - examples of quality education that ensures progress and professional success.
On the other hand, a number of areas of the project are aimed at ensuring accessibility, leveling the conditions for obtaining education: providing all schools with high-speed access to global information resources located on the Internet, supplying educational equipment and school buses, etc.
At the same time, the project involves the introduction of new management mechanisms. The creation of trustee and management boards in schools, the involvement of public organizations (councils of rectors, trade unions, etc.) in the management of education are ways to make the educational system more transparent and responsive to the needs of society. The implementation of this approach is ensured by competitive support procedures provided for in most project activities.
In addition, the project introduces significant changes to the financing mechanisms of educational institutions. Budget funds for the implementation of development programs, as a rule, are sent directly to educational institutions, which contributes to the development of their financial independence. The distribution of funds in general education is carried out on the basis of the per capita principle of financing, taking into account the objective features of the organization of education for urban and rural students. The principles of establishing incentives for the best teachers and additional payments for classroom management set the basis for the introduction of a new system of remuneration for teachers, aimed at stimulating the quality and effectiveness of teaching work.
The main goal of the comprehensive modernization of education is to provide all schoolchildren with the opportunity to receive a high-quality general education. First of all, this means ensuring modern conditions:
a) equipped with a complex of educational and computer equipment, the functionality of which fully ensures the implementation of basic general education programs;
b) staffing with teaching staff having the necessary qualifications for each of the subjects of the basic curriculum;
c) compliance with the requirements of Sanitary and Epidemiological rules and regulations, which guarantees safety and comfort for all participants in the educational process;
d) a rich communicative educational environment that provides full-fledged developmental communication with peers;


The main reasons for the incompatibility of education systems with modern conditions are economic and financial mechanisms that are insensitive to the effectiveness and quality of the services provided. Previously, educational institutions were financed according to cost estimates, and not according to the standard cost of a standard educational service. The amount of teacher remuneration was determined only by the number of lessons taught and did not take into account the quality of all teaching work.
Now, as part of comprehensive projects for the modernization of education (KME), a new system of remuneration of employees (NSOT) is being introduced in the regions and a transition is being made to standard per capita financing of educational institutions (NPF).

Transition to normative per capita financing
NPF of educational institutions is built on two principles. First: at the regional level, budget financing standards are established for employee wages and current educational expenses per student. Second and most importantly: funds according to the standard from the regional budget are delivered to each educational institution.
The main advantages of this mechanism:
- schools calculate their own income and, based on it, create expenses. This means a transition in education from non-transparent costs (when schools are forced to beg for funds from the founder, and the budget is divided subjectively between schools) to clear financial planning and effective independent management;
- the resource provision of an institution depends on the number of students who have chosen this institution, and therefore on the quality and effectiveness of the educational services provided. And it does not depend on the number of employees, the number of classes and study groups formed, or the volume of teaching load assigned to children. The funds released thanks to the rational staffing, study groups, and curriculum will remain in the educational institution and can, by decision of the management and staff of the school, be used to encourage well-performing teachers and to improve the equipment of the educational process ;
- non-administrative regulation of the school network, diversity and quality of educational services takes place in accordance with real needs. Resources are beginning to be concentrated in effectively operating schools that best meet the needs of residents of all nearby areas.
Currently, in more than half of the regions, funds received by the budgets of municipalities from the regional budget according to the standard are not yet transferred to schools directly, but are redistributed by the founder between subordinate educational institutions. Such redistribution essentially worsens the financing of more effective schools in favor of less effective ones and, obviously, does not lead to an improvement in the quality of educational services in either one or the other general education institutions.
Based on the new model methodology for the transition to non-state pension funds, developed in the process of preparation for the launch of complex projects and recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, it is advisable to establish the initial size of the standard separately for cities and villages in accordance with the established practice the optimal amount to ensure the implementation of the educational standard.
For the transition period (about three years), it is proposed to introduce temporary adaptation allowances, the task of which is not to freeze the previous conditions, but not to allow them to worsen, but at the same time to stimulate the search for ways and opportunities to improve them. With the new approach, improving conditions guarantees an increase in the institution's income. This approach ensures a gradual reduction in ineffective costs and an increase in the standard as the network of educational institutions develops. As the standard grows, schools have the opportunity to increase both the wage fund and the share of funds allocated for equipping the educational process.
Thus, the use by regions of a model methodology for the transition to non-state pension funds makes it possible to motivate educational institutions to improve the quality of work without a sharp change in the volume of their funding. Thanks to the application of the model methodology, the average value of the standard in the regions supported within the framework of the national project will increase by one and a half times by 2010, and the share of educational expenses in the standard will also double on average, reaching -well 10%.

