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Why do you dream of scattered granulated sugar? Modern combined dream book

Sugar is a product whose sweet taste has been loved by most of us since childhood. And even as adults, many cannot deny themselves the pleasure of putting an extra spoonful of sugar in their tea or coffee. As a rule, this product does not cause any negative associations. But is everything so clear if we consider its symbolism in dreams? Why do you dream about sugar? What can the appearance of this product warn the dreamer about?

What does the vision predict?

Different dream books agree that in dreams sugar is not the only positive sign. In many ways, the interpretation of this image depends on the circumstances, in which the sleeper saw it in a dream, from the actions, sensations and even gender of the person who dreamed about this product.

Different culture and philosophy, views on allow you to look at this symbol in a dream from different points of view.

What kind of sugar was it?

Refined sugar in a dream speaks of upcoming romantic events in your life. This can be a pleasant acquaintance if you dreamed of small pieces, and a declaration of love if they were large. Eating sugar cubes in a dream - perhaps your significant other will delight you with a gift.

Scattered sugar by many dream books portends loss. Moreover, its quantity indicates their severity. These could be financial losses, unjustified investments - try to save what you have.

If you dreamed of sugar in bags, in a bag or other container - perhaps in a clean warehouse, where everything is neatly put away and neatly folded - this speaks of upcoming success in your financial affairs. The greater the amount of sugar, the more impressive your success will be.

Powdered sugar in a dream promises success. Making powdered sugar yourself - in reality you will soon get rid of the anxious state that oppresses you.

Sugar bowl in a dream

The sugar bowl, the place where sugar is stored, has an interpretation close to half empty or half full glass in the well-known test for determining an optimist and a pessimist. If a man saw a full sugar bowl in a dream, this indicates probable positive emotions, but an empty sugar bowl, where there should be sugar, portends detachment from friends and a feeling of loneliness.

The interpretation of a dream about a full sugar bowl for a woman is of a different nature - this is a warning that she is overly trusting, which can lead to unnecessary revelations that can be misinterpreted and misunderstood by others.


The correct interpretation of dreamed sugar depends on your actions with it in a dream.

  • Scatter sugar in a dream means facing troubles or losses.
  • Giving someone sugar in a dream - some difficulties may happen to you, but they are completely solvable.
  • Melt or dissolve sugar- means that the sleeper has opportunities to cope with life’s failures.
  • Cooking jam in a dream with sugar - this speaks of home comfort and agreement with your significant other.
  • Searching for sugar in a dream, which were not successful, mean that the sleeper has ill-wishers who seek to cause mischief and tarnish his reputation. If sugar was still found, a positive outcome of this situation is possible.

In drinks and dishes

If you drink tea with sugar, and it seems sweet and pleasant to you, this portends a date or meeting with your significant other, which will leave a good impression.

The sugar from which you make moonshine in a dream indicates that you will soon have a pleasant walk.

If you cook pancakes with sugar in a dream - Career growth is likely awaiting you, success in professional activities.

Whisk sugar and egg whites in a dream means you will buy things you don't need.

Cotton candy

Cotton candy in a dream foretells you a pleasant meeting with a loved one from the past. Perhaps you will meet a childhood friend, classmate or classmate, and this meeting will leave you with a pleasant impression.

If he eats cotton candy in a dream - this means a quick romantic date with a young man, for a married woman - that feelings in their family circle will flare up with renewed vigor.

The appearance of sugar in our night visions has various interpretations. The direct meaning of this dream is sweet life, when you see a mountain of sand or a whole bag in a dream.

According to some sources, the dream symbolizes family quarrels. You may also feel tired and restless when you wake up. Let's try to find out with the help of a dream book what sugar means in dreams.

Seeing granulated sugar or sweets, according to the interpretation of the Ancient Persian dream book, foreshadows sweet speeches, communication with children or increased prosperity. Seeing a hill of sugar or granulated sugar filling a vessel or bag is a sign of a sweet life: a cloudless time awaits you, and all success will be achieved by you without effort.

Why do you dream of sand in a bag?

  • A bag of sugar promises a lot of pleasure.
  • A bag of sugar promises a truly sweet life.
  • According to Vanga’s dream book, the bag indicates the possible receipt of additional income and a general improvement in business.

Some sources claim that the vision promises deprivation, family troubles and causeless jealousy. As the dream book explains, sugar is a dream of problems in the family caused by envy. The unfavorable situation will last until you realize the groundlessness of your judgments.

