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Interesting facts about the Titanic that you might not know (13 photos). Legends and myths about the Titanic Interesting facts about the Titanic in English

The date April 15, 1912 is marked in history by the largest maritime disaster of the 20th century - in the Atlantic, on the way from Southampton (Great Britain) to New York (USA), the largest passenger liner, the Titanic, sank upon encountering an iceberg.

The history of the Titanic, the legendary ship, is surrounded by numerous secrets and myths, widely known and not so well known. Here are some amazing facts about this legendary ship.

25. The first film about the Titanic was shot less than a month after the disaster, and the main role was played by an actress who survived the shipwreck.

24. Kim Il Sung, leader of North Korea, was born on the day the airliner sank.

23. There were 12 dogs on board the ship, three of them survived. The photo shows one of them.

22. The remains of the Titanic were discovered only 73 years after the disaster.

21. Kate Winslet, the lead actress in the film Titanic (1997), said that she really dislikes the song My Heart Will Go On. The actress even admitted that she cringes when she hears this music.

20. In fact, modern ships are more likely to encounter an iceberg than the Titanic was.

19. The iceberg that the ship collided with (pictured) began its journey about two thousand years ago.

18. None of the ship's 30 mechanics survived. They remained in the engine room and kept the steam engines running as long as possible so that the remaining passengers could escape. The photo shows the engine room of the Titanic.

17. More than half of the passengers could fit into the liner’s boats, but hardly a third of them actually managed to do so.

16. 13 newlywed couples went on the Titanic for their honeymoon.

15. The most expensive rooms on a ship today would cost over $100,000.

14. The only Japanese survivor of the disaster was ostracized and called a coward for not dying with the other passengers.

13. Although the ship was able to stay afloat when four compartments were flooded in a row, six of them were damaged on the fateful night.

12. Apart from the Titanic, no liner in history has ever been sunk by an iceberg.

11. The founder of the Hershey's Chocolate factory, Milton Hershey, canceled his reservation at the last minute due to urgent business meetings.

10. The Titanic was so huge that it took 2 hours and 40 minutes to sink.

8. There is a version that the main cause of the death of the Titanic was the effect of an ice mirage, which hid the real outlines of the iceberg from observers, thereby preventing the disaster from being prevented in time. This is indirectly evidenced by the testimony of survivors who spoke about incredibly bright stars that night.

7. The chef of an A la Carte restaurant drank so much alcohol that he was able to withstand the terrible Atlantic cold for two hours.

"Titanic": myth and reality

The passengers were having dinner, dancing, and many were already getting ready for bed. And no one could even imagine that a catastrophe would happen in a few moments. A huge iceberg destroyed the myth of the unsinkability of the Titanic.

Humanity has never seen such a huge ship. The largest, most powerful, most reliable, absolutely, as the designers claimed, unsinkable, it received the appropriate name - “Titanic”. Launched from the Royal Dockyards, the Titanic set off on its maiden voyage - and never returned. An unprecedented catastrophe shook the world.

The builders and owners of this giant passenger fleet arrogantly declared: “The Lord God himself cannot sink this ship.” Vanity and pride were severely punished: in a matter of moments, a colossal iceberg ripped open the Titanic’s hull, made of two layers of steel, and the icy water of the Atlantic Ocean poured into the compartments.

The Titanic sank in a matter of hours. The orchestra was still playing a popular hit song, and the ship had already begun to plunge into the black waters of the ocean.

The luxurious giant steamship was considered a symbol of the “golden age”, which was cut short by the First World War. American writer Tom Shales said: “It was not just a ship, it was a time capsule, taking with it to the grave all the glitz and vanity of the Golden Age.”

Could the monstrous loss of life in the Titanic tragedy have been avoided? Yes, say the researchers. If the owners of the White Star shipping line had equipped the ship with a sufficient number of boats and rafts, not hundreds, but perhaps thousands of passengers would have been saved. But the owners did not even think that the ship could sink.

The short and dramatic life of the Titanic began in the design offices of the Harland and Wolf shipyards in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Its creators, alas, cared more about luxury and speed than about the safety of navigation.

The designers presented a “revolutionary” project, according to which the ship was supposed to remain afloat in the event of any incident at sea. The project involved the creation of sixteen watertight compartments along the ship's hull. The bulkheads between the compartments were particularly strong - this type of bulkhead had not yet been used in either the civilian or navy. The creators of the Titanic assured that the ship would not suffer any serious list, even if two compartments were completely flooded.

The most experienced shipbuilders and designers, engineers, riveters, cabinetmakers and other specialists worked selflessly to create the most luxurious ship in the world. Everything about him amazed and aroused surprise. The length of the Titanic was 275 meters; four huge chimneys, each 6.7 meters in diameter, stood like four towers above this colossus, the height of which, from the keel to the tone lights, was equal to the height of an eleven-story building. The weight of the ship was 46 thousand tons. Specially designed engines with a capacity of 50 thousand horsepower allowed this giant to move at a speed of 23 knots per hour.

First class passengers could, as they say, bask in luxury. A swimming pool was built for them on the ship - at that time a novelty in shipbuilding. During the voyage, passengers could soak in the Turkish baths, do gymnastics in a luxurious gym, play tennis on a special court, relax in the “Versailles drawing room”, in the “Parisian cafe”, in the palm garden, in numerous music salons, restaurants and bars.

For first class passengers, luxurious apartments and luxury cabins were equipped, for the rest - comfortable second and third class cabins.

Construction of the Titanic then cost £4 million. In today's prices, this is 100 million - an absolutely fantastic amount. The ship sailed on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York under British and American flags on April 10, 1912. There were 20 lifeboats on its decks - four more than the British Merchant Shipping Code required, but terribly few to accommodate all the passengers of the monster ship.

Fatal journey.

The first five days spent on the open sea did not bring any surprises to the Titanic's crew. On the night of April 14, the sea remained calm, but icebergs were visible in some places in the sailing area. They didn't bother Captain Smith...

At 11:40 pm, a cry was suddenly heard from the observation post on the mast: “There’s an iceberg directly ahead!” At the same time, three strikes of the ship's bell sounded - a warning of impending danger. Thirty seconds later, the plane collided with the ice mountain. It shook the huge ship, sending a mass of ice shards crashing down onto the luxurious teak decks. Passengers poured out of their cabins. They admired the fabulous picture: in the night, under electric spotlights, the ice floes shone like diamonds.
No one yet realized what had happened, no one felt the ominous breath of death. People laughed and picked up sharp pieces.

The surface part of the iceberg was approximately 30 meters in height. One can only try to imagine how huge it was that was hidden under the water. The iceberg made a large hole in the starboard side of the ship and easily, like paper, tore the watertight compartments on which such high hopes were placed. Ice water poured into the giant ship at incredible speed.

First, the first five compartments were completely filled, then water began to flow into the sixth and seventh, and gradually all the compartments were filled with water.

All too slowly, the improbability of what was happening began to dawn on Captain Smith. Listening to the officers' reports about the disaster, he simply could not believe his ears. And precious minutes were wasted. Only at midnight the captain ordered the passengers to board the boats, and the ship in distress gave the SOS signal.

The evacuation was accompanied by numerous human tragedies. So, Ida Strauss refused to leave her husband and take a place in the boat. When the liner disappeared under the waves, she accepted death along with her beloved. But the chairman of the White Star shipping line, who bore moral responsibility for thousands of Titanic passengers, did not show such courage. He jumped into the boat and... spent the rest of his life, despised and condemned by everyone who knew him.

Upon learning of the disaster, the coal king Guggenheim and his valet Victor Giglio put on evening suits and prepared to face death like true gentlemen. Ten millionaires drowned. Along with them, diamonds and other riches went to the bottom, later estimated at 4 million pounds sterling.

Due to the unclear actions of the crew, panic arose on the decks of the Titanic. On board, in addition to the lifeboats, there were collapsible rafts on which numerous passengers could have been saved, but they were not assembled in time and were stored in inappropriate places.

When the ship's disastrous roll began, signal flares were launched into the night sky over the ocean - the captain's last illusory hope for help from passing ships. It was difficult to count on luck, and yet a lucky chance could help the doomed. The watchman of the passenger steamer California, which was nineteen miles from the Titanic in distress, noticed flares.

But, as often happens, fate did not give the victims of the disaster a last chance. The watchman mistook distress signals, a call for help, as the usual lights of another steamer, and the California drifted blissfully unawares on the ice field all night. Only at five o'clock in the morning did her captain decide to head to the suspicious area. By that time, the Titanic had long been resting in its dark, icy grave.

The most tragic fate befell the immigrant passengers occupying third-class cabins. While in the lower tiers of the ship, they found themselves in a real trap, since the American immigration service ordered all doors leading to the upper decks to be locked. By the time the crowds of people rushed up, most of the lifeboats had already been launched.

Two hours and thirty-five minutes after the disaster, the Titanic's list was almost 90 degrees, meaning the ship was practically lying on its side. And then the superliner disappeared under water, forming a giant whirlpool on the surface of the sea, which sucked in people and debris of rigging. An agonizing hiss was heard, the sea was swollen by massive air bubbles formed as a result of the explosion of steam boilers - and it was all over. The Titanic began to slowly sink to a depth of four kilometers.

The steamer "Carpathia", which received the SOS, flew at full speed to the scene of the disaster. He arrived one hour late, but managed to pick up people who escaped on boats. There were 705 such lucky people, as already indicated.

Underwater grave.

For seventy-three years the ship lay in its deep underwater grave as one of the countless evidence of human carelessness. The word "Titanic" has become synonymous with adventures doomed to failure, heroism, cowardice, shock and adventure. Societies and associations of surviving passengers were created. Entrepreneurs involved in the recovery of sunken ships dreamed of raising a superliner with all its countless riches.

In 1968, a team of divers led by American oceanographer Dr. Robert Ballard found it, and the world learned that under the enormous pressure of the water column, the giant ship broke into three parts.

The wreckage of the Titanic was scattered over an area with a radius of 1600 meters. Ballard found the bow of the ship, deeply buried in the ground under its own weight. Eight hundred meters away from her lay the stern. Nearby were the ruins of the middle part of the hull.

Among the wreckage of the ship, various objects of material culture of that distant time were scattered throughout the bottom: a set of kitchen utensils made of copper, wine bottles with corks, coffee cups with the emblem of the White Star shipping line, toiletries, door handles, candelabra, kitchen stoves and ceramic heads dolls that little children played with...

One of the most stunning underwater images captured by Dr. Ballard's movie camera was a broken sloop beam hanging limply from the side of the ship - a silent witness to a tragic night that will forever remain on the list of world disasters.

And you will be happy!

On April 10, 1912, the legendary ship set off on its first and last voyage. The British transatlantic steamer was captained by Edward John Smith, one of the most experienced captains with 25 years of experience. On the Titanic there was everything your heart desired, even a newspaper of the same name, which published reports from the lives of passengers. However, this giant ship had no future: on the night of April 14-15, it was wrecked.

The sinking of the Titanic occurred 57 hours before the solar eclipse

According to astronomical observations, cataclysms often occur during such eclipses. In addition, scientists say the full moon could have caused unusually strong tides, making it difficult to see the iceberg.

An optical illusion may have hampered the rescue operation.

Another version of why the iceberg went unnoticed and why the ships did not immediately come to the rescue is an optical illusion. Scientists believe that an unusual bend of light could be observed that night - a mirage. A similar phenomenon was described by the commanders of several ships that were in the disaster area.

Several ships like the Titanic can be built with money from the box office receipts of the film of the same name

If you build a liner of this class today, it will require about $400 million, while James Cameron's film Titanic earned almost $2 billion in 1997.

