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How to make juice from viburnum? Culinary recipes and photo recipes Prepare viburnum juice for the winter.

Prepare delicious and healthy viburnum juice for the winter, which has valuable properties and is perfect for saturating the body with useful substances in cold weather. Below we offer you several recipes for this healthy drink, which are prepared in different ways and are well preserved as a preparation. Since the beneficial and medicinal properties of viburnum are known to everyone, how important it is for helping with cramps, colds and high blood pressure, there are many recipes for dishes made from viburnum. You can make all kinds of preparations for the winter from the berries, the recipes of which you need to know in order to use viburnum for a long time.

Let's look at recipes for preparations, the main one of which is juice. Most people prefer it, since viburnum juice retains the greatest concentration of beneficial properties. Prepare the juice with or without pulp, with granulated sugar or syrup, or you can completely avoid adding sweets. The main condition is storage in a cool place.

If the number of regular cans has come to an end after the seaming season, it doesn’t matter! Viburnum can be placed in any glass jars, such as coffee jars. The lids are suitable for any kind that tightly close the jars. The only condition is that both the lids and jars are thoroughly washed. The dishes must be treated with boiling water.

Viburnum juice for the winter without cooking


  • 1 kg viburnum berries
  • 200 g granulated sugar


  1. The viburnum needs to be sorted out and the berries separated from the branches. The berries are washed and ground in a wooden mortar. The processed berries are placed on cheesecloth and squeezed thoroughly to remove seeds and grains.
  2. Granulated sugar is added to the pulp, mixed and left for a while so that the sugar dissolves completely. Then mix again. What comes out as a result is viburnum juice with pulp, which more closely resembles a liquefied puree.
  3. Next, pour the juice into heated jars. A dark and cool place is ideal for rolled jars. However, if desired, the jars can not be rolled up, but stored in the refrigerator. Such a preparation will not deteriorate here either.

Juice from viburnum through a juicer

When preparing juice for the winter, only the seeds and husks are removed, so the drink contains almost all the benefits that are found in the berry. Viburnum juice can be stored in sterilized jars for almost the entire winter. To make juice, it is preferable to take fresh berries, but not frozen ones. This will help the juice be more concentrated.


  • 1 kg viburnum
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 glass of water


  1. Wash the berries well in a deep bowl without separating them from the branches. Next, carefully separate the berries and wash again under cold tap water.
  2. Then place the berries on a clean kitchen towel to dry completely. Next, squeeze the berries through a juicer. Since the seeds of the berries are quite hard, the juicer must be cleaned several times. After that, the bones are filled with water and brought to a boil. Sufficient time for boiling is 5-7 minutes. Next you will need gauze folded in several layers. The decoction is filtered through it.
  3. The hot broth and juice are mixed and brought to a boil again, sugar is added. Boil the juice for about 10 minutes. Prepare sterilized jars. Pour hot viburnum juice into jars and cover with lids.

Viburnum juice with honey for the winter

Viburnum with honey can be easily stored in the refrigerator and is used for colds. This medicine is not only tasty, but also healthy and suitable for the whole family.


  • 0.5 kg viburnum berries
  • 250 ml honey


  1. Rinse the viburnum berries thoroughly with warm water, without separating them from small branches. If the berries are very dirty, pour boiling water over them. Then carefully pick the berries in a deep bowl, since this procedure often causes splashing of juice. Next, without removing the viburnum from the deep container, gently crush it with a crush.
  2. At this stage it is necessary to separate the seeds, skin and juice. To do this, you can use a metal sieve, where you place the contents, place everything on another container and then grind the juice with a spoon. The seeds and husks should not be thrown away. They make a delicious compote.
  3. Next, 250 ml of juice is mixed with 250 ml of honey. It is better if the honey is floral. Because it is an early variety of spring flowers that does not crystallize. If the honey is already crystallized, you need to pour the juice into a half-liter jar, adding honey little by little. Stir until the honey is completely dissolved. This way the jar is filled to the brim. It is very important that the honey is real and stored for no more than 10 months. Older honey loses beneficial vitamins.
  4. According to this recipe, the juice initially comes out bitter, but thanks to honey, the resulting mixture will gradually lose its bitterness. Viburnum juice is poured into jars and placed in a cool place until ready to use. You can use viburnum with honey after a week.

