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A person creating sketches for the design of a publication. What professions are there related to drawing? Professions related to drawing: calligrapher

re-read the first part of the poem, what can you say about a person who saw the picture of nature like that? How is the picture of nature connected with the subsequent conversation between the author and his neighbors in the carriage?
Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;
Fragile ice on the icy river
It lies like melting sugar;
Near the forest, like in a soft bed,
You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not yet had time to fade,
Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.
Glorious autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days...
There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi,
And moss swamps and stumps -
Everything is fine under the moonlight,
Everywhere I recognize my native Rus'...
I fly quickly on cast iron rails,
I think my thoughts...

1. What is called lyricism?1) A type of literature in which the artistic world of the work reflects the inner experiences of the lyrical hero.2) Emotional

the narrator’s or lyrical hero’s perception of what is being described. 3) The author’s reflections, not related to the plot narrative, included in the work. 4) A type of literature in the works of which the personality of the author is formally eliminated to the extreme, and the narrative is about events assumed in the past. 2. Determine the genre of the poem “Liberty”. 1) poem 2) ode 3) ballad 4) song3. To whom does Pushkin address: “Hello, tribe, young, unfamiliar...”1) to his fellow lyceum students2) to the Decembrist poets3) to the young pines4) to the oak trees growing in Mikhailovsky4. Which of Pushkin’s poems does not raise the topic “The Purpose of the Poet and Poetry”? 1) “Prophet” 2) “Liberty” 3) “Elegy” 4) “Again I visited...”5. What assessment does A.S. give? Pushkin to Peter I in the poem “The Bronze Horseman”?1) A great personality 3) Despot and educator at the same time2) Tyrant 4) Father and patron of his people6. What was the reason for the rebellion of Eugene, the hero of the poem “The Bronze Horseman”?: 1) mental disorder? 2) despair? 3) understanding of social injustice? 4) noble honor, which forced the hero to think like a statesman? 7. What methods does Pushkin convey his delight in St. Petersburg? 1) internal monologues; 2) direct authorial assessments; 3) with the help of the hero-narrator; 4) through demonstrating the opinion of Peter the Great.8. Who is not a character in the drama “Boris Godunov”? 1) Pimen 2) Otrepiev 3) Ivan the Terrible 4) Basmanov9. To whom is Pushkin’s drama “Boris Godunov” dedicated?1) N.M. Karamzin 2) V.A. Zhukovsky 3) Alexander – I 4) V.O. Klyuchevsky10. How does the author feel about Gregory, the hero of the drama “Boris Godunov”? 1) condemns him for his thirst for power and ambition; 2) sympathizes with the joyless life of the boy-monk; 3) admires his courage, ingenuity and determination; 4) emphasizes his humility, simplicity and naivety .eleven. In the excerpt: “...So the villain // With his fierce gang // Bursting into the village, breaks, cuts, // Destroys and robs; screams, gnashing, // Violence, abuse, alarm, howl!..” - depicts: 1) a military battle; 2) the rampant Neva during a flood; 3) a description of the construction of St. Petersburg; 4) the behavior of residents during a flood. 12. Who is depicted by Pushkin in these lines: “...he knew how to charm the people with fear, love, and glory? 1) False Dmitry 2) Boris Godunov 3) Peter the Great 4) Ivan the Terrible

Have you loved drawing since childhood? Do you have a developed imagination and creative abilities? Do you want to use your skills later in life? Then you need to find out what professions are related to drawing.

Favorite work is the key to happiness

Most people are sure that getting paid for doing something you sincerely love is one of the main attributes of happiness in life. Therefore, if you think that creativity is your calling, then this article is for you: here we will talk about what professions related to drawing after 9th grade and 11th grade can attract beginner Picasso.

It's no secret that the best job is a highly paid hobby. Professions related to drawing are no exception. The list consists of five main categories.


“Senior builder” - this is how the word “architect” is literally translated from the ancient Greek language. There is no doubt that this is not a foreman, but a specialist who designs buildings and structures for various purposes.

Professions related to drawing include this specialty, since it is the architect who creates the project, as well as the layout of the future building.

The work of an architect includes many tasks. He develops drawings, concepts and design documentation for the construction of a particular facility, and also exercises author's control over the implementation of his project. An architect manages all processes occurring at a construction site, can design entire city districts or large complexes, and develop plans for settlements.

The architect is often involved in the restoration of architectural monuments, ensures the development and control of the execution of acts in the field of urban planning. He creates projects for laying out parks, personal plots and gardens. Can engage in teaching and scientific activities.


If you like drawing, you will also like directors. These two professions are inseparable from each other. The main task of an animator is to create and prepare the visuals of animated productions, as well as adjust the script and storyline.

In addition, the activities of this specialist include the creation of cartoon characters, scenery and sketches of cartoon scenes. The animator works on the facial expressions and movements of the cartoon character, is involved in storyboarding and coloring of the material, and also animates phrases, both intermediate and key.

