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Mau medicine transcript. Description of urine test for microalbuminaria

During an examination to make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor may direct the patient to take a urine test for microalbuminuria.

This test determines the amount of albumin in the urine. Albumin is one of the blood proteins. The term "microalbuminuria" is used when the concentration of this substance is low in the urine excreted.

Provided the kidneys are functioning normally, these organs retain albumin, which enters the urine only in small quantities. The excretion of this substance in the urine is hampered by the molecular size (69 kDa), negative charge, and reabsorption in the renal tubules.

The excretion of albumin from the body increases if damage occurs to the glomeruli, tubules, or charge selectivity of ion filtration. In the case of glomerular pathology, the amount of albumin that is excreted in the urine is much greater than in the case of tubular damage. Therefore, urine analysis for microalbuminuria is the main indicator of the presence of glomerular damage.

Detection of Mau is an important indicator in the diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy, as well as in the process of monitoring the course of the disease. This deviation from the norm is observed in almost 40% of patients with diabetes mellitus, who are dependent on insulin. Normally, no more than 30 mg of albumin is released during the day. This corresponds to 20 mg per 1 liter in a single urine sample. If urinary tract infections, as well as acute forms of other diseases, are not diagnosed in the body, the level of albumin in the urine above normal indicates the presence of pathology of the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys.

Mau is the level of albumin concentration in urine that cannot be detected by conventional analysis methods. Therefore, it is necessary to submit biomaterial for a special study.

Factors affecting urinary albumin levels

To determine the amount of albumin in urine, the following methods are used:

  • isotope immunological;
  • linked immunosorbent assay;
  • immunoturbidimetric.

Urine collected over 24 hours is suitable for analysis. However, most often only the morning portion is handed over or the one that was collected over 4 hours in the first half of the day. In this case, the ratio of albumin and creatinine is determined, the norm of which in a healthy person is 30 mg/g or less than 2.5-3.5 mg/mmol.

When conducting screening, it is possible to use special test strips, which significantly speed up obtaining the result. They have a certain sensitivity limit. However, in case of a positive result, it is recommended to re-test the urine for Mau in the laboratory.

In addition, it is worth considering that the release of albumin depends on the time of day. At night this amount is less, in some cases almost half. This is due to being in a horizontal position and, accordingly, lower blood pressure. The level of albumin in the urine increases after physical exercise and increased protein intake.

In the presence of an inflammatory process, for the treatment of which the patient takes anti-inflammatory drugs, the level of this substance in the urine may fall.

Other factors also influence this parameter:

  • age (the norm for elderly patients is higher);
  • weight;
  • race (the rate is higher among representatives of the Negroid race);
  • arterial pressure;
  • presence of bad habits, in particular smoking.

It is precisely because the level of albumin in urine is influenced by a large number of different factors that exclusively persistent microalbuminuria is of great diagnostic importance. In other words, detection of microalbuminuria in three consecutive urine tests over a period of 3-6 months.


Indications for prescribing a urine test for Mau are:

  • diabetes;
  • arterial hypertension (persistent increase in blood pressure);
  • kidney transplant monitoring;
  • glomerulonephritis (glomerular nephritis).

How to prepare for the test?

There is no special preparation for taking a urine test for Mau. The rules for collecting daily urine are as follows:

  1. Urine collection occurs throughout the day, but the first morning portion is removed. All subsequent ones are collected in one container (it must be sterile). During the day during collection, store the container with urine in the refrigerator, where the temperature is maintained in the range of 4 to 8 degrees above zero.
  2. Once the urine has been completely collected, its quantity must be accurately measured. Next, mix thoroughly and pour into another sterile container with a volume of 20-100 ml.
  3. This container must be handed over to a medical facility as soon as possible. The peculiarity is that the entire collected volume of urine does not need to be brought. However, before passing urine, it is imperative to measure the exact volume of urine excreted per day - diuresis. Additionally, the patient's height and weight are indicated.

The day before taking your urine for Mau analysis, you must stop taking diuretics and alcohol, avoid stressful situations and excessive physical exertion, and do not eat foods that affect the color of urine.

Interpretation of results

It is worth remembering that the results of a urine test for Mau are information for your attending physician, and not a full-fledged diagnosis. The norm depends on many factors and characteristics of the body. Therefore, if you receive the results yourself, you should not engage in self-diagnosis, but entrust it to a specialist.

An increase in albumin levels in the urine may indicate the presence of:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • glomerular nephritis;
  • kidney rejection after transplantation;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • fructose intolerance, which is congenital;
  • hyper- or hypothermia;
  • pregnancy;
  • congestive heart failure;
  • heavy metal poisoning;
  • sarcoidosis (an inflammatory disease that affects the lungs);
  • lupus erythematosus.

A false positive result can be observed if the patient has undergone significant physical activity the day before.

Microalbuminuria is a serious disorder that poses a fatal threat to humans in the later stages of progression. Such a disorder can only be determined by laboratory testing of urine for albumin. This substance is present in human blood, so its appearance in biological fluid does not bode well.

What is microalbuminuria, how can it be dangerous for the patient’s health, and how to collect urine to test for the presence of albumin? Let's take it in order.

What is UIA?

MAU or microalbuminuria is the presence of albumin in biological fluid. It indicates the presence of various (most often renal) pathologies, and can occur in 5 degrees of severity.

  1. At the first stage, microalbumin is practically not detectable in the urine. It is completely asymptomatic, since the disease is just beginning to develop.
  2. Initial phase of development. The patient continues to experience dangerous pathological changes, but the level of albumin in the biological fluid does not exceed standard values.
  3. The third phase is pre-nephrotic. At this stage, the disease can already be detected by performing a urine test for UIA. If necessary, other diagnostic procedures are prescribed aimed at assessing the functions of the renal filtration glomeruli.
  4. Nephrosis phase. The patient suffers from arterial hypertension and swelling of the limbs and face. In clinical analysis, erythrocyturia, the appearance of creatinine and urea are clearly visible.
  5. Development of renal failure. The patient suffers from frequent attacks of arterial hypertension, his swelling practically does not go away, the urine analysis contains protein, blood cells, particles of urea and creatinine. There is no sugar.

A patient with diabetes mellitus goes through all these stages of microalbuminuria. If you do not respond to dangerous symptoms in a timely manner, then, in addition to diabetic nephrosis, the patient risks falling into a diabetic coma, and this already poses a direct threat to his life.

Optimal performance and serious deviations

Albumin in urine can be detected in several categories of patients, namely:

  • diabetics;
  • people suffering from kidney pathologies;
  • patients with atherosclerotic heart disease;
  • cores.

The level of microalbumin in human urine depends on many factors. If at least one of them occurs, the level of the substance may rise sharply. These factors are:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • abuse of protein foods;
  • lack of fluid in the body, dehydration;
  • fever;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the organs of the urinary system;
  • smoking;
  • hypertrophic processes in the myocardium;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • sharp

The daily norm of MAU in the urine of any person, regardless of his age, should not exceed 30 mg. If these indicators were exceeded, even if slightly, this should be the basis for a more thorough examination of the patient. So, often such deviations indicate the development of nephropathy, which can develop into a more serious problem.

If the norm of albumin in the urine was exceeded 10 times, and the current daily dose is 300 mg, this indicates pathological and very life-threatening kidney damage.

What does urine analysis for UIA show and when is it necessary?

First, you need to figure out what kind of urine test for UIA this is. Such a clinical study is performed only if there are certain indications, which we will consider a little later. Using such a test, the laboratory technician calculates the amount of albumin, and also detects (or does not detect) substances that are not observed in healthy people - protein, sugar, red blood cells, etc.

UIA analysis helps determine the presence of:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • serious disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • allergies to fructose.