Viburnum juice, recipe for preparing for the winter

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Viburnum juice is a powerful antioxidant for the human body. It significantly reduces blood pressure and significantly improves immunity, thanks to the high concentration of iron, vitamin C and other beneficial elements in its composition.

It should be remembered that viburnum juice is contraindicated in large quantities and undiluted form for hypotensive patients and people suffering from kidney stones. Due to its high content of elements that are converted into purines in the human body, the drink can cause an acute attack of renal or hepatic colic.

In general, viburnum juice for the winter is a useful preparation that preserves the plant’s vitamins, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with three recipes.

Required quantity of products:

  • one liter of juice;
  • 125 grams of sugar;
  • one glass of water.

How to cook:

  1. Sort through the berries and rinse thoroughly under running water.
  2. Pour the required amount of liquid over the berries and cook until soft.
  3. Rub the viburnum through a metal sieve.
  4. The resulting liquid should stand for two hours.
  5. Add sugar to the juice and stir until completely dissolved.
  6. Boil the viburnum-sugar mixture and roll it into a sterile container for the winter.

Viburnum juice for the winter through a juicer

Viburnum juice can serve well and become an excellent addition to traditional methods of treatment for colds, flu, anemia, hypertension, and diabetes.

Required ingredients:

  • one kilogram of ripe viburnum berries;
  • one glass of sugar;
  • 200 millilirs of water.

Harvesting method:

  1. Sort the collected berries, clean them of twigs and debris, and rinse under running water.
  2. Squeeze juice from fruits using.
  3. Pour the resulting juices with water and boil for about five minutes.
  4. Strain and let cool.
  5. Mix the broth, sugar and fresh juice and boil.
  6. Pour the boiling liquid into prepared sterile containers and roll up.

Recipe for viburnum juice in a juicer

This method significantly saves time and effort. However, we should not forget that the use of long-term heat treatment in the preparation of the product removes most of the beneficial substances from the juice.

Cooking technology:

  1. Rinse fresh viburnum berries in running water.
  2. Place the whole bunches in the upper container of the juicer in one layer.
  3. Sprinkle with sugar to taste, turn on the heat.
  4. Time it. After the juice begins to release, keep the device on the fire for forty minutes.
  5. Pour hot directly into sterilized jars and seal immediately.

Preparing viburnum juice for the winter in a slow cooker

How to cook:

  1. Sort through fresh viburnum, separating twigs, debris and low-quality berries.
  2. Rinse under running water.
  3. Place in the multicooker bowl, not reaching the edge by three centimeters.
  4. Add sugar to taste.
  5. Fill everything with water. Water should cover the berries at a height of one centimeter above the amount of viburnum.
  6. Turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for forty minutes.
  7. After the beep, strain the resulting mixture through a sieve and roll up immediately.

The finished juice can be taken with honey, this will only increase its healing properties. In this case, when preparing juice, it is better not to add sugar.

Many people look forward to winter because it is a time of miracles, magic and snowflakes. But, alas, this is also a time of progressive colds. Over the course of a year, our immunity weakens greatly and needs additional strengthening with the means that nature has given us. Few people are unfamiliar with the beneficial properties of viburnum. It cures many diseases, but in winter it is very difficult to get. Preparing viburnum for the winter is an easy process, just think in advance that you will need it during severe cold weather. In this material we will reveal all the secrets of preparing this “berry doctor” for many months.