If you dreamed about cubed sugar or refined sugar, a big surprise awaits you ahead. Seeing refined sugar for a man means a carefree, joyful pastime and entertainment. For a woman who sees refined sugar, the dream promises unpleasant rumors and gossip; she needs to try not to pay attention to useless talk.

Other sweet products

Why do you dream of sugar in another form? In some cases, you may dream about sugar derivatives. If, for example, you dreamed of sugar in the form of glucose, then joy or pleasure awaits you ahead. Seeing saccharin, or a sugar substitute, is a symbol of substitution, meaning a change or loss of feelings.

Powdered sugar is a good sign that foretells a favorable period in fate. But some interpreters believe that powdered sugar indicates the dreamer is excessively absent-minded. The powder that you prepare with your own hands in a dream will relieve you of anxiety in the future and bring a feeling of calm and tranquility.

Decorating the delicacies you baked with powdered sugar or eating them in a dream means the fulfillment of a wish. Powdered sugar in a dream as a decoration on a pie or cake can portend a desired marriage. Buying an ingredient such as powdered sugar means making reliable friends.

Eating sugar or preparing dishes based on it means that in the near future you will tend to think more about others than about yourself. Caring for others will benefit not only them, but also you. Showing attention will have a beneficial effect on your destiny.

Another source states: eating sugar means experiencing some difficulties in life, but not for long, in the future the situation will stabilize. Eating with spoons means there are many gossipers and flatterers in your environment. Eating this sweet product, according to the Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina, means happiness in love.

Why do you dream of sugar if you dissolve it? If you dream of sugar that you add to drinks or dishes, a truly happy life awaits you, against the background of which all life’s troubles will fade. A dream in which you put granulated sugar in a cup also means your desire to renew your personal life and improve your relationship with your lover.


The purchase of this product is interpreted differently in dream books. Buying granulated sugar means financial difficulties and losses. According to Hasse’s dream book, buying this product in a dream means a pleasant life. There is a version that the purchase foreshadows happy love.

Scattering sugar means experiencing a slight decline in business; sometimes this sign directly indicates losses. What caused the dream image? Spilling sugar, adding it to drinks or selling it in a dream means that you yourself are renouncing peace and a measured life, taking on unnecessary problems. According to another version, this dream promises a quarrel.

Sugar is such a common plot element in our dreams that literally all famous compilers of dream books paid attention to its interpretation - from Pushkin’s Tatiana Martyn Zadeki, so beloved, to modern authors who make attempts in their writings to combine the occult with the achievements of science. Let’s try, based on their works, to find out what sugar means in dreams, and we’ll try to use their advice in practice.

What did Miller's dream book tell us about?

Explaining to his readers why sugar is dreamed of and why, having seen it in a dream, people usually wake up with a feeling of fatigue and anxiety, this most authoritative of the authors says that this image, as a rule, indicates the difficulties we experience on the path of life. However, he also points out that most of them arose through our own fault, and their reason lies in the inherent tendency of people to envy others, even in cases where there is no apparent reason for this.

This is a very important remark, since it once again reminds us of the need to overcome this destructive tendency, which poisons life and is mentioned, by the way, among the seven deadly sins. However, Miller’s dream book also inspires optimism, telling in more detail about what sugar means in dreams. In a dream, according to the author, it can also warn about minor troubles that the dreamer is able to cope with without much difficulty. But in this case, it must not only be contemplated, but also tasted, that is, simply put, eaten, or at least tried to do so. When you wake up in the morning, you can face life’s troubles without much worry, knowing that coping with them will not be difficult.

Dreams are harbingers of danger

Continuing his explanation of what sugar means in dreams, Mr. Miller gives two more possible plots involving the product so beloved by everyone. Firstly, he writes, if in a dream we want to buy sugar and are interested in its cost, then this indicates that in real life we ​​may encounter ill-wishers on our way, which means we need to be prepared for this.

Secondly, if you dreamed that there was a lot of sugar, and it covered everything around like snow, you should be prepared for all sorts of tricks on the part of ill-wishers. The value of the information contained in Miller’s dream book lies primarily in the fact that, by warning about certain possible dangers, it helps to counter them in real life.

Dream book of the Bulgarian soothsayer

To the question of why sugar is dreamed of, a somewhat more optimistic answer is given in Vanga’s dream book. This Bulgarian soothsayer, in particular, claims that a bag of sugar seen in a dream indicates an imminent opportunity to receive additional income and thereby significantly increase the material standard of one’s life. However, you should not think that prosperity will be achieved without difficulty - on the contrary, you will have to work hard, but all difficulties will be overcome with dignity.

Further explaining why there is a lot of sugar in dreams, Vanga said that perhaps this indicates some overly large plans that the dreamer is making in real life. This conclusion especially suggests itself if the plot of the dream was a visit to a sugar factory, where this product can be seen in abundance. In such cases, the prophetess recommends moderating your ardor and realistically assessing your capabilities.

At the same time, she warns that in a dream you should not share sugar with anyone, no matter how much of it, since this can deprive yourself of the joys awaiting you in real life. It is best to make jam after seeing a fair amount of it in a dream, since in reality after this the dreamer will have a quiet life with close people. Well, all that remains is to take on faith the statement of this venerable lady, since her authority among modern occultists is truly indisputable.

Mr Freud's opinion

Before, continuing the conversation about why sugar is dreamed of, we move on to the interpretations set out in modern dream books, let us briefly mention another author of past times, who also contributed to the coverage of this topic. This is an Austrian psychiatrist and psychoanalyst

He wrote in his works that the image of sugar scattered in piles indicates the need to more carefully balance the diet, since otherwise serious health problems may arise. One more remark of his is very interesting. Thus, the venerable master claimed that pieces of refined sugar seen in a dream could mean imminent losses.

Buy sugar in your dreams!

Nowadays, many different dream books can be found both on store shelves and on the Internet. They also illuminate the problem that became the topic of this article. Despite the fact that on some issues the opinions of their compilers differ, in general the general direction of the judgments is clearly visible.

In particular, they all agree that the image of granulated sugar does not carry anything positive. As a rule, it indicates upcoming problems in family life. They are equally unanimous in their opinion regarding why one dreams of buying sugar, but in this case, modern authors promise just the opposite. Namely: they predict a sea of ​​family happiness. Thus, when you see sugar in a dream, you should not be upset, but try to buy it and, thus, establish harmony around your home.

Why do you dream about refined sugar?

Modern authors approach the interpretation of such a dream with all seriousness and devote entire chapters of their works to it. It turns out that seeing refined lump sugar is not at all the same as contemplating its sandy mountains. However, let’s say right away: such a dream does not bode well. As a rule, it foreshadows losses and the whole range of troubles associated with them. Moreover, it is explained that anyone who scatters a mountain of refined sugar in a dream is expected to lose money due to his own negligence.

Even just seeing lump sugar in your night dreams is a very bad omen, since it promises a quarrel with close friends. However, there is a way out of such an unenviable situation. If fate has sent this dream, then you should not shy away from sweet pieces, but boldly take one of them in your hands and start gnawing, while under no circumstances licking or sucking it. This desperate act will destroy the magic of sleep and help in reality to overcome all adversity without much difficulty.

Why do you dream of granulated sugar?

Like refined sugar, dream book compilers pay a lot of attention to this type of sweet product. According to them, such a dream is a kind of warning about unexpected losses, which, however, can still be avoided by taking appropriate actions. The main thing is not to panic and think everything through carefully. By the way, the plot in which the dreamer buys granulated sugar is very encouraging. It portends quick success in business.

Let us now dwell on why we dream of spilling sugar. Such a plot also warns of possible losses, but at the same time speaks of the possibility of avoiding them. A dream in which granulated sugar is spilled not by us, but by someone else, is interpreted somewhat differently. Here the situation is much worse - it will not be possible to completely avoid losses, and a very hefty amount will be required to solve the problem that has arisen.

Features of some dreams

It must be admitted that modern interpreters sometimes express completely unexpected thoughts. An example of this is the question given on the pages of many modern dream books: “Why do we dream about the sugar that we bought and are carrying around in a heavy bag?” The answer to this is difficult to guess, and yet, oddly enough, it promises difficulties in your intimate life. The authors, however, do not specify which ones exactly and what could cause them.

In the same plane lies a dream in which a man puts granulated sugar into his cup with a spoon. According to experts, this indicates that his sex life is extremely meager and requires urgent renewal. If a woman sees something like this, it is a consequence of her doubts about the fidelity of her husband or lover (or even both at once). In this case, it would not be amiss for her to take a closer look and, if necessary, take the necessary measures.

Dreams that break the boring routine

The same plot (sugar poured into a cup) can also be interpreted as a sign that the time has come to introduce some kind of refreshing stream into your life. It is recommended, for example, to get rid of old things, go on a trip, rearrange the furniture in the house, or do something else of the same kind. Let us note in passing that if you dreamed that you were eating sugar, then it is best to do it with a large spoon. This does not threaten diabetes; on the contrary, according to the authors of dream books, it can promise an easy solution to problems that arise in real life.

Sometimes the dreams sent to us by fate go beyond the boring routine and take on unusual forms. For example, they can please a certain category of citizens with the scene of making moonshine, because the subject of our conversation - sugar - is its most important component. Such a dream happens, as they say, “in hand,” since it is noted that it foreshadows nothing more than a fun time with friends, accompanied by the use of a real product, much similar to what was produced in the night vision.


To conclude the article, we will provide an interpretation of three more very common dream plots. Let's start with a sugar bowl filled to the brim. Regardless of whether it contains refined sugar or sand, this vision foreshadows rapid and rapid career growth, and it does not matter what position the dreamer currently holds.

Next, we will mention the unsuccessful search for sugar, which became the plot of the dream. This suggests that some enemies are plotting and trying to undermine the trust of others in you. In this case, you need to look around more carefully and try to “figure out” the villains.

And finally, the last thing: if the housewife dreams that, while preparing food, she puts a lot of sugar in it, this is a sign that the lady is overly suspicious and is inventing non-existent problems for herself.

That's all, actually. Sweet dreams everyone!

Most of us cannot imagine life without sugar. After all, we all love delicious pastries, ice cream, jam, and at least we drink or coffee. But what if we saw this product in a dream? Should we expect a sweet life, or does it make sense to prepare for trials and dangers? Today we invite you to figure out together why you dream of sugar. To do this, let us turn for help to several of the most complete and accurate collections of dream interpretations.

Dream book of Gustav Miller: if you dreamed of sugar

This source considers such a dream as a sign of complications in your family life. There is also a risk of succumbing to feelings of envy towards some lucky and happy person, in your opinion. After such a dream, you will most likely feel tired and overwhelmed. Eating sugar means difficult trials that you will soon face. However, you should not give up, as everything will end better than you could have imagined. Why do you dream about a bag of sugar? Such a dream predicts difficult times for you: you will have to make every effort to avoid serious losses. Scattered sugar promises damage. If you dreamed that you were interested in the price of this product, then in real life there is a threat from enemies.

Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse: sugar in a dream

If you dreamed that you were eating sugar or pouring it into tea, coffee or another drink, then in real life you are surrounded by flatterers and those seeking exclusively their own benefit. Buying this product at the market or in a store means a sweet life, and receiving it as a gift means you will have a fan. Why do you dream about refined sugar? Such a vision predicts success in business for you. However, if pieces of refined sugar are crumbled in your dream, then you are behaving too proudly, which can alienate even close people from you.

Intimate dream book: why do you dream about sugar?

According to the authors of this collection of interpretations, if in a dream you drink very sweet tea, then in real life you are trying to unilaterally make changes and update yours. This desire, of course, is commendable, but still from time to time you should be interested in the opinion of your partner.

Sugar in a dream: Ukrainian dream book

This source considers this product as a harbinger of trouble. If you dreamed of sugar in combination with mushrooms and bread, then, on the contrary, profit and success in business await you.

Modern dream book: sugar in a dream

If you dream about this product at night, it promises a serious reason for dissatisfaction with your family life. In addition, you will probably become very jealous of your spouse, although there is no reason for this. In addition, this dream can serve as an omen of anxiety and future trials for your character and willpower. If you dreamed that you ate sugar, then serious trials await you, which, however, will have a positive outcome. Looking at the price tag for this product or inquiring about its cost from a seller in a store or on the market means that your enemies will become more active. Selling sugar or seeing it in large quantities means there is a risk of serious losses. If you dreamed that this product was pouring out in a trickle from a hole in a bag or bag, then you will experience a small financial loss.

If you dreamed about sugar: Islamic dream book

This product, seen in a dream, is considered by this collection of interpretations as a sign of fun, joy and deliverance from all problems and worries. A dream in which you share sugar may indicate that you are inherently unsure of your own words. Eating this product is a sign of empty talk, gossip and gossip, the main character of which is destined to be the dreamer.

Meneghetti's Italian dream book: sugar

This product is considered by this source solely as a good sign, foreshadowing pleasant events. It can also serve as a reflection of your need for positive emotions.

Sugar in a dream. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If you dreamed that you were purchasing this product in large quantities, then in real life you will be in serious danger of ruin. Carrying a heavy bag of sugar means possible complications in your intimate life. If you dream that you are making jam, then your suspicions have no basis. If you pour too much sugar into a cup of tea, coffee or other drink, you run the risk of sooner or later becoming a selfish, mercantile and greedy person. On the contrary, if you drink an unsweetened drink, then some of your ideas are doomed to failure. Why do you dream about refined sugar? Such a vision promises conflict and discord in relationships with one of your close friends. Breaking a sugar bowl means a situation in which you will miraculously avoid serious losses. Making moonshine from sugar is a very fun pastime.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which granulated sugar was dreamed

Dreaming of Sugar – Naturally positive element. Denotes an objective need for positive emotions.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Sugar?

Sugar – “Sweet” dreams often bring feelings of anxiety and fatigue. Seeing sugar means complications in family life; you will experience feelings of envy until you realize that there is no reason for this. Eating sugar in a dream means troubles that you will actively resist. Everything will end better than you expected. Dealing with sugar in a dream or receiving it in large quantities means that you will have difficulty avoiding large losses. Seeing scattered sugar means minor disruptions in business.

Sugar (interpretation according to the Old Russian Dream Book)

I dreamed of sugar - Eating portends receiving good news.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about Sugar

Sugar - Why dream that you put sugar in a cup - it means that in reality you are independently trying to make changes, update, make your intimate relationship with a loved one much better and more interesting.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about pieces of sugar?

Sugar – Sugar is a nuisance. Sugar - profit, something is good soon. If you dream of sugar, bread or mushrooms, then there will be profit.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why does the dreamer dream about sugar in a dream?

Sugar - A dream associated with sugar is a harbinger of family complications, all sorts of troubles, which, however, will not entail terrible, irreversible consequences. Eating or buying sugar in a dream means happiness in love.

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Sugar in a dream?

Saccharin - dreams of loss of feelings.

Sugar - To hope for the best.

Glucose – Eating glucose in a dream means pleasure. which will pass very quickly, and again everything will be empty.

Sugar - Flattery; good.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

If you see Sugar in a dream

Sugar – It’s good if not too much; refined sugar - difficulties.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Sugar in a dream?

Sugar – Seeing sugar in your dream means that there will be complications in your home life. You will experience feelings of envy until you realize that there is no reason for this. After this dream, you will experience a feeling of restlessness and fatigue. You eat sugar - soon you will face troubles that you will resist. Everything will end better than you expected. You are interested in the price of sugar - you are threatened by enemies. Dealing with sugar in a dream or receiving large quantities of it means that you will have difficulty avoiding large losses. Seeing scattered sugar promises you little damage in business.

Culinary dream book

Features of the dream about Rafinad

Sugar – If you dream of granulated sugar poured in a heap, you urgently need to balance your diet. Refined sugar always dreams of losses.

Why did you dream about Sugar according to spiritual sources (Biblical dream book of Azar)

Sugar - Listen to sweet speeches.

Sugar in the Sugar Bowl - Good luck.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing Sugar in a dream

Sugar - Heap, bag, vessel with sugar - sweet life; everything will work out very successfully and without much effort. Eat, cook with sugar, the more good you wish for others, the better off you will be. By dissolving, scattering, selling, you are giving up prosperity and peace. You are looking for difficulties and will receive them in full, this is how the dream book interprets your dream.

Sugar - Seeing sugar, candies and any other sweets in a dream means pleasant speeches, or small children, or great benefit.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Seeing Sugar in a dream as a symbol

Sugar - Eat - you are surrounded by flatterers; buy - a pleasant life; receive as a gift - they seek your love.

Sugar factory - Tosca.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream about Sugar in a dream?

Sugar – Trouble – eat – You are surrounded by flatterers – buy – pleasant life – receive as a gift – someone is seeking your love

Sugar factory - Melancholy - an unpleasant meeting

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Sugar from your dream

Saccharin - To the displeasure of what is happening.

Glucose – Eating glucose in a dream means a sweet life.

The meaning of the dream about the Sugar Bowl (Islamic dream book)

Sugar in the Sugar Bowl symbolizes a beautiful woman.

Sugar in the Sugar Bowl - you can improve your personal life.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does it mean to sleep with Sugar, taking into account your date of birth?

In the spring, why do you dream of sugar in a dream? An attempt will be made to replace one person with another.

If you dreamed of sugar in the summer - Someone (or is it you?) will engage in fawning - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

In the fall, why dream of eating sugar in a dream - to joy.

Why do you dream of sugar in winter - To improve your life.