However, the most common reason for increased microalbumin in urine is diabetes mellitus. An analysis for the detection of this substance in urine is necessary if the patient:

  • complains of frequent or constant pain in the chest area;
  • feels severe discomfort in the left side of the chest, or even the entire torso;
  • suffers from frequent attacks of hypertension;
  • feels general weakness, lethargy, fatigue.

In later stages, the patient may exhibit obvious symptoms of a stroke. The consequences of the disease can be very dangerous, so if you experience frequent dizziness, syncope, attacks of nausea and other symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor.

What is the correct approach to collecting urine for analysis?

A urine test for microalbuminuria can be prescribed by an endocrinologist, internist, urologist or cardiologist. In children, a family doctor or pediatrician may refer you for such a test. If the presence of albumin in urine is detected in a patient, then before taking any action, he must be further examined. Additional diagnostic procedures will help to establish the cause of the ailment, and only then begin to eliminate it.

How to take a urine test for microalbuminuria? This is important to know in order to obtain true results from a clinical study of biological fluid. Urine collection depends on the purpose for which it is carried out.

Thus, urine for MAU is collected 24 hours before the test to determine the presence of salts. To prevent various substances or particles from getting into the sample, purchase a special plastic container for collecting urine. Next do the following:

  • pour 200-250 ml of collected urine into a container;
  • give the container for examination;
  • wait for the results, and if necessary, re-collect the biological fluid.

How to collect a urine test for UIA if you suspect the development of diabetes? It is necessary to collect daily urine, after which it should be placed in a cold place. The next day, pour 100 ml of liquid into a plastic container, mixing it with fresh urine. Cover the container with a lid, making sure it seals the container tightly.

When sending a container of biological fluid for analysis, be sure to indicate the necessary data: age, weight, date of urine collection. If necessary, you can indicate the specialist who will interpret the results, as well as your date of birth.

As for what the ratio of albumin to creatinine in urine should be, the daily norm should be as follows:

  • albumin – less than 30 mg;
  • creatinine – no more than 3 mg.

Exceeding these standards indicates serious malfunctions in the body. If such anomalies continue for 3 months or more, they often indicate chronic kidney disease.

To top off all of the above, it should be noted that serious pathology can be prevented only by regularly undergoing preventive clinical tests of urine. Under other circumstances, it may not be possible to correct the situation.

Microalbuminuria - what is it? In the later stages, the pathology is quite serious, affecting numerous organs and systems. Detection of a malfunction in the body involves determining the level of albumin protein in urine. The substance is one of the components of blood, and its content in waste products may indicate the development of complex diseases.

What is microalbuminuria?

Analysis for microalbuminuria makes it possible to identify urinary tract diseases in the early stages. Saturation of bodily fluids with an abundance of protein is observed in cases where there is damage to the renal glomeruli. The release of albumin is the most important signal that may indicate the presence of

Among other things, clinical (interpretation is carried out by a specialist) makes it possible to determine malfunctions in the functioning of the cardiovascular organs. Most often, elderly people resort to research for these purposes.

According to the concept of the norm, the protein albumin should saturate the urine in small quantities. This is due to the special structure of the kidney tissues, which filter the substance and do not allow its molecules to pass through.

Standard indicators

The albumin content in the urine of an adult should not exceed 30 mg per day. Along with this, protein is practically not contained in the waste products of healthy children. Exceeding the norm indicates the development of nephropathy. If albumin production reaches 300 mg per day or more, this indicates pathological kidney damage.

Microalbuminuria in diabetes mellitus, in addition to increasing the percentage, leads to saturation of the body fluid with sugars. To confirm a disappointing diagnosis, doctors conduct a re-diagnosis 6-11 weeks after the first test.

What does increased albumin in urine indicate?