New remuneration systems
The hourly tariff system of remuneration for teachers, traditionally used in general education institutions, does not allow us to fully take into account the efforts expended by the teacher on preparing and conducting classes, as well as educational, methodological, and extracurricular work. The previous system forces teachers to take as many teaching hours as possible, even artificially increasing the number of lessons to the detriment of the quality of education.
On the other hand, it is obvious that the larger the class, the more effort the teacher requires to teach a lesson. The smaller the class, the easier it is for the teacher. Since under the traditional system the teacher’s work is paid regardless of the number of students in the class, teachers do not have economic incentives to perform more complex work.
Thus, in order to change the current situation, which inevitably leads to a decline in the quality of education, it is necessary to create and enshrine in regulations mechanisms for accounting for all types of teacher activities in salaries (and in its basic part), and not only classroom load - lessons; increasing the complexity of a teacher’s work with an increase in the number of students in the class. Of course, in this case, in no case can we talk about a violation of sanitary standards: the number of students in a standard classroom cannot exceed 25 people.
In the conditions of the NPF, the wage fund of a general education institution is formed not depending on the number of teachers and a unified tariff schedule, but depending on the number of students. This allows effectively operating institutions, within the framework of the existing wage fund, to take into account the intensity, level of complexity and specificity of both classroom and extracurricular activities of each teacher when calculating salaries, as well as introduce incentive payments for high quality and efficiency.
Within the framework of CPME, a different rate from the traditional hourly rate for accounting for a teacher’s classroom workload is offered - a pedagogical service per student. Its cost is calculated within the school based on its available wage fund, the number of students and the school curriculum. In this case, an artificial increase in the number of classes in a school and lessons in the curriculum does not lead to an increase in teacher pay, as was the case before. The teaching staff is no longer interested in inflating the schedule due to an excessive increase in teaching time on subjects and is a supporter of rational staffing of classes and study groups.
The NSOT models also provide for the possibility of introducing coefficients at the school level that make it possible to take into account the features of educational programs implemented by teachers.
In addition to the main - “basic” - part of the salary, the new regional remuneration systems additionally provide an incentive part. Its share in the general wage fund of educational institutions upon completion of complex projects will be 20-40%.
In all regions, incentive payments to teachers are paid for achieved results and high quality. The development of quality criteria and evaluation of achieved results according to these criteria are carried out at the school with the participation of the school council.
Constant public assessment of the quality and effectiveness of a teacher’s work when paying incentive bonuses will contribute to the development of more open, respectful and partnership relations between teachers and students, teachers and parents, teachers and the local community.
In order to develop public assessment of the quality of teachers’ work, for the full introduction of NSET in the future, regions will also need to update, within their competence, the procedure for certifying school heads and teaching staff, taking into account the mechanisms for assessing the quality of education.
Teacher income growth
It is important to note that all regions implementing complex projects ensure that working conditions do not deteriorate and wages do not decrease during the transition to NSOT. However, the new mechanisms lead to the fact that teachers’ salaries will not increase equally, but the more, the better the teacher’s work.
Additional opportunities to increase teachers’ incomes lie in optimizing the share of their wage fund in the general wage fund of an educational institution. In all regions implementing CPME, at the end of the project, teachers’ payroll will reach the optimal value (about 70%).
By 2009, in 18 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the new remuneration system will be in effect in all schools. The phased introduction of NSOT, starting with the most efficient and large institutions (those with a large payroll thanks to regulatory per capita financing), is possible even without an increase in budget expenditures. Initially, this will lead to a change in the mechanisms for calculating wages. A gradual increase in the share of the incentive part and the cost of teaching services will occur due to increased efficiency of budget planning and growth in the institution’s income. With an increase in the standard due to the equalization of the cost of educational services, the scope of implementation of NSET will expand.