Professions related to drawing: calligrapher

The art of beautiful writing is called calligraphy. This type of activity was most widespread and developed in countries where Islam is practiced, as well as in China and Japan, where the art of writing was and remains an integral element of traditional philosophy.

In the modern world, calligraphy is a decorative art. Digital printing is increasingly replacing this type of art, but true connoisseurs prefer handmade results.

Professions related to drawing include the specialty of calligrapher, whose responsibilities include a wide range of tasks. For example, developing fonts, designing lists, invitations, congratulatory letters, business cards, guest cards for a special event.

Each of the inscriptions that the calligrapher creates is unique. Such an inscription cannot be faked. Therefore, specialists of this type are invited for some special cases, which are highly paid.

Professions related to drawing: artist

Most believe that an artist is simply a person who paints pictures “from the heart” and sells them, and also paints to order. However, this definition is too imprecise. The artist’s activity is interesting and multifaceted and is divided into several profiles.

  • Job illustrator is aimed at creating paintings and illustrations that will accurately convey the meaning of a particular text.
  • Engaged in the creation of copies and reproductions of paintings copyist.
  • Artist-painter- a specialist in drawing pictures from life.
  • Charts, as a rule, work only in one color spectrum. Often it is black. They use ink or pencil to draw pictures.
  • Cartoonist is engaged in the creation of parody and funny portraits, as well as sarcastic or ironic images of events that happened.
  • Can restore masterpieces of fine art to their pristine beauty restorer.
  • He creates tiny images by hand, which are sometimes not even visible to the naked eye. miniature painting specialist.
  • Portrait artist deals exclusively with the creation of portraits.
  • Task fashion designer- create sketches of various items of clothing. He comes up with new outfits, and sometimes entire collections of clothes.

There are many other specializations, not so common and well-known, that are directly related to drawing.


Jewelry production is an extremely complex and delicate job. A specialist in this profile must master many different techniques and techniques for creating products, as well as a developed artistic taste.

There are a huge number of jewelry processes. Every jeweler needs to be proficient in all of them.

During the manufacture of one product, many processes can be used simultaneously. The most common are forging, embossing, casting, as well as creating grain on the surface of the metal. In addition, engraving, filigree, embossing, cutting out designs and much more are often used.

Multifaceted and complex. There are several specialists by industry.

  • An engraver is a craftsman who creates unique custom jewelry. In addition, he applies engravings and inscriptions to jewelry.
  • Jeweler-bracelet.
  • Chain jeweler.
  • A filigree maker is a master who perfectly uses the technique of soldered or openwork patterns in jewelry.
  • The assembler is a craftsman who assembles the product after it has gone through all the preliminary processes, and also deals with the final processing of the product.

Graphic designer

graphic designer, graphic designer

Together or separately? Spelling dictionary-reference book. - M.: Russian language. B. Z. Bukchina, L. P. Kakalutskaya. 1998 .

See what a “design artist” is in other dictionaries:

    Graphic designer- an artist who creates sketches and originals of external and internal art. design of the publication, basic or page layout of its design, but does not act as an illustrator... Publishing dictionary-reference book

    This term has other meanings, see Artist (meanings). artist ... Wikipedia

    Noun, m., used. often Morphology: (no) whom? artist, who? artist, (see) who? artist, by whom? artist, about whom? about the artist; pl. Who? artists, (no) whom? artists, anyone? artists, (I see) who? artists, by whom? artists, oh... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    A; m. 1. A person who creates works of fine art with paints, pencils, etc.; painter. Free x. Battle painter. Portrait artist. Landscape artist. Pose for artists. Still life by a Dutch artist... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    artist- A; m. see also. artist, artistic 1) A person who creates works of fine art with paints, pencils, etc.; painter. Freelancer. Battle painter. Portrait artist... Dictionary of many expressions

    I; m. Design specialist Designer artist. ◁ Designer, s; and. Decorative, oh, oh. Oh my art... encyclopedic Dictionary

    designer- I; m. see also. designer, designer Specialist in the design of something. Designer... Dictionary of many expressions

    Painter (portrait painter, battle painter, marine painter, etc.), icon painter (bogomaz), sculptor, sculptor. Artist... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. artist, painter, portrait painter,... ... Synonym dictionary

    Type designer, designer, type designer... Spelling dictionary-reference book

    Noun, number of synonyms: 1 artist (106) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary


  • Sounds, Wassily Vasilyevich Kandinsky, “Sounds” is an album of prose poems and woodcuts by Wassily Vasilyevich Kandinsky, published by Reinhard Pieper in German in 1912. Contemporaries highly appreciated this experiment... Category: Classical Russian poetry Publisher: Kuchkovo pole,
  • Sounds (ed. 2017), Kandinsky Vasily Vasilyevich, `Sounds` - an album of prose poems and woodcuts by Wassily Vasilyevich Kandinsky, published by Reinhard Pieper in German in 1912. Contemporaries highly appreciated this experiment... Category: Art history and theory Publisher: Kuchkovo pole, Manufacturer: