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Frequency words of the English language. The most common words in English

Frequency lists and frequency dictionaries reflect the fact that in living languages ​​a small proportion of words (7-8%) - the most common words - occur frequently (82-87% of the total number of words in the test text), and the overwhelming number of other words (92 -95% of the total vocabulary of the language) are rare (12-15%), and a huge part of them are generally unfamiliar even to educated native speakers. In everyday and ordinary socio-political texts, this difference is much more significant and can be characterized more strongly: “extremely often” and “extremely rarely.”

It is clear that the assessments are quite arbitrary, test texts for oral and written speech are different, their formation is not free from the author’s subjectivity, etc. However, it is clear that, given the same effort, prioritizing the acquisition of more “frequent” words is, generally speaking, more effective for expanding vocabulary and understanding the English language than rare or random ones that may simply not be encountered again.
Many discussions, alphabetical and frequency lists, and dictionaries can be found on the Internet. To save your time, links to some of them are given below. They can be downloaded.

Frequency lists and dictionaries of the English language

"Frequency" is the number of occurrences of a word in a test text of a specified length, sometimes expressed as a percentage. Below is one of the many more or less similar versions of the table of words, covering approximately 50% of the vocabulary of ordinary texts. There are 135 of them. In the right column, their total “frequency” is indicated cumulatively in 5% increments.

Words %
the 6,8
of 10
and, to 15
a, in 20
is, that, was, it, for 25
on, with, he, be, I, by, as, at 30
you, are, his, had, not, this, have, from, but, which 35
she, they, or, an, her, were, there, we, their, been, has, will, one, all, would 40
can, if, who, more, when, said, do, what, about, its, so, up, into, no, him, some, could, them, only, time, out, my, two, other, then, may, over 45
also, new, like, these, me, after, first, your, did, now, any, people, than, should, very, most, see, where, just, make, between, back, way, many, year, being, our, how, work, us, get, come, think, go, take, tell, use, sir, thing, shall, same, such, much, find, here, each, again, still, old, little, state, present, against, know, under, before, above, place, part, through, across, although, upon, though 50

Here are a few lists of the most common words different volumes from different sources that can be downloaded:

As you can see, words in them can be grouped according to different criteria: by frequency, by alphabet or by functional groups, etc.

Different dictionaries of the most common words compiled on the basis of these lists. Sometimes the alphabetical dictionary entry is followed by the number 1, 2, ... It indicates that the word belongs to the first, second, etc. thousand most frequent.

Most interesting and informative frequency lists, ordered precisely by “word frequency” and including individual frequency. Here are a couple of lists of varying lengths from different sources that you can download:

Consider the following graph:

This percentage distribution (on a semi-log scale) of the most common words with cumulative frequency is obtained from the frequency list "7059". It predicts, for example, that the first 135 words cover about half (50%) and 2000 about three quarters (75%) of the arbitrary text.

First, as expected, it's clear that few words are heavily weighted (notice the 50% level, for example, and compare to the 135-word table) - these are the most frequent, important, useful words for your vocabulary.

Secondly, it follows from the graph that almost from the very beginning, in order to increase text recognition by another 5-10%, you need to approximately double the number of frequent, useful words studied. Get ready to work.

Thirdly, the table does not include words with a frequency of less than 10 per 1,000,000 (0.001%). The likelihood of encountering a specific omitted word in a random text is negligible. However, for some it may be the essence and most accurate reflection of the subject of the statement.

IN frequency dictionaries frequency can be indicated by a number behind the dictionary entry. Or after the usual alphabetical dictionary there is a frequency list on the basis of which the dictionary is compiled. However, now that computer versions of dictionaries are available in various forms and in any configuration and order, there is only one problem - the problem of the time required to choose the one most suitable for you.

You can find and download many dictionaries of different types for free, in particular.

Here is a simple frequency dictionary of 2500 words, divided for your convenience into steps of 300, 500, 1000 and the full 2500 words, which you can download for yourself right now:

Three sources, three components of your vocabulary

  • Training courses and frequency lists (dictionaries)
  • Fiction, socio-political and special literature
  • Live social and professional communication and mass media

The training courses are based on the most commonly used vocabulary. But they are limited in volume, and in addition, they contain inevitable “gaps”, omissions in successive lists of frequency words. Upon completion of the course, it is wise to fill in these gaps and expand your vocabulary, moving along the frequency list: sooner or later, what you have learned will definitely come in handy, and this will be effective due to its “frequency”. However, it is reasonable to apply this process until you achieve the practically necessary 3-5 (depending on your requirements) thousand more or less firmly, actively (i.e., with the possibility of not just understanding, but fairly free practical use) memorized words. And there may be much more poorly known, only passively recognized words. Further, the effectiveness decreases: the “weight” of the new word decreases and its “specialization” increases, which means that the likelihood that you really need it decreases.

Literature is an invaluable source of vocabulary. Since even for educational purposes you choose sources that interest you, there is a high probability that their vocabulary will be useful to you. But even within the framework of your interest, strive to study not all unfamiliar words, but only the most frequent, most common words (which appear in the text more than once or twice) in order to significantly speed up reading and increase its understanding. Literature allows you to consolidate the learned forms, expand them and improve their recognition in the text.

It is very difficult to force yourself to consciously control your reading speed. We must soberly realize that there are two approaches, two goals: “plot” reading for the sake of meaningful information and “analytical” reading. Analytical slow reading is aimed at full awareness of all the lexical, grammatical and stylistic features of the text. This is a form of direct learning, mastering and consolidating the composition and forms of speech. However, overuse of such reading is fraught with a certain loss of such valuable interest in the process, as when watching a film for a long time in slow motion. But something else is more dangerous: developing the habit of constantly reading at a low speed to the detriment of the desire to emotionally and figuratively perceive “entertaining” and exciting plot texts or quickly look through special texts in search of valuable material. An old example: a postman, freed from a heavy bag that he had been carrying for many years, can no longer change the established pace of movements. You know about the dangers and avert them; you combine both methods wisely, according to your taste and controlled sensations. He who is forewarned is forearmed!

Live communication is the hope of many. However, the ability to grasp and imprint new things on the fly is high in children - and for them this is effective and paramount, but for adults it is problematic. Of course, there are some frequency forms that immediately “fall on the ear.” Unfortunately, many are content with vulgarisms such as mentioning in vain “Ah, my God!” and sickening “Big deal!”, “Shit!”, “Wow!”. Your problem is what to know and perceive, and what to use in your speech. You go from the basic ability to explain yourself for survival to a level corresponding to your general education and social circle. In communication and professional activities, you master the most important social and special vocabulary for you. The same approach can be applied to mass media with effect. You start with popular television programs and films with English subtitles and move on, but be sure to select and consolidate the most important and interesting forms and vocabulary for you.

Thus, there is no single and sufficient source for effectively learning English vocabulary. Knowing the possibilities and approaches, you try and find the most suitable “cocktail” for you in order to get maximum pleasure and results.

Detailed information about the methods, programs and results of teaching English at Mr. Ball's School is presented on the School's website.
Addresses and telephone numbers for questions about teaching English at Mr. Ball's School and appointments for interviews can be found on the website mrBall.by in the section

The article contains 625 basic words for beginners to learn English.
The author of this list is Gabriel Wyner.

The list is compiled very competently, according to thematic groups. So that it is easy and not tiring for you to learn words.

The main idea of ​​such a list is not to study similar words, in which up to 40% of words are forgotten. On the contrary, all the words are selected according to a specific topic: animals, food, weather, city, people, frequent verbs, etc. Only 625 words.

How to use

1. Be sure to check each word for pronunciation.

2. The same applies to the translation of words. It is better if you use a direct dictionary in English. For beginners, learning a language completely from scratch is somewhat problematic and time-consuming, but it’s true!

3. Use flashcards to memorize words if necessary.

4. Record yourself and your pronunciation on mp-4.

After learning your first 625 words, you will only be able to open your mouth a little and say something intelligible. But this is a great start for a beginner learning English.

Pronouns: Pronouns

I, you (singular), he, she, it,

we, you (plural, as in “y’all”), they.

Animal: Animals

dog, cat, fish, bird, cow, pig, mouse, horse, wing.

Transportation: Transport

train, plane, car, truck, bicycle, bus, boat, ship, tire, gasoline, engine, (train) ticket.

Location: Location

city, house, apartment, street/road, airport, train station,

bridge, hotel, restaurant, farm, court, school, office,

room, town, university, club, bar, park, camp, store/shop, theater,

library, hospital, church, market, country (USA, France, etc.),

building, ground, space (outer space), bank.

Clothes: Clothes

hat, dress, suit, skirt, shirt, T-shirt, pants, shoes, pocket, coat, stain.

Color: Colors

red, green, blue (light/dark), yellow, brown, pink, orange, black, white, gray.

People: People

son, daughter, mother, father, parent (= mother/father), baby,

man, woman, brother, sister*, family, grandfather, grandmother,

husband*, wife, boy, girl, child (= boy/girl),

king, queen, president, neighbor, adult (= man/woman), human (≠ animal),

friend (Add a friend’s name), victim, player, fan, crowd, person.

Job: Professions

Teacher, student, lawyer, doctor, patient, waiter, secretary, priest,

police, army, soldier, artist, author, manager, reporter, actor.

Society: Society

religion, heaven, hell, death, medicine, money, dollar, bill,

marriage, wedding*, team, race (ethnicity), sex (the act),

sex (gender), murder, prison, technology, energy, war, peace,

attack, election, magazine, newspaper, poison, gun, sport, race (sport),

exercise, ball, game, price, contract, drug, sign, science, God.

Art: Art

band, song, instrument (musical), music, movie.

Beverages: Drinks

coffee, tea, wine, beer, juice, water, milk.

Food: Food

egg, cheese, bread, soup, cake, chicken, pork, beef,

apple, banana, orange, lemon, corn, rice, oil, seed,

knife, spoon, fork, plate, cup,

breakfast, lunch, dinner, sugar, salt, bottle.

Home: Home

table, chair, bed, dream, window, door, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom,

pencil, pen, photograph, soap, book, page, key, paint, letter, note,

wall, paper, floor, ceiling, roof, pool, lock, telephone,

garden, yard, needle, bag, box, gift, card, ring, tool.

Electronics: Technology

clock, lamp, fan, cell phone, network, computer, program (computer),

laptop, screen, camera, television, radio.

Body: Body

head, neck, face, beard, hair, eye, mouth, lip,

nose, tooth, ear, tear (drop), tongue, back, toe,

finger, foot, hand, leg, arm, shoulder, heart, blood,

brain, knee, sweat, disease, bone, voice, skin.

Nature: Nature

sea, ocean, river, mountain, rain, snow, tree, sun, moon,

world, Earth, forest, sky, plant, wind, soil/earth,

flower, valley, root, lake, star, grass, leaf, air,

sand, beach, wave, fire, ice, island, hill, heat.

Materials: Substances and materials

glass, metal, plastic, wood, stone, diamond, clay, dust, gold, copper, silver.

Math/Measurements: Mathematical measurements

meter, centimeter, kilogram, inch, foot, pound, half,

circle, square, temperature, date, weight, edge, corner.

Misc Nouns: Miscellaneous nouns

map, dot, consonant, vowel, light, sound, yes, no, piece, pain,

injury, hole, image, pattern, noun, verb, adjective.

Directions: Directions

top, bottom, side, front, back, outside, inside, up, down,

left, right, straight, north, south, east, west.

Seasons: Seasons

Summer, Spring, Winter, Fall.

Months: Months

January, February, March, April, May, June, July,
August, September, October, November, December.

Days of the week: Days of the week

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Numbers: Numbers

curved, male, female, tight, loose, high, low, soft, hard, deep,

shallow, clean, dirty, strong, weak, dead, alive, heavy,

light (heavy), dark, light (dark), nuclear, famous.

Verbs: Verbs

work, play, walk, run, drive, fly, swim, go, stop, follow,

think, speak/say, eat, drink, kill, die, smile, laugh, cry,

buy, pay, sell, shoot(a gun), learn, jump, smell, hear* (a sound),

listen* (music), taste, touch, see (a bird), watch (TV), kiss, burn,

melt, dig, explode, sit, stand, love, pass by, cut, fight, lie down,

dance, sleep, wake up, sing, count, marry, pray, win, lose,

mix/stir, bend, wash, cook, open, close, write, call, turn,

build, teach, grow, draw, feed, catch, throw, clean, find, fall,

push, pull, carry, break, wear, hang, shake, sign, beat, lift.

There is a misconception which reads something like this:

It is enough to know 500 English words in order to communicate freely with a native speaker on any topic.

This is wrong.

Look at the list and try to communicate freely in English with only 625 words to your credit. And you will understand that this is NOT real.
The maximum that is possible with such a set of words is to speak at the level of children's vocabulary.

At the moment I know about 3700 English words, which allows me to write letters to my American friends fluently. But this does not give me the opportunity to freely communicate with them on any topic. Knowing even these 3 thousand, I will not be able to say even the most basic things about jurisprudence, medicine, religion and other seemingly “free” topics.

Typically, a frequency dictionary is understood as a list of words obtained by analyzing a set of texts and sorted by frequency of occurrence.

Our English frequency dictionaries contain not only ranked lists of words, but also frequency lists of phrases, idioms, compound (phrasal) verbs and slang.

In addition, we have created frequency dictionaries of grammatical structures in the English language. This allows you to study both vocabulary and English grammar.

Our frequency dictionaries were obtained using the mathematical apparatus we developed and the software implemented on its basis. The basis for the analysis was the subtitles of Hollywood films as a source of colloquial vocabulary and grammar of the English language.

To use Hollywood Vocabulary frequency dictionaries, you need to install a free program for studying them - the Hollywood Vocabulary English tutorial.

All material from our library frequency dictionaries of the English language divided into topics, levels and stages.

Hollywood Vocabulary Frequency Dictionary Topics

Number of topics English dictionaries constantly replenished. Announcements of new dictionaries can be found in the site news.

Frequency Dictionary of English "Words"

Frequency dictionaries this topic are key. They contain lists of English words distributed according to frequency and examples of their use. Having studied (in total!) about 800 words from our frequency dictionary, you will be able to understand any English-speaking foreigner.

Frequency Dictionary of English "Phrases"

Frequency dictionaries This topic, as well as the dictionaries of the topic - Words, are extremely important in the perception of live English speech. Apart from the fact that they demonstrate the principles of combining English words, they also represent larger units of speech. Knowing them, it is easier for us to understand the interlocutor, even who speaks very quickly and pronounces words poorly. After all, in our native speech, we only need to make out a few words to understand what they want from us.

English Frequency Dictionary "Compound (phrasal) verbs"

ABOUT frequency dictionaries On this topic, we can only say that, knowing separately the translation of verbs and prepositions of the English language, as a rule, it is difficult to guess the meaning of a compound English verb consisting of their combinations. For example, fly at is translated as - to attack, scold, and separately, fly means to fly, the preposition at usually indicates a location.

Frequency Dictionary of English "Idioms"

Frequency dictionaries This topic contains idioms - established expressions of the English language, sayings, sayings. They are often used in English colloquial speech and without knowledge of them, it is sometimes difficult to understand jokes, irony and humor in general.

Frequency Dictionary of English "Slang"

IN frequency dictionary This theme is reflected in the words and their combinations of subculture languages ​​- street, criminal, musical and others, often used in films.

Frequency Dictionary of English "Suffixes and Prefixes"

Frequency dictionaries this topic is very significant. Their importance lies in the fact that they can expand our English vocabulary several times over. For example, knowing the English verb differ - to differ and several suffixes and prefixes, our vocabulary will be replenished with words such as different - different, difference - difference, differently - different, differing - different, in different - indifferent, in difference - indifference, in differently - it doesn’t matter and these are only the simplest options. In addition, without knowing an English word, but hearing its suffix, we get an idea of ​​its part of speech, which also contributes to understanding.

Frequency Dictionary of English "Prepositions"

Frequency dictionaries of prepositions of the English language have special significance when you yourself want to say something. The fact is that English prepositions

Frequency dictionaries of English verb constructions

IN frequency dictionaries This topic examines typical grammatical constructions of the English language. Why are they important? The fact is that in English, unlike Russian, there are no cases, and the order of words in a sentence can play a decisive role for the correct translation of a phrase. In addition, each construction has its own set of verbs with which it can be used, and incorrect use of a verb results in an error. Frequency frequencies we have developed dictionaries verbal constructions of the English language help to develop an intuitive sense of the appropriateness of using certain verbs in various types of constructions. Part dictionaries of verb constructions describe the type-temporal model of the English language. Our research has shown that more than 90% of all phrases are in Simple tenses, a third of types of tense constructions are not used by native English speakers at all, and another third are reduced to a few set expressions.

Dictionaries of English verb constructions are provided free of charge, subject to enrollment in Hollywood Vocabulary English language courses.

Levels and stages of Hollywood Vocabulary frequency dictionaries

Each topic can be divided into several levels of complexity, from the simplest - level zero, whose dictionaries cover about 55% of the content of films, to the most advanced - level five, dictionaries of this level cover about 95% of the content of films. In turn, each level is divided into stages. The zero level includes dictionaries of the zero stage, the first - dictionaries of the zero and first stages, the second - zero, first and second, etc.

Part frequency dictionaries the zero stage is free, and frequency dictionary of English phrases This stage comes with the Hollywood Vocabulary program. These dictionaries contain a small amount of very important material, sufficient for the first acquaintance with the English language, computer systems and educational technology.

We conducted experiments with subtitle texts, leaving a given percentage of words in them, and replacing the remaining words with masks.

The results of the experiment showed:

55% - Level 0 - meaning, almost incomprehensible;
65% - Level 1 - the meaning is vaguely clear and individual remarks can already be understood;
75% - Level 2 - the plot and general outline of the film are already clear, but there are still many gaps;
85% - Level 3 - the plot and ongoing actions are completely clear, but some of the lines remain unclear;
90% - Level 4 - everything is clear, except for small details;
95% - Level 5 - complete understanding, and mainly proper names are covered with masks.