Quality monitoring and assessment systems
An objective, external, independent quality assessment system, sensitive to the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state is a necessary systemic tool. The effectiveness of using the main economic mechanisms largely depends on it: NSOT and NPF (at the level of citizens making decisions about choosing a place to receive education), as well as making management decisions on changing the network of educational institutions.
The final certification for a course in basic and secondary schools is carried out using measuring materials and criteria developed at the federal level. Based on its results, graduates receive appropriate certificates and can continue their education at subsequent levels in vocational education institutions. Modern external assessment mechanisms will allow citizens to objectively judge the quality of school education.
It is important that quality assessment can be carried out not only as certification of students, but also as other measurements - pedagogical, psychological diagnostics, sociological, ergonomic and other studies. It is gratifying that when organizing regional quality assessment systems, the developments of competitions of the priority national project “Education” (PNPE) are actively used.
For the optimal organization of the monitoring system, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation should develop and consolidate regional regulations in legal acts:
■ accounting at the level of the region, municipality, educational institution of the results of regional monitoring and assessment of the quality of education;
■ development of criteria and implementation of assessment of the quality of education at the level of educational institutions with the participation of school councils.

Expanding public participation in education management
The key condition and factor for the success of comprehensive modernization of education is full public participation in the management of educational institutions, in the formation of educational policy at the local and regional levels. Involving public institutions to participate in education management involves transferring to them a number of management powers.
The main form of public participation will be public councils at all levels of education management, including:
- governing councils of educational institutions. They will participate in the formation of the educational program and development program of the institution, in the development of local regulations covering various issues of the functioning of the institution, in the distribution of incentive payments to teachers and in resolving other financial issues and etc.;
- public councils and commissions at the municipal level. Their participation is expected in the formation and implementation of the program for the development of the municipal educational network, stimulating the heads of educational institutions, discussing municipal expenses for the maintenance and utilities of school buildings, etc.;
- regional expert councils will take part in the formation and filling of the educational standard in terms of the competence of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, establishing a per capita standard for financing educational institutions, discussing and improving mechanisms for ¬alization of state education
national policy, selection of innovative institutions receiving regional support, etc.

Thus, we can highlight the main directions of comprehensive modernization of education:
introduction of a new system of remuneration for workers in general education, aimed at increasing the income of teachers (NSOT);
transition to normative per capita financing of educational institutions;
development of a regional system for monitoring and assessing the quality of education;
development of a regional network of educational institutions: providing conditions for obtaining high-quality general education regardless of place of residence;
expansion of public participation in education management.
Major changes in the system of advanced training and retraining of personnel must take into account: the introduction of a new remuneration system; further development of the institute in a competitive environment; performing new functions in connection with the implementation of the target program “Development of the education system for 2008 – 2010”.
The development of a system of continuous education will create conditions for the formation of flexible educational trajectories and ensure the response of the education system to the dynamically changing needs of the individual, society, and economy. At the same time, opportunities will emerge to equalize access to quality education at all levels of the educational system.


1. Federal Law of January 13, 1996 No. 12-FZ “On Education” (with subsequent amendments and additions).
2. Commentary on the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” / Rep. ed. V. I. Shkatulla. - M.: Yurist, 2007.
3. National project "Education": What do we expect from the reform // National. projects. - 2007. - No. 5. - P. 51-52.
4. Nikitin, E. Creation of organizational conditions for the implementation of the priority national project "Education" / E. Nikitin, I. Chechel // Nar. education. - 2006. - No. 4. - P. 21-50.
5. On the directions, main activities and parameters of the priority national project “Education” // State and Law. - 2006. - No. 1. - P. 2-3.
6. Pedagogy / Ed. L.P. Krivshenko. – M.: TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2005.
7. Potashnik M. M., Moiseev A. M. Management of a modern school (In questions and answers). - M.: New School, 2007.
8. Fursenko, A. On the implementation of priority national projects in the field of education / A. Fursenko // Alma mater: Vestn. higher school - 2006. - No. 1. - P. 21-14.

Improvement, and even more so reform of the entire matter of education and upbringing in connection with changes in the real life of society, requires the solution of many, many issues.

The discrepancy between the content of education and the needs of society is manifested in the aggravated contradictions between the subject structure and the need to obtain integral results of education, the creation and development of a team of students and the student’s personality; between the increasing volume of scientific information in educational subjects and the overload of students, which negatively affects their health as an educational process; between technocratic trends in the content, methods, forms of education, the predominance of information, communication and technical-executive aspects and the increasing importance of the human factor, the increasing role of humanitarization, humanization of spirituality and the development of creative initiative of students.

Without overcoming these contradictions, it is difficult to expect a radical increase in the effectiveness of training and education. This is the first thing.

Secondly, it is necessary that the education reform be carried out by people who know the school, who are interested in the fate of the school, who work for the school, and not for themselves, to solve their career aspirations, creative, courageous, and educated people.

The pace, nature, and content of the process of improving education and increasing its effectiveness depend on the choice of ways, forms, methods, and means of development of secondary and higher schools, on the solution of organizational issues of the functioning of the system, including issues of participation of the general public in solving problems of school development. These conditions, in turn, are reflected in the level of knowledge of the fundamental problems of its functioning. However, there is still a lot of literature devoted to the problems of education, written in an abstract, complex manner and therefore not popular among educators, parents, and the general public. Writing bright, convincing works based on the analysis of real life processes and the dialectics of school development is one of the important tools for attracting all sectors of our society to actively participate in school reform.

Thirdly, in order to improve the functioning of the entire education system, it is necessary to overcome erroneous views on the problem of inclinations, abilities, talents, and capabilities of each person for various fields of activity. When analyzing this problem, one should remember the most important point that “man is directly a natural being. As a natural being, moreover, a living natural being, he is endowed with natural forces, being an active natural being; these forces exist in him in the form of attraction...”. These words indicate, first of all, that in teaching it is necessary to take into account the nature of a person, identifying his inclinations and abilities, determining the nature and direction of the vital forces, drives, inclinations, and interests inherent in him. It is they who predetermine the possibility of his successful activities.

Today, in the context of an ever-increasing flow of information, in the dialectical resolution of contradictions between the processes of differentiation and integration of knowledge, the problem of timely identification and consideration of inclinations, talents and abilities in education acquires special significance.

In addition, L.F. Spirin pays special attention to the need to develop a previously absent quality of education - a scientific style of thinking. In it, he identifies the following features that should be inherent in every modern schoolchild:

· systematic thinking- the ability to cover a phenomenon in a multidimensional way, to isolate complexes from interrelated components, to obtain extensive knowledge for solving pedagogical problems;

· determinism of thinking- the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, to capture dependencies between phenomena in the PS;

· probability of thinking- the ability to identify and predict possible paths of the educational process, the actions of individuals, groups, and teams;

· concreteness of thinking- the ability to translate the general position of the theory into the language of specific situations; ability to quickly process facts;

· predictive thinking- the ability to see the perspective of events; ability to anticipate, modeling the “zone of proximal development”;

· economical thinking- the ability to choose the path of least effort and time when solving problems;

· reflexivity of thinking- the ability to evaluate one’s activities “from the outside,” as if through the eyes of students;

· heuristic thinking- the ability to carry out creative procedures, formulate and test hypotheses, filter alternatives based on different criteria.

I. Osmolovskaya believes that the key point in the content of education is teaching the ability to solve problems, and this can be designed through:

1. Training assignments in which specific stages of problem solving are practiced.

2. Educational tasks that form ways of activity.

3. Learning situations, the action in which forms the experience of solving a problem.

Thus, the ways and means of improving the content of education depend on the point of view of the author, on his perception of the existing situation in the education system. Those. ways and means of improvement logically follow from those problems that the author identifies as the most pressing, which, from his point of view, are the most important for modern education, which have the most destructive impact on the content of education as a whole and on the formation of the personality of each student individually.


Not everything is equally suitable for everyone.

The concept of the education system. The role of education at the present stage of Russia's development is determined by the tasks of its transition to a democratic and legal state, to a market economy, and the need to overcome the country's dangerous lag behind global trends in economic and social development.

Currently, the importance of education as the most important factor in the formation of a new quality of economy and society is increasing along with the growing influence of human capital. Both the state and society are well aware that the Russian education system is quite capable of competing with the education systems of developed countries in conditions of broad public support; responsible and active state educational policy; deep and comprehensive modernization of education with the allocation of the necessary resources for this and the creation of mechanisms for their effective use.