Harvesting viburnum for the winter: how to choose berries for storage

Whatever method of preserving viburnum you choose, do not forget to follow some simple rules for selecting and preparing berries:

  • the berries must be fresh;
  • do not use overripe or too green berries;
  • crushed and rotten fruits should be thrown away;
  • the berries must be dry;
  • remove seeds, stalks, twigs and any debris;
  • wash the berries, dry them and start the process;
  • Prepare the container and storage location in advance.

Did you know? The scientific name of the plant Viburnum comes from the Latin ‘viere’ - to bind or weave. In ancient times, viburnum branches were used for weaving.

How to freeze viburnum for the winter

The easiest way to preserve the nutritional value of viburnum berries for a long time is to freeze them. You can do this in various ways: put the bunches in containers or wrap them in bags and put them in the freezer; You can pick the berries and spread them in a thin layer, then freeze them and divide them into bags into equal parts.

Experts servicing refrigeration equipment claim that temperatures within -23... -18 °C are suitable for freezing. At this temperature, viburnum, like other fruits, vegetables and berries, will retain its properties in an ice shell for eight months to a year. This way you will have a supply of vitamins until the next season. You can freeze berries at temperatures from -8 to 0 °C, but their shelf life is immediately reduced by three times.

It is better to store berries in the freezer in quantities convenient for you. A small volume freezes better and faster, and therefore lasts longer. Why is this so important? It's all about re-freezing the food, which is strictly prohibited, as the viburnum will lose its suitability. Divide the berries into such portions that you can prepare the entire contents of the container or sealed bag at once.

To preserve the shape of the berries, it is better to use plastic bags and small plastic containers with tight-fitting lids. All this can be found in a regular supermarket in the dishware section. Due to their shape, such containers are conveniently and compactly placed inside freezers. If you need to freeze a really large volume of berries, then a small life hack to save internal space will not hurt. You can use plastic containers as molds for plastic bags.

It's very easy to do. Pour a small amount of berries into a bag and place them in a container, evenly distributing the fruits. Place everything in the freezer. When the viburnum in the bag freezes and turns into a regular rectangular layer, empty the container and continue until the harvesting of berries is completed. Of course, the process will take longer than when using containers for their intended purpose, but the space savings are obvious.

The following method will allow you to freeze the berries so that they do not stick together. In the freezer, select one or more shelves. Cover them with thick plastic. Prepare the berries - sort, wash and dry. Then place them in portions in the freezer, distributing them in a single layer on the shelf. After a few hours, remove the batch and place it in containers or bags and return it to the freezer.

Did you know? Healers believed that viburnum was endowed with magical properties. And the women told the tree about their sufferings and sorrows.

Option for preserving viburnum ground with sugar

Grated viburnum, prepared in sugar for the winter, is not only very healthy, but also extremely tasty. To prepare such a medicinal dessert, you only need two ingredients: sugar and, in fact, the berries of the viburnum itself.

First of all, separate all the berries from the branches and wash them well. Let the water drain. Place clean berries in a large bowl and puree with a blender until smooth. Now grind the resulting puree through a fine sieve into another clean bowl. The process is labor intensive, but it's worth it.

Each kilogram of viburnum should yield about 700 g of pure puree. Pour 1 kg of granulated sugar into it and stir until completely dissolved. Pour the sweet mass into clean, sterilized jars and screw on metal lids with threads or roll up like canned food. Place in the refrigerator.

Important! Viburnum, ground with sugar, should be applied only with a clean and dry spoon.

Add the mixture to warm water and stir until you get a tasty and healthy drink. Viburnum prepared according to this recipe for the winter without cooking can be stored in the cellar. To do this, it must be pasteurized, placed in jars, for half an hour. Viburnum, ground with sugar, will retain all its taste, so that you can enjoy only healthy delicacies for the winter.

Preserving viburnum juice

Even in ancient times, they knew that you can make a lot of delicious things from viburnum, for example, healthy juice for the winter! The recipe for viburnum juice is as follows:

  1. Wash the berries in bunches, then separate them and squeeze them through a juicer or double cheesecloth.
  2. Pour boiled water over the squeezed cake, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  3. Strain the broth, mix with juice, add sugar to taste and heat to 85 °C.
  4. Pour into jars or bottles and close with boiled corks or lids. Ready viburnum juice can be stored either at home on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the cellar.

Important! Viburnum juice is extremely useful, but it cannot be consumed in such a concentrated form. Be sure to dilute it with water.

Using the juice, you can prepare viburnum syrup, and its recipe is as follows:

  1. Take the following ingredients: vanillin, water, 1 liter of concentrated juice and 1.5 kg of sugar.
  2. Remove the viburnum from the branches, clean the berries from debris and stalks. Rinse them under cold water and place in an enamel bowl. Fill with clean cold water so that it slightly covers the berries.
  3. Place the container on low heat and cook until the viburnum is completely softened. When the fruits release juice, crush them.
  4. Take a pan and place a colander covered with a thick layer of gauze on it. Pour boiled berries and broth into it. Squeeze the pulp well. The viburnum juice will need to stand for at least three hours.
  5. Next, carefully pour everything into another clean pan so that no sediment gets in there. Add all the sugar there. Place on the fire and stir constantly, heating until all the granulated sugar has dissolved. To improve taste, add vanillin.
  6. Bring to a boil and pour into sterilized jars, then seal them. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a warm blanket. Store either in the refrigerator or in the cellar.

How to prepare viburnum for the winter

During the winter period, it is very important to monitor your health and take preventive measures to strengthen your immunity. In their pure form, viburnum berries are very useful, but they bear fruit only during a certain period, and their taste is tart and bitter. As soon as the period of full ripening begins, you can prepare the viburnum for the winter.

Viburnum juice

Viburnum juice is a delicious drink full of healthy vitamins. Doctors recommend taking it to prevent many colds. Also, viburnum juice remarkably improves immunity and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Since viburnum berries are tart and have a slightly specific taste, you will need to stock up on plenty of sugar.

For 1 kg of viburnum fruit you will need 700 g of granulated sugar. Berries can be taken either fresh or frozen. Rinse them under cold water. If you are using viburnum with branches, then separate them.

Important! This needs to be done as carefully as possible so that the most valuable viburnum juice is not wasted.

Rub the berries through a sieve. You should get about 0.5 liters of juice with good results. Fill the cake with water and bring to a boil over heat. Boil for 4 minutes. Squeeze the pulp well and discard.

Pour the specified amount of sugar into the prepared broth and stir until completely dissolved. Then add viburnum juice to it. Cover the pan with a lid and leave to steep for three hours in a cool place. Viburnum juice is ready. You can pour it into glasses and immediately fill it with health, or pour it into sterilized jars, close the lid and put it in the refrigerator. Fruit juice doesn't last long, but you can enjoy it within a couple of months.

There are a huge number of options for making viburnum jam, each of which will appeal to everyone who was previously skeptical about this berry. In order to preserve as much as possible all the beneficial properties of viburnum berries, try to minimize thermal manipulation on them. That’s why a recipe for viburnum jam without cooking was invented.

This recipe requires fruits collected after the first frost. Such a berry will give less bitterness. The jam is prepared quickly, it turns out tasty, but it has a short shelf life, although if stored in the refrigerator it can be significantly extended. In winter, raw jam is a very great gift for your body, simply a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.

To prepare raw jam, you need to carefully sort out the viburnum and free it from the branches, rinse well under the tap and twist through a meat grinder or grind with a blender.

Pour the resulting mass with sugar and mix thoroughly until it dissolves. Keep the proportions 1: 1. Pour the jam into clean sterilized jars, close tightly with lids and put in the refrigerator.

What is not made from viburnum - various combinations with other berries, fruits, honey, but the classics always remain in demand. To make classic viburnum jam, you will need the following ingredients: 1 kg of fresh viburnum, 2 glasses of water and 800 g of granulated sugar.

  1. Rinse fresh viburnum under running water and tear it away from the bunches. Sort through and throw away the spoiled ones.
  2. Place the fruits in a heat-resistant bowl and pour in 1 glass of water. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a container with viburnum there. Simmer until the berries soften.
  3. Take a saucepan, pour sugar into it and fill it with a second glass of water. Stir well, bringing to a boil. The result should be a thick and homogeneous sugar syrup.
  4. Take out the finished berries and place them in a container with the syrup. Cook for half an hour over low heat, stirring all the time.
  5. Remove the jam from the stove and let it cool and set for six hours. When time has passed, put the jam back on the stove and bring until done, stirring frequently and skimming off the foam.
  6. Pour the still hot jam into sterilized jars. Roll up the lids with a preservation key.

Did you know? Previously, people believed that viburnum warded off the evil eye and drove away evil spirits. That’s why they hung her brushes in the corner of the hut, which they called red.


Viburnum is primarily valued as a very healthy berry, so various recipes using it for the winter cover many areas of home cooking. For example, Viburnum jelly is one of the most famous recipes. Its preparation does not take much time and money; it is a favorite delicacy of many, and especially children. Viburnum jelly can be drunk only cooked and cooled. For 200 g of viburnum, use 2 tablespoons of sugar, 6 tablespoons of starch and 4 liters of water.

Wash the viburnum well and separate it from the branches. Push it apart. Place in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. Boil for ten minutes over medium heat. Then strain the broth and put it back on the fire until it boils. Add sugar, stir. Dissolve starch in a glass of cold water. Gently pour in the broth, stirring constantly. Bring the jelly to a boil and turn off the stove.

How to prepare viburnum compote

Perhaps compote is the simplest, most delicious and refreshing thing that can be made from red viburnum. Consider a classic cooking recipe.

Important! Before you start preparing compote according to this recipe, know that the inherent bitterness of viburnum will not be eliminated, but it can be softened. Just add mint and cloves to taste. This will also add some piquancy to the drink.

To prepare a classic viburnum compote, you will need the following ingredients: 2 kg of viburnum berries, sugar, 800 ml of water. Rinse the berries under cold tap water. Dry and transfer to a deep bowl. Add 100 g of sugar. After half an hour, mash the fruits and drain the released juice. Place the berries with sugar in a saucepan, add cold water and place on maximum heat. After boiling, skim off the foam and taste the water.

If necessary, add more sugar. Stir and reduce heat. Cook for 7 minutes, skimming off the foam. Add the expressed juice, stir and cover with the lid, moving it slightly. Boil for 5 minutes on low heat. Remove the pan from the stove and cover tightly. The drink should steep under the lid until it cools completely. After that, put it in the refrigerator.

How to make viburnum jelly

We will look at a universal recipe for viburnum jelly:

  1. Rub the berries through a sieve. To remove the bitterness, immerse them in boiling water for five minutes.
  2. Mix the resulting viburnum puree with sugar in a ratio of 1:1 - this is for those who like it sweeter, or 2:1.
  3. Bring the jelly to a gentle bubbling and cook over low heat, stirring regularly, until there are no sticky pieces of jelly left on the sides of the pan.
  4. Pour into clean, sterile jars and seal them tightly.

You can cook the jelly for an hour longer, like jam. If you took a double dose of granulated sugar and closed it with threaded lids, such preservation can be stored at room temperature. If the lids are nylon, less sugar was added, and the heat treatment lasted less, then such jelly should only be kept in the refrigerator or cellar.

Did you know? Since ancient times, viburnum has been a symbol of girlish beauty. In Ancient Rus' it was called the wedding tree, and it always participated in all wedding ceremonies. Viburnum clusters decorated wreaths, festive tables and dishes.

Dried viburnum brushes for the winter

You can dry viburnum both outdoors and at home. In this form, it can retain its beneficial properties and taste for a very long time. Write in the comments what questions you have not received an answer to, we will definitely respond!

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How to make viburnum juice at home - recipe with photo:

Viburnum berries need to be carefully examined, discarding all spoiled, wrinkled and rotten fruits, washed well, draining the water several times, and dry the clean viburnum on a kitchen towel.

Then throw the berries into the deepest possible bowl, pound them a little so that they crack and release the juice.

Transfer the crushed fruits in small portions to a sieve with the smallest holes. Grinding berries is the longest and most monotonous process, so you should arm yourself with patience. It is necessary to place a bowl under the sieve into which the juice from the viburnum will drain, and press down the berries themselves firmly with a spoon. In principle, many people do without this manipulation, having a juicer on hand.

From 1 kilogram of viburnum you should get approximately 400–500 milliliters of pure juice, this depends on the juiciness of the viburnum itself.

The cake that remains from the viburnum must be loaded into a saucepan and filled with the specified amount of water. Turn on the stove, set the burner temperature to moderate, and place the container with the contents. After the boiling stage, boil the mixture for about 3 minutes, during which time the cake will release the remaining juice to the water. Remove any foam that has formed with a slotted spoon.

Separate the cake from the water using a sieve, pour the liquid back into the saucepan, and discard the remaining viburnum.

Then combine the juice obtained from pure viburnum with the liquid in which the cake was boiled.

Next, add a portion of granulated sugar; the amount may also vary depending on personal preferences. Place the saucepan back on the stove and simmer the viburnum juice at home for about 10 minutes at medium temperature.

This juice can be stored for a long time on the refrigerator shelf in tightly sealed jars, and it can also be rolled up in a sterile container and stored at room temperature.

All is ready! Now you know how to make viburnum juice at home!

Viburnum is a healthy berry, common in mid-latitudes. It finds wide application for both fresh consumption and for storing for the winter. You can dry viburnum in , but you can make viburnum juice at .

What are the benefits of viburnum juice?

Viburnum is a fairly healthy berry, and its juice also has a beneficial effect on the human body. The drink is especially rich in iron and vitamin C, which are beneficial for immunity and recovery processes. Also, viburnum juice, when diluted and sweetened, has a rather pleasant taste, with a slight sourness. Concentrated juice is, of course, sour and quite difficult to drink.

True, for the drink to be truly healthy and retain at least some beneficial properties, it is better to make viburnum juice in auger juicer with the possibility of cold pressing. Thanks to gentle pressing technology, viburnum juice, passing through the juicer, will retain quite a lot of vitamins and microelements. If you squeeze viburnum through a centrifugal juicer, the drink will become very hot and lose its uniform texture. Viburnum juice from a centrifugal juicer will eventually separate and lose its natural taste and almost all its benefits.

Which juicer is better to extract viburnum juice?

In order for viburnum juice to retain the maximum amount of vitamins and other beneficial substances, it is better to squeeze it using a screw juicer with cold-press technology, for example. The electric juicer is easy to operate, and the finished product is of high quality.

How to preserve viburnum juice for the winter

To extend the shelf life of freshly squeezed juice and prevent it from oxidation and fermentation, we recommend pouring the resulting juice into a bottle or other container with a stopper and vacuum sealing it using. This way, the shelf life of the juice will increase several times, while all the beneficial properties of the drink will be preserved.

How to make viburnum juice using a juicer

So, to get viburnum juice through the Dream Modern juicer, turn it on and set the Hard mode, suitable for squeezing hard fruits/vegetables or berries with seeds. Click the Start button - the process is started. Now we just put the berries little by little into the loading throat. When all the viburnum berries have passed through the juicer, turn off the device and open the juice valve - the drink will pour into the container provided (the set includes a standard glass for juice, but you can use any other one). Next, if we decide to save viburnum juice for the winter, pour it into a bottle and vacuum it using a kitchen