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Khayal's horoscope for the next week. Eastern horoscope for the year of the pig from Khayal Alekperov

This Azerbaijani psychic became famous quite recently. Participating in the Ukrainian project “Battle of Psychics,” he showed his psychic abilities, which amazed not only the audience, but also the jury members. According to the results of the competition, in which psychics from many countries of the world participated, he received first place. Since then it has become incredibly popular. Proof of this is the horoscope for 2018 according to the signs of the Zodiac from Khayal Alekperov, which many want to see.

As the competitions of the seventh and tenth edition of the “Battle of Psychics” showed, this psychic has incredible foresight abilities. Let's hope that the horoscope provided to the public will correspond to reality and Khayal Alekperov will become even more popular not only in his homeland and Ukraine, but throughout the world.

Predictions by Zodiac signs


Representatives of this sign will have new opportunities. They will be in the right place at the right time. They will meet the necessary partners and will be able to engage in promising projects. However, you should not overestimate your capabilities. Don't take on too many problems at once. Otherwise, you will make mistakes, even in areas where you are a professional.

Aries will experience positive changes in their family life. Single representatives will be able to find a worthy match.

Constantly being busy can lead to nervous breakdowns, so it is necessary to rationally allocate time for work and rest.


The ingenuity of Taurus will help them achieve good results in their work. Success in career growth can be much more significant if you learn to give in to your colleagues at work. Also, don’t put off urgent matters until later.

Taurus will enjoy incredible success with the opposite sex. There will be plenty of romantic encounters. There is a chance to meet your ideal.

Regarding health, it is necessary to pay attention to the immune system.


At the beginning of the year there will be problems at work and in the financial sphere. However, by the middle of the year everything will improve and Gemini will be able to achieve the planned results.

Everything will be fine in family life if you share your thoughts with your other half as openly as possible. Understatement can cause conflicts.

There will be no health problems. Representatives of this sign will be overwhelmed with energy, which they will share with others. Try not to waste it on those who do not deserve you.


Everything will be great at work for Cancers. There will be no problems with finances either. You can think about a profitable investment.

In family terms, it will also be cloudless. Cancers will be able to resolve all controversial issues in relationships with their other half.

It will not hurt for representatives of this sign to work on their physical perfection. A swimming pool and a gym will help best in this regard.

You can also try to give up bad habits.

a lion

Leo's determination and assertiveness will give results. They will not lack finances. All planned goals will be achieved.

There will be changes in family life. Leos will most quickly give preference to family values ​​rather than careers. Representatives of this sign will be able to make peace with relatives.

Properly alternate between work and rest. Otherwise, you can develop chronic diseases.


Thanks to new acquaintances, Virgos will achieve success in their work and will be able to purchase expensive things. This could be a home or a car.

Family representatives of this sign need to pay more attention to the family. Lonely Virgos can meet their ideal. However, you should not look for it at noisy parties.

When it comes to health, you shouldn’t leave everything to chance. Otherwise, you will face heart problems.


The stars do not promise this sign easy victories. You will have to work hard for the slightest success. In the middle of the year, unexpected profits may appear.

In family life, try not to dominate. Remember that your partner also has the right to his position. Young Libras should not get ahead of the curve when establishing new relationships. Let the other half show itself too.

Eat right, otherwise you will have to burn excess weight through regular exercise.


In 2018, Scorpios will be able to find reliable partners who will help them achieve good results. Take care of new connections. You will still need them.

A complete idyll awaits you in your family life. Try to continue to maintain open and romantic relationships. Young Scorions need to be careful in choosing a partner. There is a possibility of disappointment.

Listen to your health. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor immediately.


As for a career, this sign will have to rely only on its own strength. There will be no manna from heaven. Nevertheless, Sagittarius will achieve their goals. Serious profits will appear in mid-summer.

Family relationships will be under threat. The reason for this may be the constant employment of this sign. To avoid complications, spend more time with your family. Go on vacation to young countries so as not to lose the last remnants of warmth and harmony.