Education system- one of the main social institutions, the most important sphere of personality development, a historically established nationwide system of educational institutions and their governing bodies, acting in the interests of educating younger generations, preparing them for independent life and professional activity, as well as meeting individual educational needs. It covers preschool education institutions, general education, vocational (primary, secondary and higher) educational institutions, various forms of training, retraining and advanced training of workers, extracurricular and cultural and educational institutions.

There is another legal definition of the concept of “education system”, formulated in Art. 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, adopted in 1992. In this document, the education system of the Russian Federation is interpreted as a set of interacting:

– continuous educational programs and state educational standards of various levels and orientations;

– networks of educational institutions implementing them, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, types and types;

– educational authorities and subordinate institutions and organizations.

The concept of “education system,” on the one hand, means a certain integrity, orderliness and interconnection of different parts of the structure of such a phenomenon as education. On the other hand, this concept also includes a social component, that is, a set of social relations (political, ideological, legal, social, economic, pedagogical, ethical, aesthetic, etc.) that develop in the education system.

The purpose of the education system is to ensure the human right to education, and from this point of view, the criterion for the effectiveness of its activities is the level of education (good manners and training) of its graduates.

Developing Russian society places new demands on the education system.

Firstly, Russia needs modernly educated, highly moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions, predicting their possible consequences; capable of cooperation, characterized by mobility, dynamism, constructive thinking, and with a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country.

Secondly, at present, education is becoming an increasingly powerful driving force of economic growth, increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of the national economy, which makes it one of the most important factors in the national security and well-being of the country, the well-being of every citizen. In this regard, the potential of education should be fully used to consolidate society, preserve a single socio-cultural space of the country, overcome ethno-national tensions and social conflicts on the basis of the priority of individual rights, equality of national cultures and different faiths, and limitation of social inequality.

Thirdly, the multinational Russian school will have to demonstrate its importance in the preservation and development of Russian and native languages, the formation of Russian self-awareness and self-identity. Updated education should play a major role in preserving the nation, its gene pool, ensuring the sustainable, dynamic development of Russian society - a society with a high standard of living, civil, professional and everyday culture.

Fourthly, the updated education system will have to ensure everywhere equal access of young people to a full-fledged quality education in accordance with their interests and inclinations, regardless of the financial situation of the family, place of residence, nationality and health status.

Fifthly, it is necessary to use everything possible for the social protection of children and adolescents deprived of parental care. An important task is also the formation of a professional elite, identification and support of the most gifted and talented children and youth.

The main factors for the development and improvement of the education system. Changes taking place in the education system are influenced by certain factors.

The main factors influencing the formation and development of the domestic education system include the following:

1) political-economic transformation a country that has changed the requirements of the labor market, students to the education system and its product in terms of content and structure, participants in the educational process to authoritarian forms and methods of education management. State-political and socio-economic transformations of the late 80s - early 90s. XX century had a significant impact on Russian education, allowing for the implementation of academic autonomy of higher educational institutions, ensuring the diversity of educational institutions and the variability of educational programs, the development of a multinational Russian school and the non-state education sector. These processes are reflected and consolidated in the Laws of the Russian Federation “On Education” and “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”. In modern conditions, education can no longer remain in a state of internal isolation and self-sufficiency.

In the transitional period of its development, the country must solve pressing social and economic problems not by saving on general education and vocational schools, but on the basis of its rapid development, considered as an investment in the future of Russia, in which citizens, the state and society interested in quality education participate , enterprises and organizations. Particularly noteworthy as a subfactor in the development of education is the chronic underfunding of education, which required a radical change in approaches to finding ways to increase the efficiency of education costs;

2) social policy of the state, to one degree or another, taking into account the interests of individual citizens and their groups, strata, and ethnic groups. The development of educational institutions and the education system in general in a particular country occurs under the great influence of state policy in the social sphere. In a society where there are classes or estates of different property and political status, the education system is one way or another dual in nature, i.e. some educational institutions are intended for representatives of the richer part of society, others for the poorer.