If the percentage of a substance deviates from the norm, this may indicate the development of the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • individual fructose intolerance;
  • sarcoidosis

If we talk about the most common cause of microalbuminuria, it is worth noting diabetes mellitus. Increased saturation of urine with albumin protein appears several years after the development of the disease. Therefore, a test for the concentration of a substance in bodily fluid allows you to accurately determine the excess of glucose standards.

Clinical manifestations

The increase in albumin in urine occurs in several stages:

  1. Asymptomatic - there are no complaints from the patient, but characteristic changes are observed in the body.
  2. Initial - pathological disorders in the body have not yet been identified. At the same time, a decrease in the efficiency of glomerular filtration in the kidney tissue develops.
  3. Prenephrotic - daily urine is saturated with an abundance of protein. The patient suffers from increased blood pressure due to increased activity of the kidneys.
  4. Nephrotic - a person observes the appearance of swelling on the body. In addition to a significant amount of albumin, the appearance of red blood cells is observed in the urine. The body's production of urea and creatinine increases.
  5. Stage of uremia (renal failure) - accompanied by frequent and sharp jumps in blood pressure. Swelling areas on the body become persistent. The level of red blood cells in urea increases significantly. The rate at which toxic substances are processed by the kidney tissue drops significantly. Daily urine is saturated with glucose. At the same time, the removal of insulin from the body slows down.

Physiological manifestations of microalbuminuria

Microalbuminuria (there is a lot of albumin protein in the urine) can be manifested by the following symptoms: chest pain, persistent discomfort in the left side of the body, increased blood pressure and a general deterioration in well-being.

One of the consequences of the development of pathology in the later stages are signs of stroke. In this case, people susceptible to the disease often suffer from periodic loss of consciousness, difficulty speaking, and weakness in the limbs. These manifestations may be accompanied by dizziness and frequent headaches.

How to donate urine?

To determine the level of albumin proteins in waste products, a urine sample is required. A urologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist or therapist can prescribe a study.

Clinical? Decoding the results will show the most reliable picture if the patient does everything correctly. For studies aimed at determining the salt content in bodily fluid and malfunctions of the kidneys, biomaterial collected the day before the test is used. To obtain reliable analysis results, it is recommended to use a special container for urine. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • about 200 ml of urine is poured into a container;
  • the container is handed over to the laboratory;
  • If necessary, repeat the analysis;
  • The results are calculated by the nephrologist based on the patient’s weight.

How to donate urine if you suspect diabetes? organisms excreted during the day are poured into a large container, after which they are stored in the refrigerator. A morning urine sample of 200 ml, collected the next day, is mixed with the previously obtained volume. About 150 ml of the total amount is poured into the urine container. The container is sent to the laboratory indicating the patient’s age and the total volume of liquid received per day.


Microalbuminuria - what is it and how to eliminate its manifestations? Treatment involves the use of an integrated approach. People who suffer from high blood sugar levels are prescribed medications that lower blood pressure and eliminate the accumulation of cholesterol. In case of insufficient amount of glucose in the body, a course of insulin injections is prescribed.

Regardless of the cause of the pathological manifestation, in order to reduce the percentage of albumin protein in the blood, patients are recommended to resort to the following measures:

  • regularly measure blood glucose levels;
  • monitor blood pressure;
  • control cholesterol;
  • avoid the development of infectious diseases;
  • adhere to a diet based on low-calorie, low-fat foods;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • Consume about one and a half liters of water per day.

People with microalbuminuria have to resort to hospitalization quite often. Without adequate diagnosis and the use of appropriate treatment methods, there is a high risk of death due to the development of cardiac problems. Therefore, if you notice the first symptoms of pathology - problems with blood pressure, increased blood sugar levels - you must immediately go to the hospital for tests.

Risk group

Microalbuminuria - what is it? The risk of developing pathology occurs in people who consume an abundance of protein foods. The disease can also occur in response to grueling daily physical activity.