If illnesses occur, do not self-medicate.


Career growth for this sign will begin only by mid-summer, so you should be patient and not despair too much. Capricorns will be able to take care of things that were left for later.

In family life, Capricorn will find new positive features that will strengthen the union. Lonely representatives of this sign can meet their fate.

When it comes to health, you need to pay attention to your skin. Sign up for a spa salon. This will help you always look your best.


Efforts in career growth will only yield results in the middle of the year, so in the first months you will have to start saving. At the end of the year, you will achieve your plans.

Problems may arise in family life due to the stubbornness of this sign. Try to surprise your partner with unexpected actions. This can help defuse tensions in the family.

In order not to lose your energy reserves, take everyday difficulties easier.


Successful career advancement can be hampered by work colleagues who will be jealous of your success. Try to share your plans less.

Family representatives of this sign may rejoice at the news of a new addition to the family. Lonely Pisces will experience a lull in their love life until spring.

In terms of health, you need to start a healthy lifestyle and stop overeating.

pplus 14th 2018 06:51 2075 0

2019 is the year of the Yellow Pig, which portends many joyful events for us. But to get them, you will have to try a lot. According to the calendar, this is the year of the earth element, so it should be fruitful and rich. And what do the stars portend for each zodiac sign in 2019 in matters of love, said Khayal Alekperov.
The beginning of the year does not promise Aries any fluctuations in their personal lives. She will be measured and quiet. And for family signs, this is a great time to resolve a disagreement with your significant other, plan a joint vacation, or deal with controversial everyday issues. The energy of the first ten days of the year contributes to the most peaceful resolution of all possible disputes and conflicts. But lonely hearts should not be discouraged. Use the quiet time to work on yourself. Since from the beginning of spring the stars promise you romantic encounters. The most successful period for important decisions in family and personal life is the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. At this time, you can safely plan weddings and moves.
In 2019, Taurus will look at many things from a different angle and decide to make drastic changes. And above all, this will affect their inner self and outlook on life. But you shouldn't take this with caution. Changes in your worldview and self-perception will have a positive impact on both your professional and personal activities. Relationships in married couples will become less conflicting, as Taurus will learn to react differently to what is happening. For lonely hearts, the stars will open up completely new horizons. Therefore, you can find love where you don’t expect it at all - be on your guard.
In 2019, the stars will push Gemini to understand themselves and their priorities. It is possible that personal life will come to the fore instead of a career. Closer to spring, single representatives of the sign should go out more often and agree to spontaneous invitations - this is where there is a high probability of meeting the love of their life. At the beginning of the year, married Geminis will face some difficulties in relationships with loved ones. Most likely, to maintain harmony in your relationship, you will have to take on more family responsibilities and give in more often in disputes.
The beginning of the year can bring minor disappointments to lonely Cancers. New acquaintances during this period are unlikely to be successful and will develop into great feelings. To protect yourself from mental torment, try to be more restrained and do not run ahead of the locomotive. Family signs should be especially careful about everyday issues - they will become the main stumbling block in your relationship with your partner. But the beginning of summer will be a wonderful period for new joint endeavors. For those who have not met their love, this time will bring radical and positive changes.
a lion
In 2019, Leos may be torn between professional issues and love affairs. And if in business and at work lost time can be made up for by working overtime, then in relationships with loved ones it is not so simple. To make your life harmonious, try to manage your time wisely and do not leave your loved one unattended. In the end, doing this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Warm family gatherings and pleasant surprises on your part will be enough.
In the sphere of personal relationships, 2019 promises Virgos new acquaintances and pleasant prospects. Representatives of this sign will have the opportunity to arrange their destiny or meet their soul mate. The main thing is to be more open and not miss your happiness by being bombarded with a mountain of affairs, professional responsibilities and household chores. Be that as it may, the patroness of the year, the Yellow Earth Pig, helps those who know how to not only work, but also relax.
In the area of ​​personal relationships, married Libras may have minor disagreements with their loved ones. Perhaps you and your partner will have completely opposite views on the same things. But the peaceful and calm energy of 2019 will not allow big scandals to flare up. The main thing is not to add fuel to the fire. For lonely hearts, the beginning of spring and mid-summer promise good luck in their personal lives. Try to look your best - a new acquaintance is just around the corner.
In 2019, Scorpios would do well to take a good look around. It is possible that the happiness that you have been looking for so long and diligently is just in front of you. We need to take a closer look. Most likely, lonely representatives of this sign will see their destiny in that person whom they have not noticed for a long time. As for married couples, this year will provide an excellent opportunity to enjoy family warmth, harmony and joint plans.
In the sphere of personal relationships, 2019 promises unexpected changes for representatives of this sign. Many married couples will have new priorities and values. And if, for example, previously Sagittarius worked hard and made investments in the professional sphere, now everyday, household concerns can come to the fore. Lonely Sagittarius should be more careful with new acquaintances at the beginning of the year - there is a high probability of disappointment. Therefore, do not rush to open your heart right away. Moreover, intrigue in a relationship only fuels passion.
Lonely Capricorns in 2019 can safely count on new acquaintances, which, among other things, will also become promising. And even if at first glance the person with whom you are starting a relationship does not give you crazy feelings, do not rush to draw conclusions, your views may change. Family representatives of this sign will face minor difficulties. They may be associated with raising children, where you will have to show temperament and, perhaps, even a strict disposition.
In love affairs, the stars promise positive changes to lonely Aquarius. On their way they may meet a person with whom they will connect their fate. The main thing is not to miss it while chasing illusory dreams. In their personal lives, family representatives of this sign should not pull the blanket over themselves. Allow your partner to take the initiative more often - and you will see that there will be significantly fewer quarrels and disagreements. And the peace-loving mistress of the year will contribute to this.
2019 is a great time to get rid of your shyness. The location of the celestial bodies will contribute to success, presenting you with significant meetings and opening the right doors for you. But for this you should not be afraid of risk. It's time to experiment with your image and style. This will not only fill you with inspiration, but will also add self-confidence, which you so often lack to start a conversation with a stranger you like. Family signs should not take on the role of first violin more often, because this will only strengthen your feelings.

The winner of the Ukrainian program “Battle of Psychics” Khayal Alekperov noted that for many zodiac signs November will be a calm month. Of course, there will be minor troubles, but nothing serious will happen.

Aries. In the first half of the month, your mood will be changeable, which is why it is better to refuse to make serious decisions. You can make a good profit that you didn't expect. True, despite the ease of getting money, you shouldn’t part with it just as easily: it’s better to avoid shopping.

Taurus. You can easily cope with tasks of any complexity: November will give you extraordinary energy and concentration. In the last month of autumn, you can safely experiment and take risks, for example, change your image or even your place of work.

Twins. Relationships with loved ones and relatives will proceed well, but at work you should not participate in gossip and verbal skirmishes, otherwise you may end up in extreme situations.

In November, feel free to conduct business negotiations, as they will bring a lot of useful contacts. Khayal also advises not to think too much about the possibility of going somewhere: a change of environment will only be beneficial.

Pleasant meetings that will have a beneficial effect on your personal life are not excluded. Therefore, you should not refuse proposed business trips, etc. In November, you can meet your soulmate.

Virgo. Because of stupid mistakes at work, you will seriously engage in self-education. Also, in the last month of autumn, romantic dates are possible, which will eventually develop into love.

Scales. To open new horizons, you need to believe in yourself. If you have a positive mindset, you will definitely achieve success in all areas of life. In the second half of November, watch your health, as problems are possible.

Scorpion. Finish what you start, and then you will definitely receive recognition at work. Lonely representatives of the sign may meet their soulmate.

Sagittarius. The stars promise good profits. Be careful with those around you: an envious person may be hiding behind the mask of a well-wisher.

Capricorn. If you are asked to make a choice at work, think carefully. This could be either a new project or a new position. Do not hesitate to consult with others.

Aquarius. There may be difficulties in your work, so take a responsible approach to completing assignments. Show your full working potential.

Fish. Go straight towards your goal to achieve career advancement. In your personal life, stars promise conflicts that can be partially avoided if you treat your loved ones carefully.

This month, many will experience positive changes, including love. However, illnesses and poor health may not allow you to give your best. One of the reasons will also be. Psychic Khayal Alekperov warned that on November 11, 15, 18 and 25 it is better not to overload yourself and rest more, writes Fakty.

Horoscope for November 2018: Aries

This month you will be more irritable and emotional than ever. To avoid possible problems with the nervous system, such as stress and insomnia, the stars strongly recommend that you rest more often and switch your attention: treat yourself to spa treatments or set aside an evening for your favorite hobby. Try to take time for yourself and your thoughts every day.

Horoscope for November 2018: Taurus

In November, Taurus should worry about strengthening their immune system. Colds and viruses can be an unpleasant addition to a fairly busy work schedule. Therefore, try to prevent the occurrence of possible troubles by sleeping well, consuming enough vitamins, proper nutrition and hardening.

Horoscope for November 2018: Gemini

This period is a great time for Gemini to take care of their health and appearance. Actions aimed at strengthening and cleansing the body will delight you with even better results than you expect. For example, those representatives of the sign who dreamed of losing or gaining weight will be able to successfully advance in this endeavor if they decide to make changes in November. So it's time to think about exercise and proper nutrition.

Horoscope for November 2018: Cancer

November does not promise Cancers problems with health and well-being. On the contrary, from the beginning of the month they will feel a surge of strength and energy. But the frivolity with which representatives of this sign often treat their health can play a cruel joke on them. If you, despite feeling unwell, take on many things at the same time, there is every chance of provoking an exacerbation of a chronic disease. Therefore, try to listen to yourself and not ignore the signs that your body gives you.

Horoscope for November 2018: Leo

During this period, Leos may overreact to the comments and criticism of others. And this is fraught with problems with the cardiovascular system. High blood pressure, angina pectoris and other dangerous diseases - all this can be a reaction to conflicts and quarrels with others. To avoid this, try to change your attitude towards what and how they tell you. Indeed, in most cases, you perceive friendly advice as a stone in your garden.

Horoscope for November 2018: Virgo

In November, Virgos should move more. Try to wake up earlier and go for a run or do exercises even when “I can’t”. Since the main problem may be problems with the spine and joints. Salt deposition, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis - this is not a complete list of ailments that can attack you this month if you don’t take care of yourself in time. Therefore, change your attitude towards yourself and your lifestyle now!

Horoscope for November 2018: Libra

A wave of fatigue and irritability during this period can cover the representatives of the constellation Libra, as they say, completely. First of all, they may accumulate questions about themselves in the form of dissatisfaction and constant harsh self-criticism. Hence - autoimmune processes, sleep disorders and problems with the endocrine system. To avoid this, try to devote more time to quality rest. Treat yourself to a leisurely walk after work, a delicious dessert, or just let yourself be lazy. Consider this a pleasant vaccination against self-dissatisfaction.

Horoscope for November 2018: Scorpio

During this period, Scorpios should take more care of their health - there is a high probability of exacerbation of chronic diseases. Do not ignore the first signs of poor health - get more rest and take time to prevent illnesses. At the end of the month, the stars promise considerable success in the fight against bad habits - it's time to quit smoking, give up junk food or change your lifestyle.

Horoscope for November 2018: Sagittarius

This month, representatives of this sign will find themselves in the center of attention of others, which promises them not only professional and personal success, but also a considerable amount of gossip and rumors around their person. Sagittarians endure this situation extremely hard, experiencing all the emotions within themselves. Decreased appetite and constant mental anguish can result in digestive disorders, gastritis and even ulcers. Therefore, try to take the words of others more easily. And don’t be afraid to talk about painful issues with your loved ones - it will become much easier for you.

Horoscope for November 2018: Capricorn

Active and cheerful Capricorns should be wary of all kinds of injuries, and especially in early November. Therefore, neatness, careful handling of household items and leisurely behavior should become your permanent habits. Colds are possible at the end of the month. And if you don’t want to quit the race at the most inopportune moment because of the flu, try to be proactive - dress for the weather and start hardening yourself.

Horoscope for November 2018: Aquarius

This period is a very good time for Aquarius to change their lives for the better and get rid of unnecessary ballast. The stars advise taking care of yourself and your health. All endeavors that relate to the prevention of chronic diseases, the fight against excess weight or bad habits will be successful. The main thing is to come to an agreement with yourself and discard laziness!

Horoscope for November 2018: Pisces

The stars promise a rather controversial and emotional period. Your mood may change several times in November. But no matter how much you want to escape from your worries and focus on your mental torments, you shouldn’t plunge headlong into the autumn spleen. There is a high probability that this will all end in depression. Therefore, it is better to prevent such a state with vivid emotions and new impressions. And under no circumstances allow yourself to sit within four walls.

Career and finance. Self-confidence, determination and the ability to make quick decisions will be Leo’s main trump card in the coming year. Such assertiveness will have a positive impact on your financial well-being - you will have many opportunities to increase your income.

beauty and health. This year, Leos should not skimp on investing in their health. Sports, healthy sleep and proper nutrition are essential things. Inattention to yourself can result in a serious exacerbation of chronic diseases, which can unsettle you at the most inopportune moment. At the first opportunity, you should have a good rest and improve your health!

Horoscope 2018: Virgo (24.08. – 23.09.)

Love and family. In their personal life, the year of the Yellow Earth Dog promises happy changes for Virgos. Many single representatives of the sign will be able to meet their love. Try not to refuse to attend fun events, noisy holidays - be in front of everyone. Married Virgos should devote more time to loved ones. The main reason for quarrels in the family may be your employment.

Career and finance. The coming year will bring many useful acquaintances and successful opportunities for Virgos. A positive outcome is expected in resolving housing and financial issues. And if you have already acquired the necessary amount of money, you can safely plan profitable investments or housing construction.

Beauty and health. When it comes to health, sensible and consistent Virgos for some reason rely on “maybe”. In 2018, this approach could lead to serious problems. This is especially true for blood circulation and the cardiovascular system. Take time for yourself and you will cost minimally emotionally and financially.

Horoscope 2018: Libra (24.09. – 23.10)

Love and family. The stars advise married Libras to more often give up the role of first violin to their partner. This will save you from possible conflicts and unnecessary proceedings. And it’s better for lonely signs to be less assertive. Your activity and desire to “run ahead of the locomotive” may scare away your new chosen one. Therefore, take your time and give your partner the opportunity to express himself!

Career and finance. In the professional sphere, the coming year does not promise easy victories for Libra. To climb the career ladder, you will have to work hard and prove your abilities to management more than once. Libra will be able to achieve success in their work closer to summer. As for finances, the situation here is positive. An unexpected profit is possible - winning the lottery or repaying debts that Libra did not even count on.

Beauty and health. At the beginning of the year, Libra may have minor problems with digestion and weight control. And if you don’t want to gain extra pounds, try to be proactive - stick to a diet and focus on sports.

Horoscope 2018: Scorpio (10.24 – 11.22)

Love and family. In family relationships, Scorpios will experience a wave of romance and positivity in the coming year. The stars advise representatives of the sign to be as frank as possible with their loved one. Believe me, your partner has been waiting for a long time for the ice to “melt” between you. Lonely hearts should be careful with new acquaintances at the beginning of the year - there is a high probability of disappointment.