In the context of the expected demographic decline, the student population will be reduced by almost one third, which will create a situational reserve for intra-system maneuver of resources in order to rationalize the network of general education institutions, support innovative schools and other “points of growth” in education. In this regard, it is necessary to ensure rapid growth in education costs, a significant increase in wages for educators, and increased incentives for the quality and effectiveness of teaching work.

The investment attractiveness of education for the investment of enterprises, organizations and citizens should be increased, the organizational and economic mechanisms operating in education should be modernized, which will increase the volume of extra-budgetary funds in education, as well as radically improve the use of these funds by directing them directly to educational institutions;

3) historical experience and national characteristics in the field of public education. The education system of each country is also formed under the influence of historical experience and national traditions in the field of education. This is expressed, for example, in the practice of separate or joint education of boys and girls, in different levels of secondary school, etc. Thus, in a number of countries, primary education covers six grades, in other countries – five or four grades. In all these differences, traditional features in education play a significant role;

4) general trends in world development: accelerating the pace of development of society, expanding opportunities for political and social choice, which necessitates increasing the level of readiness of citizens for such a choice:

– transition to a post-industrial, information society, a significant expansion of the scope of intercultural interaction, in connection with which the factors of sociability and tolerance become of particular importance;

– the emergence and growth of global problems that can only be solved as a result of cooperation within the international community, which requires the formation of modern thinking among the younger generation;

– dynamic economic development, increased competition, reduction in the scope of low-skilled labor, profound structural changes in the employment sector, which determine the constant need to improve professional qualifications and retraining of workers, and increase their professional mobility;

– the increasing role of human capital, which in developed countries accounts for 70–80% of national wealth, which in turn determines the intensive, rapid development of education;

5) pedagogical factors. The influence of pedagogical factors on the development of the education system is diverse. For example, the opening of nurseries and kindergartens was initially determined by the need to free up time for women and mothers to work in production. Then a purely pedagogical factor began to have a great influence, that is, the need to ensure earlier education of children and improve their preparation for schooling. The pedagogical factor also plays a significant role in the creation of various types of schools and other educational institutions. In particular, from a pedagogical point of view, it is advisable to carry out vocational education in special educational institutions, but on the basis of appropriate general educational training.

The outdated and overloaded content of school education does not provide graduates of secondary schools with fundamental knowledge, the most important components of the education standard of the new century: mathematics and computer science (including the ability to search and select information), Russian and foreign languages, basic social and humanitarian disciplines (economics, history and law ). Vocational education, in turn, is not yet able to adequately solve the problem of “personnel shortage” caused by new requirements for the level of qualifications of workers. At the same time, many graduates of vocational education institutions cannot find a job or make a decision in modern economic life. In the context of economic stratification of society, all these shortcomings of the education system were exacerbated by unequal access to quality education depending on family income.

The main task of modern Russian educational policy is to ensure the modern quality of education based on maintaining its fundamental nature and compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state.

Not only the professional and pedagogical community, but also all citizens of Russia, the family, federal and regional government institutions, local governments, scientific, cultural, commercial and public institutions should become active subjects of educational policy.

The goal of modernization of education is to create a mechanism for the sustainable development of the education system. To achieve this goal, the following priority interrelated tasks will be solved first:

– ensuring state guarantees of accessibility and equal opportunities to receive a full-fledged education;

– achieving a new modern quality of preschool, general and vocational education;

– formation in the education system of regulatory, organizational and economic mechanisms for attracting and using extra-budgetary resources;

– increasing the social status and professionalism of education workers, strengthening their state and public support;

– development of education as an open state-public system based on the distribution of responsibilities between subjects of educational policy and increasing the role of all participants in the educational process - student, teacher, parent, educational institution.

The basis of the modern educational policy of the state is social targeting and balance of social interests. The strategic goals of modernizing education can only be achieved through the process of constant interaction of the educational system with representatives of the national economy, science, culture, healthcare, all interested departments and public organizations, with parents and employers.

The modernization of education affects almost every Russian family. The essence of changes in education, their goals, directions, methods should be regularly explained to the population, and the results of public opinion should be closely studied by educational authorities and heads of educational institutions and taken into account when modernizing education.

The most important task and one of the priority areas for modernizing the education system is modernizing the management model of this system itself. In modern conditions education management– this is, first of all, managing the process of its development. It is necessary to create a unified system of educational statistics and indicators of the quality of education, as well as an education monitoring system.

The immediate goal is the formation of a management model in which the competence and powers, functions and responsibilities of all subjects of educational policy, primarily educational institutions and local governments, regional and federal management structures, will be clearly defined.

In modern conditions, students receive a significant and increasing part of information independently and primarily through the media. In this regard, it is necessary to develop and implement measures to enhance the role of the media in shaping culture, instilling civic qualities, increasing responsibility for the demonstration and promotion of violence, pornography, racial and national hatred, and religious intolerance.

It is planned to implement the following measures aimed at developing education as an open and unified state-social system:

– introduction of state minimum requirements for the regulatory provision of educational institutions (methodological, personnel, information, material and technical);

– creation of a regulatory framework to ensure the broad development of contractual relations in the field of education (for example, between citizens and an educational institution);

– development of mechanisms for co-founding and co-financing of educational institutions;

– expanding the publicity of the activities of educational institutions and educational authorities;

– support for innovative activities of educational institutions;

– development of non-state educational organizations (institutions) while simultaneously strengthening control over the quality of their implementation of educational programs;

– increasing the responsibility of an educational institution for failure to fulfill its statutory functions, regulatory conditions of the educational process, and state educational standards.

The education system is an area of ​​interaction between the interests of the state and society represented by their institutions and citizens. Each of the subjects of educational legal relations should have the opportunity to influence the functioning and development of the education system, but at the same time bear their share of responsibility for creating the conditions necessary for the education system to fulfill its social and educational functions.

The concept of the content of education, its scientific foundations and historical development trends

Components of educational content (See diagram 1).

Objective factors influencing the content of education:

– needs of society (development of production, science, technology, culture);

– increasing spiritual needs of people.

Subjective factors:

– methodological positions of scientists.

Sources and principles of formation of general secondary education at the present stage

Basic organically and dialectically interconnected sources educational content

– development of science and culture; production of material goods; historical experience;

– development of social relations and spiritual values; content of various forms of social consciousness.

Modern school pursues the following trend: from the everyday, practical-pragmatic interpretation of educational problems to their humanistic understanding, the formation of a child’s personality as an integral and harmonious human being. In the unity of his internal spirituality and external embodiment.

In pedagogy, there is a system of scientific requirements (principles) for determining and improving the content of education ( according to B.T. Likhachev):

– general educational nature of the educational material;

– civil and humanistic orientation of the content of education;

– connection of educational material with practice;

– integrativeness of the courses studied;

– developmental nature of the educational material;

– educational nature of the educational material.

4. Documents defining the content of school education.

Education standard: introductory section, basic component (mandatory minimum educational content), requirements for the level of knowledge and skills of students.

Syllabus - a document approved by the Ministry of Education that determines the composition of academic subjects studied in an educational institution, the order of their study and the number of teaching hours. Allotted for the study of each subject in separate classes. Compiled separately for daytime and evening. Correspondence schools. During the Soviet era, the curriculum included three components: union, republican, and school. In the modern curricula of secondary schools in our republic, the following three sections are distinguished:

Basic component: compulsory subjects - Russian and Belarusian languages ​​and literature, mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.

Differentiated component: elective subjects - foreign language, etc.

School component: subjects are determined by the School Council - ethics, electives, etc.

Training program - document approved by the Ministry of Education. In which the content of education in each subject in each class is revealed and the system of scientific knowledge, worldview, moral and aesthetic ideas is determined. Practical skills and abilities that students must master when studying this academic discipline. The curriculum consists of the following subsections:

Explanatory letter, where the objectives of a given subject are determined, the features of studying individual topics and sections in relation to historical, national, geographical and other conditions;

List of topics and number of hours to study them;

Rationale for practical training(laboratory, demonstration, etc.);

Indication on interdisciplinary communication, in accordance with the topics studied;

List of knowledge and skills of students;

Literary sources for teachers and students;

Criteria for assessing knowledge and skills students.

Textbooks, teaching aids

They contain instructions for organizing the educational work of schoolchildren, a factual presentation of educational material in accordance with the topics, material for training exercises, summary chronological tables, questions for self-control. The content of education is revealed in various teaching aids: textbooks, anthologies on literature and history, problem books in mathematics, physics, chemistry, collections of exercises in languages, etc. These manuals serve as an aid for teachers and students in organizing educational work both at school and when doing homework assignments.