Titanic's last lunch menu sold for $88,000

The disaster was predicted in Morgan Andrew Robertson's book: "Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan"

A book by an American science fiction writer, published in 1898, described the 1912 disaster: “The largest ship ever built hits an iceberg in April and sinks.” According to the story, due to a lack of lifeboats, more than half of the ship's passengers die in the North Atlantic.

100 years after the crash, the Balmoral superliner repeated the route of the Titanic.

1,309 passengers went on the memorial cruise - the same number as there were on the Titanic (excluding crew members). The atmosphere of the early twentieth century was recreated on the ship. Relatives of the deceased Titanic passengers also went to the scene of the tragedy.

Two of the nine dogs that were on board the sunken liner survived

These are Pomeranian and Pekingese dogs.

Within 15-20 years, the Titanic will be eaten by bacteria

Back in 1991, scientists discovered that the ship was inhabited by 24 species of invertebrate animals, 12 of which fed on metal and wooden structures. But it is not they that cause particular harm to the liner, but a bacterium that was first discovered on the Titanic and named in its honor: Halomonas titanicae. This is a particularly aggressive species of bacteria that obtains energy from the process of iron oxidation. According to scientists, it literally “bites” into the metal. Experts have come to the conclusion that within 15-20 years there will be no trace left of the sunken liner.

The last surviving Titanic passenger died in 2009 at the age of 97.

At the time of the shipwreck she was only 2.5 months old.

More than 100 years have passed since the largest disaster of the 20th century occurred. Much about this tragedy still remains a mystery. Many books have been written and films made about the sinking of the Titanic, and even more legends have been generated.

The tragedy shocked the world community, the massive loss of life shocked the whole world.

Almost all the time after the sinking of the Titanic, various legends associated with this event appear. They say that the logbook of the captain of a Norwegian ship has been discovered, which refutes the sinking of the Titanic. Then historians discovered that the owner of the ship, Morgan, a famous financier and millionaire, refused to sail on the ship right before departure. A version has also been put forward that the Titanic is the Olympia steamship, built according to a similar design. Maybe there was no Titanic? Interest in the tragedy is constantly maintained by newly made films and written books. But in reality there is no way to verify any of these legends, since everything happened a very long time ago.

But in any case, each legend has a certain amount of truth, and therefore arouses interest among the public. All that remains is to determine what is true and what is fiction in each legend. There is no point in describing the details of the ship’s death; much has already been said about this. Let's turn to the secrets associated with the Titanic.

Let's start in order. Several decades before the tragedy in New York, the Archibald Welsh & Co. publishing house published a fantastic book by a certain Captain Morgan Robertson. It described the experience of a shipwreck of a passenger ship, in which the captain managed to escape. But this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that the ship was called Titan. Moreover, all the technical data coincided with the Titanic! The dimensions of the ship, the number of passengers, the number of lifeboats, and a host of other details were also the same. And the Titan died from a collision with an iceberg. Doesn't remind you of anything?

If before the tragedy practically no one knew about the book, then after the sinking of the Titanic the book became a bestseller. Publishers republished it many times, making huge profits. The book contained an almost documentary description of what happened during the sinking of the Titanic. This is despite the fact that the work was written long before the tragedy. Readers were shocked by this mystical coincidence.

The advertising campaign aimed at popularizing the Titanic became the largest in the early 20th century. All the newspapers, generously paid by the ship's owners, described and extolled the ship's virtues. Newspaper headlines were full of descriptions of a ten-story floating palace with a displacement of 50 thousand tons, 269 meters long and 28.2 meters wide.

The promenade decks and long corridors of the ship were beautifully described, and the 762 cabins were ready to accommodate a mass of willing passengers. The ship was protected by a double bottom and 19 waterproof compartments, which made it virtually unsinkable. The ship's chief designer, Thomas Andrews, even stated that the ship would be able to sail with four compartments filled with water.

Newspapers did their best to describe the modern equipment of the liner and its luxurious interiors; incredible statistical calculations were made that were supposed to amaze the reader’s imagination. It was said that the Titanic stored 44 tons of meat and poultry, 35 thousand eggs and 40 tons of potatoes, 27 thousand bottles of beer and water and 5 tons of sugar. It was reported that 10 millionaires would go on the first voyage, carrying gold and jewelry worth hundreds of millions of dollars in the liner’s safes. Everyone dreamed of being on the ship’s maiden voyage, something the White Star Line, which owned the Titanic, was especially proud of.

The Titanic was put into operation on April 2, 1912, and on April 10 at one o'clock in the afternoon the ship set out on its first and last voyage. On the fourth day of the voyage, the Titanic's radio operators began to receive alarm signals from ships nearby. It was reported that there were many icebergs around and it was better to slow down.

The Titanic was at that time 450 miles south of the island of Newfoundland. The signals were reported to the ship's captain, Edward John Smith. But he did not attach due importance to this, giving orders to the lookouts to be more vigilant.

The result of such a decision is known to everyone. The Titanic collided with an iceberg, killing about one and a half thousand people; only a few miraculously escaped by getting onto lifeboats. The chronology of events is described in detail in many sources, so we will not go into details. However, there is something to complain about.

It is not clear why a ship like the Titanic did not have a powerful searchlight to illuminate the path along the ship's course. These are still minor things, because the lookouts didn’t even have binoculars. Also questionable is the behavior of the captain, who, when colliding with an iceberg, gave the command “Medium forward”, which only brought the moment of death of the liner closer. As a result, the Titanic's holds instantly filled with water. There are generally the most questions about the captain's actions. At the moment of the collision, he immediately went to the cabin of one of the richest men in America, John Astor, inviting him to take a seat in the boat. And this is instead of giving the order to the radio operators to give the SOS signal. It's puzzling.

Another puzzling fact. The Titanic had only 20 lifeboats that could accommodate 1,178 people. There were 1,316 passengers and 885 crew members on board the ship at the time of the tragedy. And this despite the fact that the liner is designed for 3,300 people. One gets the impression that someone specially created all the conditions for the tragedy.

This was also noted by Western authors. In June 1995, a book entitled “The Mystery of the Titanic” was published. Its authors, Robert Gardiner and Dan van der Watha, described many strange events and incidents directly related to the tragedy. Again, it was mentioned that, for health reasons, the famous millionaire Pierson Morgan, who owned the ship, refused to sail on the ship. Although a couple of days after the tragedy he was seen at one of the resorts in France with his mistress. There was no talk of illness; Mr. Morgan radiated health and well-being.

Another interesting fact. A unique collection of paintings was supposed to be transported on board the ship, but it remained on shore. At the moment, this collection is the basis of the New York Museum of Modern Art. Why didn't the paintings go with the ship? Also, at the last moment, about 50 people refused to swim. These are mostly close friends and business partners of Morgan. Among them are German steel magnate Henry Frick and American multimillionaire George Vanderbilt. What is the reason for this unexpected decision?

The book also puts forward the theory that the Titanic was actually a very similar ship, the Olympic, which was built a year earlier. Before departure, the inscription on the stern and side of the Olympic was changed, after which the Titanic set sail. Why was this done?

One of the versions is that Olympic had previously gotten into several unpleasant situations. The steamer collided with a British cruiser, and the captain of the Olympic at that time was Edward John Smith, the future captain of the Titanic. The crew of the Olympic was found guilty, and the White Star Line was to lose one million dollars.

At that time it was a large sum. This, according to the authors of the book, was the reason for the creation of the insidious plan. "Olympic" under the guise of "Titanic" was sent on a voyage. At the same time, his captain was ordered to move at full speed, despite any warnings about icebergs. The disaster was a planned act.

Several years ago, more than four thousand items were recovered from the sunken liner. None of them were marked "Titanic". The authors of the book claim that the real Titanic served the company for another twenty years under the name Olympic and was decommissioned in 1935. How true this is is for the reader to judge. Unfortunately, there is no way to obtain reliable evidence.

This was another legend about an event that shocked the whole world. But no one can know the real cause of the death of the Titanic.

Many people have heard, many people have read, but many still do not know the real and bitter truth about the death of the world’s largest passenger liner with the mighty name “Titanic”. It belonged to the British company White Star Line. In just two years, shipbuilders managed to construct the impossible, and on May 31, 1911, the Titanic was launched. His first cruise voyage turned into a huge tragedy, news of which spread throughout the world within two days. What happened? How did the Titanic sink? How could the most unsinkable ship in the world end up at 4 km depth? The owners of the company stated that God himself could not sink the Titanic. Maybe he got angry at people?

But let's move on to more real facts. So, on April 10, 1912, the greatest ship of all time, the Titanic, set sail from the port of Southampton, with the most famous people in Great Britain on board at that moment. These were businessmen, actors and actresses, scientists and writers, etc. The Titanic set off on a 7-day voyage across the Atlantic Ocean to New York, stopping along the way at small ports to deliver and receive cargo, as well as disembark and embark passengers. The fifth day of an exciting journey became fatal for all passengers on the liner. While crossing the Atlantic, at about 3-00 am, the starboard side of the ship was cut by a small iceberg, which was not immediately noticed by the watching sailor. As many as five lower compartments were flooded in a matter of minutes.

After 2.5 hours, the Titanic disappeared into the depths of the sea. Of the 2,200 people, only 715 were able to escape. Almost 1,500 people tragically died. And now the most intriguing question arises: who is to blame for this tragedy? God? Shipbuilders? or not the professionalism of the ship's captain? But still, after numerous investigations, objective and subjective reasons for the death of the Titanic were collected, but we will talk about them a little later. First, we need to delve into these facts and analyze the broader reasons that influenced the outcome of events and the death of innocent people.

Those responsible for the sinking of the Titanic


Let's start, perhaps, with the shipbuilders, namely with the ship's hull itself. In 1994, a study was conducted with a piece of the plating of the sunken Titanic. The results were very disastrous, because... the plating was so thin that even the smallest piece of ice could have caused enormous damage to it, and if we take into account the huge Iceberg, the damage was not very great, thanks to the actions of the ship’s captain. The blow caused by the iceberg was tragic because the ship's hull hull contained phosphorus, which caused the hull to break at low temperatures. The inability of shipbuilders to create high-quality steel at that time, as well as ship designs, makes them also guilty of this tragedy. It was also known that the design of the Titanic's structure included the use of necessary materials, but most of them were of poor quality or were absent altogether. This is proven by the fact that some people made a lot of money from this and the shipbuilders may not be to blame for this.

Radio operators

Now about the equally important workers of the ship - the radio operators. In 1912, radio communication on the high seas was a novelty, and not every ship could install it. The point is that the radio operators, for some unknown reason, were not part of the ship’s crew, but worked for the Marconi company, which was engaged in the transmission of paid messages in the form of Morse code. These days they can be matched with SMS messages over the phone.

Based on the surviving records, the radio operators managed to transmit on April 14, more than 250 radio telegrams, and the signals that came from other ships that were also sailing across the Atlantic were simply ignored by the radio operators, because. It was important for them to earn money. According to the records of the radio operators, which were not taken into account by them, it became known that the Titanic was notified of the danger with exact coordinates already from 20-00 on the evening of April 14. There were even messages sent personally to the captain, in which it was written about nearby icebergs, but the radio operators were too lazy to deliver this information to the captain and continued to send paid messages. But the entire crew of the ship was briefed in advance about possible glaciers, because... the route passed through them.


Video - Titanic. Mysteries of the death of the liner

As you can see, the Titanic was still able to sink, and not only for the above reasons, there are several more. Perhaps the most important of them is the lack of binoculars from the watching sailor, who was on the ship, but was locked in a safe, and the key was in the hands of the second mate. It was David Blair, who was removed from the flight for unknown reasons. He simply forgot to give this key to his replacement, so the lookout sailor could not see the danger. Having binoculars, trouble could be foreseen 6 km away, but without binoculars the sailor could notice it just 400 meters away. It was calm and the night was moonless. Even the weather conditions that night were against the ship, because... In any case, the light of the moon was able to reflect on the iceberg and give it away in advance.

It was also known that the iceberg was black, which means that it had turned upside down shortly before. It is possible that even under the moon the shine of the iceberg might not be noticeable, because... its white side was under water.

It is unclear that the senior officer did not notice the iceberg first, because... You can always see better on the bridge than from the sailor’s “eagle’s nest.”

About the maneuver

It should be clarified that the captain of the ship was not on the bridge at the time of the crash; he was replaced by first mate Murdoch. The results of the research indicate that the first officer gave the order “Left Handle” and immediately after that gave the order “Reverse”. But the second command was carried out late and the reverse was made after a collision with an iceberg. There is an opinion that if Murdoch had ordered the opposite, to increase the speed, then the turn of the ship would not have been smooth, but sharp. Perhaps the team’s experience let us down in this situation, because... they did not participate in testing the ship after launching, and it is very difficult to maneuver such a huge ship without preparation. Some believe that if the Titanic had not changed course, but had rammed the iceberg, it would have remained unharmed, because... the bow of the ship was protected and could, at most, only receive a small dent.

Having considered the expanded picture of the circumstances of that night, we should return to the objective and subjective reasons for the sinking of the Titanic.

Subjective reasons for the sinking of the Titanic

1. The rules of the British Merchant Shipping Code were outdated. They stated that lifeboats were placed on a ship depending on its tonnage, and not on the number of passengers. This means that there were not enough lifeboats on the Titanic, so about 500 more people were not saved.

2. There is information that the helmsman, at the command “Take to the left,” turned the steering wheel to the right.

3. The director of the company, J. Ismay, was sailing on board the ship, but he ordered the captain to sail further and not take any action so as not to incur losses. The captain complied with his order, but water entered the compartments at a speed of 350 tons per minute.

4. To date, there is no one left alive after the crash. Those who escaped died a natural death. The last passenger on the Titanic died in 2009. This was a woman who was on the Titanic as a 5 year old child. Only she knew the true truth of the ship's death, which her relatives told her, but the secret died with her.

Objective reasons for the sinking of the Titanic

1. Due to the fact that the iceberg turned over, because. At that time it was melting, it was not visible from the ship.

2. The speed of the ship was very high. As a result, the blow was as strong as possible. The fault here lies solely with the captain of the ship.

3. Radio operators engaged in sending paid messages did not convey important information about the danger to the captain. Considering that they were not part of the team, this does not relieve them of responsibility.

4. Titanic steel at that time was not of the best quality. The pressure on it from low temperatures led it to fragility and brittleness. The shipbuilders are not to blame here, because... they carried out work with the raw materials that were purchased by the management of the shipbuilding company.

5. All compartments of the ship were fenced with iron doors, but the water pressure was so strong that they simply shattered into small pieces. Thus, compartment after compartment was filled with water.

6. The lookout did not have binoculars, which reduced the radius of his vision from the “eagle’s nest”.

7. The ship did not have red flares, the launch of which meant a signal of danger. As a result of this, white missiles were launched, which had no meaning for neighboring ships.

This article did not discuss the ships that came to the aid of the Titanic on that fateful night, but it is worth noting the fact that the closest ship that was near the Titanic was a ship with poachers who were hunting seals that night, but after seeing the launch white rockets, they thought that this was a signal that they needed to stop and the captain of this ship ordered his crew to sail as quickly as possible in the opposite direction. Perhaps, thanks to these poachers, if they had not sailed away, many more people would have been saved, but there was no radio communication on their ship.

Thus, having analyzed the most truthful facts about how the Titanic sank, one can only guess which reason is still the most truthful.

The sinking of the Titanic scientific facts video