In general, it is recommended to resort to testing for microalbuminuria:

  1. Patients who suffer from diabetes mellitus in the early stages. Such people should have their urine tested at least once a year.
  2. Patients with stage 2 diabetes need tests to determine the level of albumin protein in their urine several times a year.
  3. People with coronary heart disease, impaired sensitivity to sugar, patients who have inherited a genetic form of dyslipidemia.

Where can I test for microalbuminaria?

You can submit your urine for analysis by seeking help from any city clinic that operates a research laboratory. Hospital diagnostic rooms are also suitable for examination.

If you wish, you can make an appointment at a private clinic. However, such a solution in most cases seems impractical: identifying an increased level of protein in the urine is a fairly simple test, and the methods used by government medical institutions are accurate and reliable, so there is no need to overpay.


Microalbuminuria - what is it? Pathological concentration of albumin protein in urine, which leads to the risk of developing heart disease and kidney problems. Without proper treatment, all this can develop into damage to the brain tissue.

Determining the level of albumin in urine is not only the basis for making a correct diagnosis, but also allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment methods used. With timely detection of an increase in the indicator, as well as taking nephroprotective medications, the development of serious complications can be avoided.

Two interrelated processes continuously occur in the kidneys - filtration and reabsorption. From the blood passing through glomeruli of the kidney , primary urine is filtered, which receives a large amount of salts, sugar, proteins and trace elements. Then, in a healthy body, the necessary substances are reabsorbed.

With the development of pathology of the urinary system, diseases of the heart and blood vessels of the system, proteins are removed from the body. Microalbuminuria occurs.

What it is? Microalbuminuria- this is a symptom in which special proteins - albumins - are found in the urine in an amount of 30 to 300 mg / day.

The role of albumin in the human body

Proteins, in particular albumins, are the main material for all cells of the body. They maintain the balance of fluid and microelements between cellular and extracellular structures. Albumin is necessary for the functioning of all organs and systems.

Most proteins are synthesized from amino acids in liver cells. After this, they enter the systemic bloodstream and are distributed throughout the body. The synthesis of some proteins requires essential amino acids from food. The loss of such proteins in the urine is observed in serious pathologies and threatens the body with serious consequences.

24-hour urine analysis and albuminuria

Since at the initial stage microalbuminuria may not manifest itself in any way, it becomes of great importance 24-hour urine test.

Why should you prepare for a urine test?

To avoid false positive results, beforehow to get tested, it is necessary to prepare:

  • alcohol intake is excluded for two days;
  • Protein-rich foods (meat, legumes) are consumed in the usual amount for a particular person;
  • before collecting urine, toileting of the genitals without the use of disinfectants;
  • women need to close the vaginal opening with a sterile cotton wool or gauze swab;
  • collection of analysis begins with the second portion of urine, the first urination carried into the toilet;
  • all urine during the day going into a large sterile container with divisions indicating volume;
  • the urine container should be stored in the refrigerator;
  • after 24 hours, the urine is mixed, 100 ml of urine is taken into another sterile container and delivered to laboratory for microscopy.

It is important to collect all portions of urine in full for daily analysis, since the level of MAU in urine can change during the day.

Difference between the terms microalbuminuria and macroalbuminuria

Proteinuria divided into several types depending on the amount of protein detected. Detection in daily urine traces protein (less than 30 mg albumin) is normal and does not require treatment. When the amount of albumin ranges from 30 to 300 mg/day, a diagnosis of microalbuminuria is made. If more than 300 mg/day of albumin is found in the urine,macroalbuminuria. Microalbuminuria is often one of the first signs of the disease, while others symptoms there are no diseases.Macroalbuminuria same often appears in the advanced stage of the disease.

Indications for determining microalbuminuria in 24-hour urine

Patients for whom analysis daily allowance urine test for UIA is mandatory:

  • sick diabetes mellitus 1st and 2nd types;
  • patients with arterial hypertension;
  • patients with chronic kidney disease;

Norms of protein in urine for adults (men and women)

To determine the excretory function of the kidneys, it is not the total number of albumins in the urine that matters, but index ratio of albumin to creatinine. In adult men this indicator normally equal to 2.5 g/mmol, among women – 3.5 g/mmol. If thisindicator increased, this may indicate developmentrenal failure.

Need for more research

UIA is more often detected incidentally during decoding general urine analysis during medical examination. After that the doctor prescribes daily allowance urine test for microalbuminuria. For some chronic diseases daily Urinalysis should be performed regularly to monitor treatment and prevent complications. In such cases, determining the exact amount of albumin is not required, which means that as a screening method Two types of test strips can be used – quantitative and qualitative.

Quality test strips change color when immersed in urine containing albumin. If the strip does not change color, Means, protein content in urine less than 30 mg.

Quantitative test strips for UIA, when lowered into urine, change their color depending on the albumin content. The packaging shows a color scale and indicates how many albumins correspond to which color. By comparing the color of the test strip and the color of the scale, you can determine the approximate content of albumin in the urine or its absence.

What might a slight excess of protein in urine indicate?

UIA can be observed in a number of serious diseases, such as:

  • diabetes ;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • nephropathy of smokers;
  • tumors;
  • urolithiasis disease.

In rare cases, microalbuminuria develops in the absence of disease.

Non-pathological causes

If protein is detected in the urine doctor gives a direction to retake the analysis, since cause microalbuminuria may be due to protein molecules entering a container with urine during analysis collection.

In addition, a small amount of protein may appear in the urine due to the following: reasons:

  1. If the patient's diet is rich in protein foods of plant or animal origin.
  2. After taking certain medications, such as anti-inflammatory drugs, a short-termincrease in albuminurine. Before taking the test, you should consult with doctor regarding the withdrawal of medications taken for several days.
  3. After intense physical activity, the body breaks down large protein molecules into smaller fragments, which can pass into the urine through the kidney filter.
  4. During pregnancy Some protein may be found in the urine. Normal albumin value in daily urine in pregnant women is no more than 500 mg. If quantityalbumin levels increased, this may indicate a risk of developing preeclampsia in a woman.
  5. African Americans have severalincreased albumin content in urine can be considered the norm.
  6. During ARVI and other acute infectious diseases, when the temperature rises to 39 degrees, permeability increasesglomerular vessels of the kidneys. Through these vessels proteins are filtered. As the febrile reaction resolves, microalbuminuria decreases.
  7. Orthostatic microalbuminuria may occur in some children and adolescents. With this syndrome, the amount of albumin in urine collected in a standing position exceeds the norm. At the same time, in the analysis collected in the supine position,the level of albumin in urine is determined. Causes Orthostatic MAU is unknown; it is usually associated with a congenital anomaly of the renal vasculature.

In other cases, a more thorough examination of the patient using moderndiagnostic methods to identify the cause of UIA.


During development diabetes mellitusTypes 1 and 2 increase level blood sugar, called hyperglycemia. Long-term hyperglycemia leads to damage to large and small vessels the whole body. Microangiopathy also develops in the kidneys, causing diabetic nephropathy . With this syndrome, the wall of the renal tubules ceases to perform its function and becomes permeable to large protein molecules. UIA becomes the first sign of kidney damage.

Sick diabetes mellitus must be tested for UIA at least once every six months to promptly detect development nephropathy and provide appropriate treatment. During developmentdiabetes mellitus 1st type first microalbuminuria testsurrenders after 5 years from the onset of the disease, withdiabetes mellitusType 2 – immediately after diagnosis.

Cardiovascular diseases

In hypertension, narrowing occurs vessels organs and tissues, increased blood flow, increased blood pressure inside vessel Vascular damage kidney, called hypertensive angiopathy, leads to excessive pathological filtration of proteins through the wall glomeruli of kidneys . The presence of UIA increases stage hypertension and the risk of complications –renal failureand nephrosclerosis (wrinkling of the kidney).

With atherosclerosis, fat deposits occur in the form of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls vessels . The affected wall becomes permeable to proteins and some blood elements.

Chronic kidney infections

Chronic pyelo- and glomerulonephritis can be reason detection of protein in urine. In infectious diseases, the permeability of the glomerular apparatus increases and the process of reabsorption of urine is disrupted. Protein entering the primary urine is not reabsorbed back.

Since there may be no symptoms during treatment for chronic kidney disease, microalbuminuria may serve indicator , which evaluates the course of the disease and the effectiveness of therapy.

Urolithiasis disease

Microalbuminuria may be the first sign of the development of urolithiasis. Sand and small stones cause damage to the kidney filter, and the secretion of proteins into the urine increases. When the wall of the urinary tract is damaged, its microscopic components containing protein can also penetrate into the urinary tract. urine

Microtraumas of the genitourinary system

With microscopic injuries of the urinary tract, the processes of secretion and reabsorption in the kidneys are not impaired. Protein in urine is detected due to the components of the cell wall of the affected areas of the urinary system.

Cancer of the urinary system

Microalbuminuria may be the first sign of a malignant tumor of the urinary system in the earlystages of development. Cancer cells have invasive growth. They grow into the walls vessels and urinary tract, causing damage. Albumin penetrates into the urine through the damaged membrane.


Heavy smokers who smoke more than one pack of cigarettes a day have dangerous concentrations of nicotine in their blood. Nicotine acts on the inner layer of the glomerular membrane, increasing its permeability to protein molecules. With constant exposure to nicotine, chronicrenal failure.

If you have a UIA, you need to find reason pathological syndrome. Development is excluded firstdiabetes mellitusand hypertension.

For diabetes mellitus characteristic:

  • increased glucose levels in venous blood more than 6.5 mmol/l;
  • level up glycated hemoglobin.

Hypertension is characterized by:

  • promotion blood pressureabove 140/90mm Hg. Art.;
  • increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • increase in triglycerides.

Maintaining normal blood glucose level, blood pressure, cholesterol and fats, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, reducing carbohydrates in the diet contribute to the prevention andtreatment of microalbuminuria.

Microalbuminuria appears at the initial stage of development of many serious diseases, so healthy people need to undergo regular medical examinations and a general urine test. In the presence of pathology from thecardiovascularand endocrine systemurine test for albuminshould be appointed doctor at least once every six months, so as not to miss the progression of the disease and to select the necessary treatment.

A urine test for microalbumin content (MAU) is one of the most informative tests that allows you to assess the patient’s health status.

This type of examination is important if there is suspicion of damage to the kidney tissue.

In this case, the concentration of microalbumin reflects the degree of damage to the excretory organ.

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Subject: Grandma's blood sugar has returned to normal!

To: Site Administration


My grandmother has been suffering from diabetes for a long time (type 2), but recently there have been complications in her legs and internal organs.

UIA urine analysis is a determination of microalbumin content. The study reveals microalbuminaria, the diagnosis is the loss of some amount of protein or its complete loss in the body. In the absence of disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, the level of albumin is the reference level, proteins are absent in the urine, and their level in the body is stable.

An increased amount of microalbumin in the urine indicates its quantitative loss in the blood. Such a sign indicates a pathology of the renal system, in particular, organ dysfunction.

The most common diagnoses that can be identified by a urine test for UIA:

  • atherosclerosis at the initial stage;
  • endothelial dysfunction.

Even a slight increase in the concentration of microalbumin in the blood is taken into account, since this signifies the initial stage of vascular changes.

The number of protein molecules in daily urine should be no more than 150 mg/dl. The albumin concentration in this amount should not exceed 30 mg/dL.

There are some factors under the influence of which a one-time release of an increased concentration of albumin in the urine is possible. Therefore, the protein balance in the blood should be studied using a systematic analysis of urine over a period of 3 months.

If albumin is consistently above 30 mg per day and reaches 300 mg, it is necessary to accurately diagnose the patient to identify the source of protein loss.

Microalbuminaria can be both physiological and pathological in nature. The first occurs as a result of one-time actions on the part of the patient, while the pathological type of the disease is a consequence of severe pathology of the body.

Causes of physiological microalbuminaria:

  • excess physical labor;
  • food with increased amounts of protein;
  • high-intensity sports activities;
  • being overweight;
  • alcohol and smoking abuse;
  • high body temperature for various reasons.

Among the physiological causes of microalbuminaria, race, place of residence, and gender of the patient are also considered. The diagnosis is typical for mature men.

Pathological microalbuminaria occurs against the background of the following diseases:

  • – the primary source of protein loss in the blood;
  • hypothermia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • pathological processes in the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • sarcoidosis

Often, an increased amount of microalbumin in the urine indicates cardiac disorders, which in turn provoke the development. During pregnancy, microalbuminaria can occur against the background of pathological development of the fetus and requires medical intervention.

To obtain a reliable test result for UIA, you cannot submit biomaterial in the following cases:

  • the presence of a bacterial infection;
  • viral diseases;
  • elevated temperature;
  • feverish condition;
  • state of chronic fatigue;

Microalbuminaria has characteristic features, depending on the stage of development. At the initial stage of the disease, the patient does not feel any changes in well-being, however, the qualitative composition of urine at this stage is already undergoing significant changes. If you take the test at the first stage of the disease, you can determine that the amount of albumin is on the border of the reference value - 30 mg.

The next stage of disease progression is the development of the prenephrotic stage. The albumin composition in the urine can reach 300 mg, blood pressure increases, and renal filtration increases.

At the third stage, the nephrotic stage begins, which, in addition to increased pressure, is accompanied by well-visualized swelling. In the urine, in addition to a high concentration of albumin, red blood cells appear, creatinine and urea increase.

The last stage of microalbuminaria refers to renal failure.

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Symptomatic picture of the disease:

  • renal filtration rate is too low;
  • regular increase in blood pressure readings, attacks of arterial hypertension;
  • swelling internal and external;
  • glucose is not excreted in the urine;
  • increased number of red blood cells in urine;
  • high concentration of protein in urine, urea and creatinine;
  • Insulin is not excreted from the body by the kidneys.

Against the background of such signs, pathological heart failure may occur. It is characterized by a sharp pain syndrome in the left part of the chest.

To maximize the information content of a urine test for UIA, proper preparation for the analysis is necessary.

Before the planned collection of biomaterial it is necessary:

  • exclude fruits and vegetables from the diet that change the color of urine per day;
  • carry out hygiene of the external genitalia immediately before collecting urine;
  • Biomaterial should be collected in the morning on an empty stomach.

If the patient takes medications on an ongoing basis, before taking the test, a consultation with a doctor is necessary, who will determine the advisability of stopping taking medications for a day.

Collection of urine for research

You need to collect urine in a plastic container, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is prohibited to take the MAU during female menstruation. For the study, it will be enough to collect about 100 ml of urine, which must be delivered to the laboratory immediately after collection.

To determine the presence of a disease, you need to know which values ​​are considered normal and which are pathological.

Interpretation of urine test results for UIA:

  • normal - less than 30 mg;
  • microalbuminaria - from 30 mg to 300 mg;
  • macroalbuminaria - more than 300 mg.

If the study revealed an increased level of protein in the urine, but no other signs of damage to internal organs were detected, an additional examination of the body is required. This is necessary to identify or exclude such dangerous diagnoses as arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus, in which protein loss is one of the main symptoms.

The main method of further research is daily monitoring of pressure and testing for glucose levels.

If the patient has already been diagnosed with hypertension or diabetes, it is necessary that certain indicators of the body’s condition do not go beyond the reference values, according to the table:

If a patient with diabetes mellitus or heart disease is maintained at the given reference values ​​indicated in the table, the risk of mortality can be reduced by up to 50%.