Ways to improve the content of education

1. General education school should be the basic link of lifelong education

2.Integration of academic subjects in secondary schools

3.Strengthening vocational guidance and preparation of students to choose a field of work.

4. Development of individual abilities of each person, creation of conditions for creativity and practical activities of students

5. Organization of differentiated training.

6. Strengthening the material base of schools and other educational institutions, introducing the latest technical teaching aids, computerization of education

Additional Information

Wolfgang Ratihiy (1541 – 1633) –a very educated man, keen on Bacon's ideas. Having visited England, I became acquainted with his works. He developed his own new method, which attracted many crowned personalities. He is invited to teach a new method. He conducted many experiments, but some of them ended in failure and were attributed to the quackery of Ratihius. His method was aimed at teaching Greek, Latin and other languages ​​in a short time. Ratihiy kept his methods secret from teachers and said that he would sell them for a lot of money to some king with the condition that scientists would protect and propagate them.

His method was as follows:

· Boys must master German before beginning to study Latin. The study is based on the book of Terence. The teacher translates each Latin word literally. During the lesson, he must translate three pages twice, the students follow their books without asking questions. The entire book is translated in this way.

· At the second stage, the teacher reads and translates 3 pages once. Students repeat the same 3 pages, and the teacher corrects mistakes. Thus, the entire Terence is read a second time.

· At the third stage, students read in the same way 2 times, and the teacher corrects.

· Then they begin to study grammar. The rules are explained in German. Read without translation 10 times.

· Then, the theoretical assimilation of the rule is consolidated in relation to the work of Terence. It is read again from the beginning and the teacher makes an application of the rule. You need to find 20 examples, repeat each of them 6 times.

Kapterev P.F. History of pedagogy: Course of lectures. Izhevsk, 1996. pp. 176 – 180

Practical tasks

Exercise 1

Insert the correct words

The tasks of didactics are to describe and explain……………………………, to develop a more advanced organization……………………………..of training, as well as new…………… …………………systems.

The ideal idea of ​​the final result of learning is called…………………………………………………………

A document that specifies the composition of subject knowledge and the level of its presentation to students is called……………………………………………

Task 2

Build a logical diagram “Content of Education”

Task 3

Which of the documents defining the content of education are characterized below?

1. Contains educational material to be learned. Ensures its scientific reliability, accessibility, brevity, clarity, accuracy, conciseness of presentation, aesthetic design, the presence of good recommendations on the use of rational methods of students’ actions with educational material, verification and self-testing of learning results.

2. Determines the composition of academic disciplines, the number of hours allocated for study in each class. Indicates the length of the school year, quarter, vacation.

3. Contains an explanatory note about the goals and objectives of studying the discipline, a list of its sections, topics, educational questions, the number of hours allocated for their study, reveals the features of basic and school educational content, requirements for knowledge, skills, forms, methods, means teaching of this subject, a list of educational equipment, visual and technical teaching aids.

Task 4


1.CURRICULUM A. A set of software and methodological educational materials, visual aids, educational equipment and technical teaching aids used in the process of teaching the course.
2.CURRICULUM B. A book for students, which systematizes the basics of knowledge of a particular branch of science, technology, or culture.
3. SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF THE TEACHING PROCESS B. A normative document containing a list of subjects studied in an educational institution, their distribution by years of study and the number of hours for each subject.
4. TEXTBOOK D. A normative document that specifies the composition of knowledge, skills and abilities and the level of their presentation to students.

Task 5


1.LEARNING PROCESS A. A system of knowledge about nature, society, man, as well as relevant skills and abilities, the mastery of which ensures the harmonious development of the individual.
2. PRINCIPLES OF TRAINING B. Methods of organizing the educational process.
3.CONTENT OF EDUCATION B. Students, under the guidance of a teacher, acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, develop their cognitive abilities, culture of educational work, and qualities of good manners.
4. FORMS OF TRAINING ORGANIZATION D. Orderly methods of interrelated activities of teachers and students aimed at solving the problems of education, upbringing and development.
5. TRAINING METHODS D. Initial guidelines that determine the activities of the teacher and the nature of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren.